Carr Middle School
Sixth Grade Policies and Procedures
Sixth Grade Teachers
Ms. Davis—Language Arts
Mr. Bradley—Language Arts
Mrs. Adams—Science
Mrs. Carter—Social Studies
Mrs. Atwa—Math
Mrs. Echols—Math
Miss Williams—Social Studies
If you wish to schedule a conference, please contact the front desk. The sixth grade teachers will conduct conferences as a team.
Homework assignments are given by each teacher. It is important that your child completes all of the assigned homework. Students should record daily homework assignments in their homework planners. Homework assignments are posted on the board daily. It is the student’s responsibility to copy their homework from the board. Each student will start each quarter off with a daily grade for Homework of 100. There will be a 5 point deduction for each missed or incomplete assignment.
Make-Up Work
Make-up work is only given for excused absences. A note stating the reason for the absence is required and should be brought to school within three days following the absence. Students are responsible for making sure they obtain the missed assignments from their individual teachers and complete the assignments within the given time.
*Refer to the Carr Student Handbook/Calendar for a list of reasons for excused absences. (Remember that all out of town trips or activities away from school during the school term MUST HAVE PRIOR APPROVAL in writing from Dr. Aarestad to be excused.)
Grading Policy for Core Subjects
Math, English, Science, & Social Studies
Grading Scale
90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
0-59 = F
Report Card Dates
October 15, 2015January 7, 2016
March 31, 2016
May 26, 2016
* Progress Reports will be sent home every 3 weeks
We expect all students to follow directions and do their best every day. The first full week of school will be spent going over expectations and verbally correcting infractions. The sixth grade teachers all work together. A demerit will be given for students who choose to not abide by the rules. The student will bring home the demerit, which will need to be signed by a parent and returned the following day. It will result in a loss of 5 or more points depending on the severity of the infraction from their conduct grade, which begins at 100. If the demerit is not returned signed the next school day, the student will be assigned silent lunch until the signed demerit is returned.
Consequences may include the following:
Be Respectful, Be Resourceful, Be Responsible
1st offense: Oral and/or visual warning
2nd offense: Conference with student
3rd offense: Demerit (5 pts. deducted from conduct grade)
4th offense: Parental conference
5th offense: Detention
6th offense: Referral
*Other consequences may include: loss of PBS privileges, silent lunch, seating change, referral to counselor, retract.
If your child’s conduct grade reaches a…
90/A then student-teacher conference and/or parent contact
80/B then parent-teacher conference request 70/C then parent-teacher conference request and referral to the school’s counselor 60/D then parent, teacher, and administrator conference request 59/F then office referral
*Any or all of these consequences may be employed according to the severity of the offense and the needs of the individual student.
Carr Middle School 6th Grade
Student Supply List for Core Subjects
Minimum 2GB Flash Drive· 8 composition notebooks
· Minimum of 3 glue sticks
· 1 box of colored pencils
· Pencils and pens (blue, red, black)
· 1 covered pencil sharpener
· 1 pencil pouch
· 4 packages of notebook paper…..replenish when needed
· 1 ream of white copy paper
· 3 boxes of Kleenex
· 2 rolls of paper towels
· 1 container of Clorox/Lysol wipes
· Pocket Thesaurus/Dictionary
· English to Spanish translation dictionary
· Black 3 prong folder for P.E.
· 3 Red 3 prong folders
· 2 bottles of hand sanitizer
Additional Recommended Supplies
Planner (homework planner)
Hand soap
1 package of page protectors (Social Studies scrapbook project)
*Please note that some of the school supplies will need to be replenished throughout the year. Certain teachers may require additional supplies; however, these will be used by both 6th grade teams.
Please fill out form, sign, and return.
Notice of Receipt
(Signature Form)
We appreciate your understanding the desire for our students to learn in a safe and structured environment. Please indicate below that you have received a copy of the following form:
_____ 6th Grade Level Policies and Procedures
Thank you for understanding and we look forward to serving as your child’s sixth grade teachers for the 2015-2016 school year!
I have read and understood the previously listed forms.
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Date
Student’s Signature Date