Organization Name

Grant ID#

Final Report Guidelines

Please submit your Final Report within 60 days of the end of your grant period. If the grant period was multi-year, the Final Report replaces the Annual Progress Report. When completing your Final Report, include all accomplishments and activities for the last year of the grant, as well as those for the entire grant period. If you have any questions, please contact your Program Officer/Grants Administrator.

The Final Report includes four components:

I.Summary Information

  • Report due date
  • Project name
  • Organization
  • Primary contact information
  • Grant amount/Months
  • Location of project activities
  • Name of person preparing report

II.Grantee Geography Reporting Request

III.Final Financial Report

Using the budget spreadsheet provided in your proposal, specify actual expenditures for the specified period for each line item. Please insert a column for actual expenditures, variance, percentage and unexpended funds. For variances that exceed 10% in either direction in the total cost category (i.e. Personnel) or if there are unexpended funds, please describe in section six of the narrative report.

IV.Final Narrative Report
  • Reports length should not exceed 20 pages
  • 12 pt font, 1” margins and single spaced; include page number in footer and organization name and Grant ID# in the header
  • Do not include appendices or attachments in your report unless requested by your Program Officer/Grants Administrator.
  • Please follow the guidelines provided on the following pages and use the numeral headings in your report

I.Final Report – Summary Information

Grant ID#:
Report Due Date:
Project Title:
Organization Name:
Primary Contact:

Last name


First name








Web site

Grant Amount (U.S. dollars): / Project Duration (months):
Geographic Location(s) of project:
Has this project been granted a no-cost extension? / If yes indicate extension date in parentheses
Report Prepared by: / Date Submitted: / mm/dd/yyyy

Organization Name

Grant ID#

II.Grantee Geography Reporting Request

  1. Geographic Location(s) of Work refers to all locations (country, and sub-region/state if known) in which work is being performed with funds from this grant. This includes locations in which sub-grantees or sub-contractors funded by this project are working. Please provide educated estimates for the location and the approximate amount, based on the total grant that has already been spent or is estimated to be spent in each location. For example: A $1,000,000 grant may reflect $400,000 spent and $200,000 yet to be spent in the United States and $100,000 spent and $300,000 yet to be spent in South Africa. If you have staff working in multiple locations, costs may be allocated to the location where they spend the majority of time. Please reflect the total grant amount, both spent and yet to be spent funds, in the space provided and add rows as necessary.

Geographic Location(s) of Work
(Country and Sub-Region/State if known) / Spent ($) / Yet To Be Spent ($) / Total Planned Spend ($)
Total Grant Amount / $
  1. Geographic Areas Served refers to all countries benefitting or intended to benefit from this grant. This is where the target population is located not where the work is occurring. Please provide educated estimates for the location and the approximate amount, based on the total grant, that is estimated to benefit each location. For example: A $1,000,000 grant may include field work in Kenya and research at the headquarters in the UK but the $1,000,000 grant is ultimately intended to benefit the people of Kenya. For India and China, include the names of states. “World” is an acceptable response if there will be broad public benefit or if the intended geography(s) are unclear. Pleasereflect the total grant amount in the space provided and add rows as necessary.

Geographic Area(s) Served
(Country, include States for India and China) / Benefit ($)
Total Grant Amount / $

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Geographic Location of Work

Where do I allocate overhead costs such as administrative, indirect, travel, general, etc?

Overhead costs should be assigned to the location where the project is being managed (i.e. headquarters)

Example: If $400k is going to a sub-grantee in Tanzania to purchase and distribute supplies (of which $50k has been spent), $600k is going to Kenya to perform a soil study (of which $200k has been spent), and $100k is allocated to manage the grant (of which $40k has been spent).

Geographic Location(s) of Work
(Country and Sub-Region/State if known) / Spent ($) / Yet To Be Spent ($) / Total Planned Spend ($)
Tanzania / $50,000 / $350,000 / $400,000
Kenya / $200,000 / $400,000 / $600,000
Washington DC (HQ) / $40,000 / $60,000 / $100,000
Total Grant Amount / $ 1,100,000

What if staff are working in multiple locations?

If staff are working across multiple locations, costs should be allocated to the location where they spend a majority of their time. If this is unclear, default to where the staff are based (e.g. Headquarters).

What if I don’t know where we will be working?

If an educated guess cannot be made at where work will be performed, funds should beallocated to theheadquarter location until the next reporting cycle when the location(s) become clearer.

