Math 1300 Class Number 23946 Section 06 Fall Semester 2008
Self -Paced Intermediate Algebra
!!!This is a non-credit remedial course!!!
Access to the Internet is a requirement for this course.
It is the student’s responsibility to maintain and monitor a current email address.
See “Student Email Address” link on Instructor’s Homepage.
Instructor:Dr. Matthew J. O’Malley
Room 616 PGH
Email : (Best way to reach the Instructor!)
Instructor Homepage:
Teaching Assistant: Mr. Chiang –Office Hours for Help 345 PGH 4:00-5:30 TTh
Text:Available at no cost on-line (see link on Instructor’s Homepage).
Students may purchase, at a nominal cost, a hardcopy of the textbook
at the UniversityCopyCenter in the WelcomeCenter.
Exams: See Instructor’s Homepage link to“Homework and Exam Schedule”
for specific details.
1)Exams will follow and be very similar theHomework, Practice Exams
and the worked Examples in the Textbook.
2)No calculators, cell phones, blackberries, Ipods, etc. during EXAMS.
Calculators provide no benefit in this course and are NOT allowed.
3) There will be three Exams and three Practice Exams. SeeHomework
and Exam Schedule
Disabled : Disabled studentsshould bring their CSD Accommodation Form tothe
Instructor during the first week of class.Whenever possible, and in accordance
with 504/ADA guidelines, we will attempt to provide reasonable academic
accommodations to students who request and require them.
Please call 713-743-5400 or visit Center for Students With DisABILITIES
CSDBuilding #568, Room #110 for assistance.
See “Disabled Students” link on Instructor’s Homepage.
Homework: Homework is notgraded; however, you are expected to do it on your own
or with a study buddy. Also see “Tutoring”below.
Dropping: 1) The last time/day to Drop a course withoutreceiving a gradeis5 PM
Monday September 8,2008(Instructor signatureNOT required).
2) The LASTtime/day to DROPa course(Instructor signaturerequired).
is: 3 PMTuesday November 4,2008
“UniversityDropping Policy / Procedure” and “Dropping How-To” links
on the Instructor’s Homepage.
Tutoring: Mathematics Department tutoring is available free of charge and on a
daily walk-in basis inMathLab. Additional tutoring is available in
Learning Support Services, Teaching Assistant as well as extra-
Department sources.
See “Tutoring” link on Instructor’s Homepage
Changes: The Instructor reserves the right to make changes to this document and/or
course format with notification to students.
Incompletes: Incompletes assigned only when all University conditions are met.
(See “Incompletes” link on Instructor’s Homepage).
Grade Computation (Exam scores are in points-out-of-100):
!!!Look carefully at the placement of the “brackets” and “parentheses”!!!
Final Grade = (1/3)[Exam I + (1/10)(Practice Exam I)]
+ (1/3)[Exam II + (1/10)(Practice Exam II)]
+ (1/3)[Exam III + (1/10)(Practice Exam III)]
Also, you must score at least 50 points on Test III to receive a grade of “S”
There are only two assignable grades for this Non-Credit course……”S” or “U”
You will be permitted to enroll in Math 1310 College Algebra only if your
you are assigned a final letter grade of “S”.