Project Code: P1.2/GBOT

Sponsoring Team: Education and Youth

Publication Date: November 2016 (Version 2)


Section 1 Completing the Application Form 3

Section 2 Application Guidance 4

Section 3 Application Form 7

Part A: Pre-qualification questionnaire 7

Part B: Information – not scored 10

Part C: Your Proposal 18

Part D: References 45

Part E: Form of Grant Agreement, Certificatate of Bona Fide Application Form

& Declaration 46

Part F: Scores avaliable by question 50

Section 1 - Completing the Application Form

Please read all of the questions carefully.

Read the 2014-20 London European Structural & Investment Funds (ESIF) Strategy for London[1] to ensure your project is in line with the wider policy context.

If you are applying for more than one project, complete a separate application for each project.

Each project must only address one Specification.

Carefully consider the objectives and requirements of the relevant Specification (applications will be appraised and scored against this).

Ensure statements are clear and full.

Do not assume assessors will be familiar with your organisation

Do not exceed the word or space limit as text beyond the word limits will not be scored.

Do not leave any sections blank.

Ensure that you provide the information asked for in the correct place in the application form. Any answers relating to a particular question, but spread throughout the application, will be disregarded and will not be scored at the assessment stage.

All parties involved in the bid must be named on the application form.

Parts A and B do not attract any score, but the information that you provide in these questions is important to the GLA, and without the answers we will not be able to progress your application.

Part C is scored, and the percentage allocated to each section in Part C, and to each sub-section in Part C, are shown in Part F the table on page 50.

You must complete the Form of Grant Application, Certificate of Bona Fide Application Form and Declaration in Part E on page 46.

Each question includes a series of statements that inform you of what should be included in your answer. Please cover all of the statements as thoroughly and concisely as you can. Each statement will attract marks towards your overall score, so in order to achieve the maximum marks available, each statement must be addressed.

Ensure that you answer each question, and that the answer that you give relates to each specific question only. Marks will not be allocated to answers that are included in the space for one question when they relate to another elsewhere in the document.

When a question asks ‘why’ you think your approach is appropriate, you may wish to consider, as appropriate, either (i) using examples from delivery you have previously been engaged in, or (ii) referring to research or examples of work carried out elsewhere.

Applicants should note that answer box sizes are restricted, so your answer must be able to be seen in order to be scored. Where more than one page is available for an answer, a new box starts at the top of the next page. Please ensure that you continue you answer on subsequent pages and that all of the wording is clearly visible. All answers must be typed using Arial font, point size 10, and should be saved in Microsoft Word in a version no later than 2003.

The information required in FUNDING AND TARGETS questions (i), (ii), (iii) and Section 2 should be obtained from the Payment Trigger Calculator (PTC). Where there are differences between the information contained in this Application Form and the PTC, the information contained in the PTC will be used as the basis of the scores awarded during the assessment of the Application. Therefore please ensure that the contents of the Application Form and PTC agree where relevant.

Section 2 - Application Guidance


Applicants must provide all documentation for each grant offer they wish to apply for. Single applications for more than one grant offer will not be considered for support.

All information supplied by the GLA in connection with applications shall be treated as confidential and shall not be disclosed to any third party without prior written consent of the GLA, except where that information needs to be disclosed to obtain advice, sureties, insurance guarantees and quotations required to prepare and submit your application in which case applicants must obtain corresponding confidentiality undertakings from the parties to whom such information is disclosed for that purpose.

All entries must be type written and must be in the English language.

It is the responsibility of the applicants to obtain for themselves, at their own expense, any additional information necessary for the preparation of their application. It is important that you complete all of the forms required for this application

Failure to submit any of the documents listed in section (iii) and (iv) may mean that your application will fail and will not go forward for scoring.

If applicants submit versions of the Application or Payment Trigger Calculator that vary from each other, your application will fail and will not be considered further.

