1. Your name, phone number and email

2. Name of sanctioned event: Year?

3. Club name and location?

4. Club contact, phone number and email?

5. What dates do you propose for the regatta? (Note that the NAC must be sailed between mid-June and the 2nd week August.)

6. What are the normal wind conditions and daily low and high temperatures for that time of year?

7. Describe the racing area. What is the maximum length of a windward leg? The minimum? How far is the area from the docks? From the shore? Are navigation channels involved? Please provide a chart, in pdf format if possible.

8. Will it be necessary to tow boats to/from the sailing area under normal wind conditions?

9. How many dry-sailed boats can you accommodate? Wet-sailed?

10. How many boats can be tied up to docks in the launch area during the day?

11. How many hoists do you have? How many launch ramps?

12. Are there overhead power lines on the property that could possibly be dangerous to a boat with it’s mast up?

13. Describe any unusual features of the locale, such as the need to tow boats from the launch area to the dock area.

14. Describe parking that is available for cars. Can cars park near the boats? Is the boat parking area paved? Gravel? Grass?

15. Describe your Race Committee boat. Mark boats? Safety/Rescue boats (note-you must have a minimum of two, capable of righting and towing a swamped Flying Scot)? Spectator boats?

16. Is your club able to appoint a US-Sailing-certified PRO and one or more US Sailing-certified Judges? (These choices will be subject to approval by the FSSA’s National Championship Committee.)

17. Please list the people you are considering for PRO and Chief Judge. Give their qualifications and prior experience with large events.

18. What major sailing events has the club hosted in the last five years?

19. What housing is available to participants (motels, dorms, private homes, etc.)?

20. What are approximate nightly rates?

21. What is the estimated commute time from typical housing accommodations?

22. Can sailors tent camp at the club? Shower facilities?

23. Can sailors stay in motor homes at the club? Electricity?

24. Is there a nearby campground? Distance? Facilities?

25. What food will you provide during the event?

26. Is childcare available?

27. Describe local attractions available to non-racing family members.

28. Will the attendees be allowed access to all club facilities with ability to pay for services as appropriate, i.e. bar or kitchen?

29. Is smoking permitted in your clubhouse?

30. Is the clubhouse air-conditioned?

The following questions apply only to the NAC:

31. Describe facilities and process for hull and sail measurement.

32. Describe arrangements/facilities for the following:

Executive Committee Meeting (8-12 people)

Board of Governors Meeting (20-25 people)

Annual Meeting/Dinner (about 150 people)

Protest room facility

33. If your club is awarded this event, do you agree to use the Standard Forms as provided on this website when developing the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions all of which must be approved by the National Championship Committee (NCC) prior to publication?
