1 / Hilltop / 3.0 / 3.0 / 00:24 / 07:24 / 00:37 / 08:40 / 00:40 / 08:40
2 / Encampment / 3.9 / 6.9 / 00:50 / 07:50 / 1:30 / 09:36 / 1:35 / 09:35
3 / Hilltop / 4.2 / 11.1 / 1:22 / 08:22 / 2:20 / 10:29 / 2:25 / 10:25
4 / Old Mill / 5.6 / 16.7 / 2:06 / 09:06 / 3:40 / 11:52 / 3:45 / 11:45
5 / Old Mill / 3.9 / 20.6 / 2:34 / 09:34 / 4:45 / 13:00 / 4:45 / 12:45
6 / North Shelter / 4.6 / 25.2 / 3:10 / 10:10 / 5:50 / 14:08 / 5:50 / 13:50
7 / Hilltop / 3.0 / 28.2 / 3:34 / 10:34 / 6:35 / 14:56 / 6:35 / 14:35
8 / Encampment / 3.9 / 32.1 / 4:02 / 11:02 / 7:40 / 16:06 / 7:40 / 15:40
9 / Hilltop / 4.2 / 36.3 / 4:35 / 11:35 / 8:55 / 17:28 / 8:55 / 16:55
10 / Old Mill / 5.6 / 41.9 / 5:23 / 12:23 / 10:15 / 19:00 / 10:20 / 18:20
11 / Old Mill / 3.9 / 45.8 / 5:53 / 12:53 / 11:30 / 20:10 / 11:30 / 20:30
Finish / North Shelter / 4.6 / 50.4 / 6:28 / 13:28 / 13:00 / 21:00 / 13:00 / 21:00
Predictions for June 8, 2013
Sunrise: 05:29, Sunset: 20:42
Prior 10-Year Max Temperature: 91 F
Average Max Temperature: 77 F
Cut-Offs and Dropping Out
50 miles is a long way and a lot can unravel on race day despite your fitness and predictions. We’ve established cut-off times to insure that you’re moving through consistently on 13 hour pace, assuming that you’ll slow a bit as you go. Looking at section 1’s cutoff of 40 minutes for 3 miles, and given a steep then steady climb in the back half may seem a bit of a stretch for some. However if you’re not able to hit 40 minutes for this section you will not finish under 13 hours. Beyond 20:00 the dense woods can get pretty dark and park policy is to have you off the trails prior to nightfall. I hope that every entrant finishes feeling great. If an entrant is to miss a cutoff they understand in registering that they will be formally pulled from the event, receiving a DNF in the results at the AS of cutoff. We will make attempts to return those entrants to the start when able but they understand that at that point they are outside of the formal supervision of the event. Event volunteers reserve the right to additionally both delay and pull entrants from the event if they feel the entrant does not appear in sound physical or mental standing. Any entrant DNF’ing due to missing Cut-Off’s or per their own decision must surrender their race number to AS personnel. Any entrant not surrending number and informing AS’s of DNF status will not be permitted back in future years.
Aid Stations
The event is well aided w/ stations averaging approximately 4 miles apart. Every Aid Station will have GU Brew, GU Gel/Roctane, Water, Soda, pretzels, and typical fair that might include fruit, sandwiches, potatoes, candy, etc…in addition to duct tape and a basic medical kit. If you require specific dietary items, i.e. Gluten Free, let us know and we’ll do our best to accommodate. The event will not provide medical items including Ibuprofen or similar items. Medical supervision may not be present at Aid Stations. Entrants in registering acknowledge adequate foresight of event requirements and associated fitness as well as specific individual gear planning as needed.
Drop Bags
The event will take drop bags to the Old Mill and Encampment AS’s, and entrants are additionally able to leave items at the North Shelter midway point. We’ll do our best to keep them sorted and arriving in timely fashion. Entrants should understand that despite our best intentions on occasions bags may be mixed up or delayed and that they should not rely on drop bags. Drop bags will be returned at the conclusion of the event on Saturday night, or when aid stations are closed (Encampment at 14:40 and Old Mill at 18:30). Please do not inquire re: having them returned sooner. Drop bags not collected by Saturday night may not be returned/may be discarded. If other arrangements are made to mail them to entrants shipping costs will be paid by the entrants.
Pre-Requisites to Registration
The course can be technical at points. There are stream crossings, roots, rocks, cliffs, the potential for temperature extremes, etc… In order to insure that entrants know what they’re getting themselves into and are qualified for the challenge pre-requisites will be in place. Those entrants considered qualified must indicate having accomplished any one of the following:
- 100 Mile Trail Finish
- 100K Trail Finish in under 18 hours
- 50 Mile Trail Finish in under 15 hours
- 50k Trail Finish in under 7 hours
- Trail Marathon Finish in under 6 hours
- Road Marathon Finish in under 5 hours
Exceptions may be granted on a case by case basis and per the sole opinion and approval of the R.D. and where the event has not reached capacity.