Application Timetable and Guidance

Process / Dates / Guidance
Full application form and guidance released / 11 November 2016 / Applicants
Opportunity to ask questions / 11 November 2016 to 14 December 2016 / If questions are submitted, they must be sent by email (no other medium will be accepted) to:

Questions submitted by 16:00 hrs on the Wednesday of each week will have responses posted by 17:00 hrs on the following Friday on the GLA CFO ESF website
The GLA cannot advise applicants about the answered required to be submitted.
All questions submitted and answers provided will be available to be viewed by all applicants.
Submission of full application / 23 December 2016 / All copies of documentation required with the full application should be inserted into a single zipped folder and saved following the naming convention on page 6.
Documents submitted after 16:00 hrs will not be accepted.


Each section within Part C of the application form carries a weighted score, which indicates the maximum score for each section. A maximum score will only be given if a scorer considers that all elements of a question have been answered satisfactorily and qualitatively.

Therefore applicants must provide as much information as possible on their proposed project, while ensuring that they make themselves aware of the space restrictions being imposed by the GLA for each answer.

Whilst innovative approaches are encouraged, applicants must ensure that they can deliver against all mandatory requirements, Where suggested key stages are not to be included, applicants must give a clear description of their proposed approach, clear explanations as to why their methodology an d approach should be considered, and where possible, give evidence that substitutes their argument.

The application will ask series of questions concerning:

Value for money

The GLA will look to award a score for this section of the application based on the volume of both outputs and results achieved for the funding requested, and based on the complexity and perceived cost of the activities offered as part of the beneficiaries’ journey to achieving a sustained result.

Project Methodology

The application must describe the range of activities that the project will offer its participants, and must explain how the proposed outputs and results will be achieved. The methodology must highlight how the activities will be undertaken and must include your approach to and the use of delivery plan and an explanation of why your chosen approach is the most appropriate for the client group.

Cross Cutting Themes and policies

The applications must explain how you will ensure that your policies are effectively communicated to your staff, partners and participants during the lifetime of the project, and how they specifically align with sustainable development and gender equality and equal opportunities of the programme.

Project Team and Resource Planning

The applicant must give details of their delivery team, including sub-contractors, explaining their role(s) and details of relevant experience and /or equalisations, as well as their successes in regard to managing projects that have delivered similar outputs and results. References (to be provided in section 6) from funding bodies will be required to verify any claimed proportions of agreements delivered, unit rates maintained or volumes of results achieved. Track record in regard to any projects delivering similar results and results, or delivering to similar client groups must be stated.

Opportunity to ask questions

Any questions relating to the application must be submitted to the GLA via email to . Questions submitted via other media will not be permitted. All questions and their answers will be posted on the GLA website in order to inform all applicants. Please see the ‘Opportunity to ask questions’ section in the table above for further information.

The GLA cannot advise applicants about the answers they intend to submit regarding their specific project proposal in their Full Application.

Submission of Applications

Applications must be submitted electronically via email to . A zipped folder should be created and, where possible, all documentation should be inserted; to include all documentation listed in Part B (iii) [Due Diligence Documentation] and Part B (iv) [Other Documentation] of this application form. The folder should be named using the following naming convention: Specification Reference Number _Your Organisation Name. If two or more folders are required, please also include a folder number after your Organisation Name. The email with the embedded zipped folder(s) must state “I confirm that the documents included in this email are true and accurate records, and that I am authorised by the bidding applicant to submit them on behalf of (Organisation Name), [Name of sender], [Position in the Organisation]”.

If more than one version of any document is sent, the GLA will only accept the final version submitted by the deadline.

The closing date for submission of applications and all accompanying documents is 23 December 2016.

Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.


PART A: Pre- Qualification Questionnaire

All questions must be answered. A ‘Yes’ or No’ answer is required for all mandatory questions and if an

incorrect response is provided for a mandatory question, your application will not be considered further.