Where should I assign work that has no specific location?

All non-specific activities should be allocated to the headquarter location.

Geographic Areas Served

Where do I allocate overhead costs such as administrative, indirect, travel, general, etc?

The same allocation percentage used to define the geography(s) served should be used for allocating overhead costs.

Example: If you have a $1.1M grant of which $400k will serveAfrica, $600k will serve Asia, and $100k is overhead, allocate the overhead as $40k to Africa (40%) and $60k to Asia (60%).

What if the benefiting geography(s) are unclear at this point?

The funds should be allocated to the lowest geographical denominator possible. If you are unable to specify country, region, or even continent, please allocate to “World”.

What if the geography(s) have been identified but the amount of benefit has not been determined?

If an educated estimate can’t be made on the allocations across the known geographies, then the funds should temporarily be spread evenly across the applicable geographies.

Geographic Area(s) Served
(Country, include States for India and China) / Benefit ($)
Tanzania / $500,000
Kenya / $500,000
Ghana / $500,000
Total Grant Amount / $ 1,500,000

What if the grant is not specifically intended to impact a particular geography (i.e. broad public benefit)?

Allocate the funds to the geography “World”.

Please contact your Program Coordinator or Program Officer if you have questions regarding geography reporting.

III.Final Report - Narrative

  1. Background & Rationale: Clearly and (if possible) quantitatively articulate the problem you addressed, including the magnitude, history, and causes of the problem.
  1. Goal &Objectives & Activities: Describe to what extent your project has achieved the goals and objectives outlined in your proposal. Please state each objective and answer the following questions:
  2. Briefly describe the activities carried out to meet the objective as described in your proposal.
  3. Briefly describe any proposed activities that were not completed according to the proposed milestones, the reasons they were not completed and the plans for carrying them out.
  4. If activities completed differ from your proposal what caused these changes?
  5. If there were additional accomplishments then expected, please describe them and explain what activities that led to these accomplishments.
  1. Accomplishments: List your top 5 accomplishments for this project.
  1. Impact: Describe what impact you believe the project had. Please provide evidence for all statements.
  1. Lessons Learned: What worked well and what did not? How have the outputs of this grant fed into your planning for future activities? What recommendations do you have for other organizations attempting similar efforts? These should be both project specific as well as broader lessons (i.e. best practices, cultural messages/attitudes, etc.) How will these lessons be disseminated to the public?
  1. Challenges: Discuss how you have addressed the anticipated challenges described in your grant proposal. Have there been any additional internal or external challenges? How were they addressed? Was/is there anything the foundation could have done to assist you?
  1. Post-Grant Plans: If these grant activities are to continue after the grant period how will they be sustained?
  1. Other Sources of Project Support: If applicable, did the project receive the anticipated support as outlined in the proposal? Have there been any additional sources of support for this project, including in-kind gifts such as FTE’s, lab work, equipment etc? Detail organization, amount/type, date received.
  1. Budget Variances: Please describe variances that exceed 10% in either direction in any total cost category (this does not apply to individual line items) for the entire project period. Please report on any interest earned on foundation funds during this reporting period as well as any remaining unexpended funds.


Appendix materials do not count against page limits. Please do not include additional appendices beyond the materials requested below unless specifically requested by program staff.

Appendix A: Project Objectives and Outcomes

Please see the attached table for guidance. If morefeasible for your organization, you may use an alternate presentation format to provide the required information.

Appendix B: Timeline

Please update the project timeline and milestone tables you provided with your original submission if appropriate.

Appendix C. Budget Spreadsheet

Using the “Total Budget” page of the final budget spreadsheet provided in your proposal, specify actual expenditures for the specified period for each line item. Please insert a column for actual expenditures, variance, and percentage. For variances that exceed 10% in either direction in the total cost category (i.e. Total Personnel, Total Supplies, Total Equipment), please describe in section seven of the narrative report.

Privacy and Confidentiality Notice

To help evaluate progress, Annual reports and associated materials submitted to the foundation (collectively, “Submission Materials”) occasionally may be subject to confidential external review by subject matter experts. The foundation recognizes that some grantees may provide Submission Materials containing confidential information. When Submission Materials contain trade secrets or other confidential information, the grantee must provide:

(a) Notice. Include a conspicuous notice on the front page of each applicable document, stating that the Submission Materials contain confidential information. For example:

This (annual report) contains confidential information, identified by bars in the margin. The confidential information is furnished to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in confidence pursuant to the foundation’s annual reporting guidelines.

