45.Employability Capital – Mr Chris Beukes, South Africa

45.1Key Issues

  • Due to high unemployment rates, school drop outs and the high number of orphans in South Africa, the youth are in desperate need of intensified support.
  • These youth need support in preparing them for the world of work.
  • One way to support these youth is through effective employability programs.
  • What are the skills required by the labor market?

45.2Labor Market

  • Education is not providing all the skills required by the labor market.
  • The first step in assisting these individuals is to help them understand what their work skills are.
  • Employees are saying that education is not preparing children for the world of work. We have an opportunity to teach learners for 12 years, but they are still leaving school unprepared.
  • Through an intensive 6 year empirical study, Christopher John Beukes has developed a comprehensive model of work skills. This model is based on organic growth and is person-centered.
  • It is called the Employabilitree.

45.3The Employabilitree

  • Roots – emotional skills. If someone applies to your company, their heart needs to be in it. They require confidence, mental toughness and intrapersonal skills.
  • Trunk – core skills including communication, basic skills, self management skills, physical skills, learning skills, reasoning skills, financial skills, teamwork skills, and enterprise skills.
  • Branches – within South Africa we have 21 sectors represented by SETA and there are specific skills required for that position.
  • Twigs – careers self management skills. How do you manage your career? How do you set goals for yourself? Once you have set the goals, how is action taken? Informal learning also takes place through the Web.
  • Leaves – feed the tree. The work that you do (both paying and non-paying). Performance appraisal takes place at work. Self-appraisal should also take place for one’s performance.
  • Fruit – the benefits you receive from the work you do. It is important to bear fruit.
  • Seeds - the part of tree which produces more trees.


  • It is up to the people with skills to impart those skills to others and to share knowledge. You do not have to engage in self-actualization, but when you do you become a better person.
  • Youth are feeling like they are not being supported
  • It is society’s responsibility to care and give to others who do not have opportunities.
  • Our citizens need to understand what makes them unique, and how to apply that uniqueness in gaining and maintaining meaningful employment.