Will Bush Director
Department of General Services
Will Bush was appointed as Director of DGS by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on June 20, 2007 after serving as Interim Director since January 2007. As Director, Mr.Bush oversees California’s multibillion-dollar real estate assets, purchasing systems, service agreements, publishing activities, telecommunication services and transportation programs, school board allocations, claims adjudication, administrative hearings, insurance and risk management policies, in addition to building planning and design policy.
Prior to this appointment, Mr. Bush served as Undersecretary of the State and Consumer Services Agency (SCSA) from March of 2006. At the SCSA, Undersecretary Bush oversaw the activities of the Departments of Consumer Affairs; General Services and Fair Employment and Housing; Franchise Tax Board; Public Employees’ Retirement System; State Personnel Board; State Teachers' Retirement System; California Science Center; Fair Employment and Housing Commission; Department of Technology Services; Building Standards Commission; California African American Museum; Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board; and the Office of the Insurance Advisor.
Prior to these appointments, Mr. Bush served as Assistant Executive Officer and Interim Executive Officer of the California Franchise Tax Board. At the Franchise Tax Board, Mr. Bush was responsible for operations, enterprise technology, taxpayer information systems, taxpayer services, public affairs, and audit activities.
During over 30 years of public service, Mr. Bush has helped spawn important innovations, such as the alternative procurement process whereby the “best value” for California is assured. He was also the driving force in bringing improvements in technology and customer service to the Franchise Tax Board through expanded Web-based customer services, including CalFile, Direct Deposit, and Web Pay.
Mr. Bush has a B.A. in business administration/accounting from California State University, Sacramento. He is also a graduate of the State & Local Executive Institute, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of California - Berkeley.