(b) Bars: Such information should be identified by bars in the [right-hand/left-hand] margin next to the information. Such material may, at the written request of the Grantee, be deleted from any materials shared with external consultants for purposes of review of progress.

(c) Warranty. By submitting any Submission Materials, the grantee warrants to the foundation that they have the right to provide the information submitted to the Foundation.

Please consider carefully the information included in Submission Materials. If you have any doubts about the confidential or proprietary nature of any information, the foundation recommends you consult with your legal counsel. You may wish to consider whether such information is critical for evaluating progress, and whether more general, non-confidential information may be adequate as an alternative for reporting purposes. The foundation agrees to keep confidential any confidential information included in Submission Materials, provided it has been properly identified as required above.

The foundation may disclose all confidential information in Submission Materials in connection with evaluation (and funding, if applicable), including to external reviewers under terms of confidentiality, and as required by law. The obligation of confidentiality does not apply to any information that: (i)is or becomes publicly available without breach of confidentiality owed to the applicant; (ii)became known prior to disclosure of such information by the applicant; (iii)became known from a source other than the applicant without breach of confidentiality owed to the applicant; or (iv)is independently developed without use of any applicant’s confidential information.

Applicants with questions concerning the contents of their Submission Materials may contact the foundation Program Officer.

Key Terms

Activity: A task or process that uses inputs to produce a project’s output(s). Each major project activity should be identified clearly on the timeline and the budget worksheet.

Baseline: The situation prior to the start of the project. This can be used as a reference point against which the outputs and outcomes of the project are measured.

Indicator: Specific unit of information that measures aspects of a project’s performance.

Milestone: A significant point of achievement or development during the implementation phase of a project activity. Milestones must be measurable as subsequent funding disbursements may depend on reaching a milestone or milestones.

Objectives: The conceptual aim of the project; the condition that will exist when the project has been successfully completed. The objective should include the desired long-term impact or effect of the project that will result if the project’s outcomes are achieved.

Output: The work product or service (also called a ‘deliverable’) that results directly from a project activity.

Outcome: The measurable consequence of an activity and an output.

Scalability: The capacity of the approach used in a project to be readily expanded in the same location and/or replicated elsewhere at a large scale.

Sustainability: The capacity of an activity implemented in a project to continue after the project has been completed. To be sustainable, an activity must demonstrate that it will receive all needed operational (e.g. maintenance and spare parts) and financial (e.g.collection of adequate fees) support for the foreseeable future.

Vision of Success: Description of the desired state of the field in the future, where the number of years in the future is specified. This description should not be abstract - it should contain as concrete a picture as possible, and also provide the basis for formulating the proposed project and objectives.

Organization Name

Grant ID#

Appendix A - Objectives and Outcomes

Vision of Success:

/ Within 10 years, we have reduced by half the number of homeless people in our city

Project Objective 1:

/ To enable homeless people to get jobs and stay employed over the long-term
Activities / Targeted Outputs / Baseline / Progress
  1. Designed training program
  2. Hired staff to run the training program
  3. Conducted training programs
  4. Referred graduates for job placement
  5. Conducted post-placement training services
  • 20 staff trained
  • 1,000 of 1,100 participants graduated
  • 24 three-month training sessions conducted
  • 750 of 1,000 graduates receiving a job within 90 of days after graduation
  • Measurement tools and instruments developed
  • “Promising” and “best” practices identified & published
/ 0
0 /
  • 15 staff trained
  • 250 of 260 participants graduated
  • 3, three-month training conducted
  • 190 of 250 graduates received a job with 90 days after graduation

Targeted Outcomes / Baseline / Progress
  • 950 of 1,000 graduates obtain a job and stay employed for more than one year
  • 850 of 1,000 graduates are successful in finding a home within one year
  • 90% of students extremely satisfied with training program after 3 years since graduation
  • 5 other training facilities incorporating best practices
/ 0
0 /
  • 225 of 250 graduates obtain a job and stay employed for more than one year
  • 200 of 250 graduates are successful in finding a home within one year

Project Objective 2:

/ To expand affordable housing for the homeless
Activities / Targeted Outputs / Baseline / Progress
Targeted Outcomes / Baseline / Progress