Mandatory Question / Enter Yes or No
1.  During the last 12 months, have you met the terms of your banking facilities and loan agreements? / Y
2.  During the last 12 months, has your organisation met all of your obligations to pay your creditors and staff? / Y
3.  The GLA can only pay its Grantees via the BACS system. Can you receive payments by BACS, or will you be able to by the time the delivery period starts? / Y
4.  Do you have monitoring systems in placethat adhere to the requirements of the Equality Act (2010) for;
1. Age
2. Disability
3. Gender reassignment
4. Pregnancy and maternity
5. Race
6. Religion or Belief
7. Sexual Orientation
8. Sex
9. Marriage and Civil partnership (only if you are a public authority) / Y
5.  Do youhave equality policiesthat address the requirements arising from the Equality Act (2010) for;
1. Age
2. Disability
3. Gender reassignment
4. Pregnancy and maternity
5. Race
6. Religion or Belief
7. Sexual Orientation
8. Sex
9. Marriage and Civil partnership (only if you are a public authority) / Y
6.  Does your organisation have a Health & Safety Policy that is reviewed at least every 12 months? (If you have fewer than five employees, please answer ‘yes’) / Y
7.  Please read the GLA’s Due Diligence guidance in section 3 of the prospectus. Can you confirm that you have provided all of the required documentation? / Y
8.  Can you and your partners demonstrate experience of having developed and delivered projects re-engaging young people into education, employment or training and have you provided a reference to support this in Part D (page 45) / Y
9.  Can you demonstrate evidence of having developed and delivered projects which link with a] educational organisations and b] employers and have you provided a reference to support this in Part D (page 45) / Y
10.  If you will offer accredited training, will you be able to provide the most recent Ofsted reports for the courses you will deliver? / Y
11.  Is your organisation or any of its directors/partners/proprietors in a state of bankruptcy, insolvency, compulsory winding up, receivership, composition with creditors, or subject to relevant proceedings? / Y
12.  Please confirm that you have read the situations set out in Regulation 23 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (found at and confirm that they do not apply to you; / Y
13.  Please confirm that this grant application will remain open for a minimum of 120 days from the date that it is received by the GLA; / Y
14.  Please confirm whether you have read the information contained in the Grant Offer Specification and Prospectus; / Y
15.  Please confirm whether you have specifically read the information contained in Section 4 of the Prospectus (Conditions of Applying); / Y
16.  Please confirm you and your partners have read the information on the Employability Performance Calculator: / Y
17.  Do you have a project specific Sustainable Development Policy and Implementation Plan in place, or if you do not have a project specific Sustainable Development Policy and Implementation Plan at the time of submitting your application, can you confirm that you will have one by the time delivery starts on your project?? / Y
18.  Do you have a project specific Equality Policy and Implementation Plan in place, or if you do not have a project specific Equality Policy and Implementation Plan at the time of submitting your application, can you confirm that you will have one by the time delivery starts on your project? / Y
19.  Does your organisation have a Safeguarding Policy? / Y
20.  Successful applicants will be required to ensure that Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks are undertaken for all persons (including volunteers) (as considered) reasonable in line with Governmental Guidance; including (without limitation) the personnel of sub- contractors and/or sub-grantees, who are required to work with children (under the age of 18) or vulnerable adults as part of their project.
Please confirm that, if successful, you will carry out DBS checks on all staff, including those of sub-grantees/contractors, who will have direct contact with project participants who children (under the age of 18) or vulnerable people adults? / Y
21.  Does your organisation have a Data Protection Policy that meets the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998? / Y
22.  The ESF programme must be wholly accessible for persons with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities. Where applicable, will you make reasonable adjustments to ensure access for disabled participants to pre- employment support? / Y
23.  Do you agree to provide the Greater London Authority with Project and Participant Case studies on a regular basis (every three months) / Y
24.  If applicable, would your ultimate holding company be prepared to guarantee your contract performance as its subsidiary (if not applicable, please answer ‘yes’) / Y
25.  In the last three years have you had any contracts terminated for poor performance, or any contracts where damages have been claimed by the client? If yes, please explain in the space provided. / N
If you have had any contracts terminated for poor performance or any contracts where damages have been claimed by the client in the last three years, please explain why here.