Questions on the Integumentary System

I- Define:

- body membranes

- lamina propria

II- Mention in short

-groups of body membranes and example of each

-examples of epithelial membranes

-body systems which open to the exterior

-differences between mucous and serous membranes as regards location

-the specific names of the serous membranes you know

-sites where the serous membranes present

-functions of the skin

-names of cutaneous sensory receptors

-components of the integumentary system

-functions of subcutaneous tissues

-cells present in the dermis and function of each

-fibers found in the dermis and function of each

-the pigments that contribute to skin color

-appendages of the skin

-groups of skin glands

-some complications to obstruction of sebaceous glands ducts

-parts of the nail

-nail folds

III- Fill the following spaces with proper words

- epidermis is composed of------

- epithelial membrane always contain an underlying layer of connective tissue


-serous membrane is composed of two layers ,------and------

-serous membrane line body cavities that are ------to the exterior except------

-serous membrane layers are separated by------

-the deepest layer of epidermis is called------

-the ------layer is the only epidermal layer which receive good nutrition

-the only epidermal layer which receive nutrition by diffusion is------

-we have totally new epidermis every------

-all cutaneous glands are------glands

-sebaceous glands are found all over the body except ------and ------.It


-sebaceous glands become active during------

-the eccrine glands are important in------

-the apocrine glands are confined to ------and------

-the apocrine glands begin to function during------under the influence of------

-the part of the hair enclosed in the follicle is called------while that projecting

from the skin is called------

-the hair is pulled upright by------muscle

-all skin appendages are formed from------

-proximal nail fold is called ------

IV- True or False

- all epithelial membranes contain epithelial sheets

- urinary tract epithelium does not secrete mucus

- serous membrane is composed of several layers of simple squamous epithelium

- serous layers are separated by air

- synovial membrane contain no epithelial cells at all

- epidermis is avascular

- stratum germinativum always undergoes cell division

- black people seldom have skin cancer

- the dermis is abundantly supplied with blood

- sebaceous glands are oil glands

- sebum keeps skin soft and moist

- sebum prevents bacterial growth

- sweat is acidic

- eccrine sweat glands are present all over the body

-skin appendages are formed from the dermis

-nails are dead keratinized cells

-with aging skin looses its elasticity

-excessive exposure to sunlight may lead to cancer