Dear Parent,
This year Darling Downs and Region is hosting the Queensland School Sport 15Years Under Basketball Championships in Toowoomba from 25-28 July and families willing to billet visiting children are required. The event will be conductedat the Clive Berghofer Recreation Centre, USQ, Baker Street and St Mary’s Clive Berghofer Arena, Herries Street (Sunday 28 July).
Team members will require billeting for the nights of 24, 25, 26 & 27 Julywith students arriving in Toowoomba on Wednesdayafternoon at the Clive Berghofer Recreation Centre, USQ.
A brief outline of the competitors’ timetable follows:
WEDNESDAY 24 JULYTeams arrive at the Clive Berghofer Rec Centre, USQ, Baker Street
Families to collect billets at 4.00 p.m.
THURSDAY 25 JULYDeliver BILLETS to Clive Berghofer Rec Centre at 7.30 a.m.
Collect Billets from Clive Berghofer Rec Centre from 5.30 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.
FRIDAY 26 JULYDeliverBILLETS to either Clive Berghofer Rec Centre at 7.30 a.m.
Collect Billets from either Clive Berghofer Rec Centre from 5.00 p.m.
SATURDAY 27 JULYDeliverBILLETS to either Clive Berghofer Rec Centre at 7.30 a.m.
Collect Billets from Clive Berghofer Rec Centre from5.00 p.m.
SUNDAY 28 JULYDeliver BILLETS to either Clive Berghofer Rec Centre or St Mary’s College Clive Berghofer Arena at 7.00 a.m.
Teams Depart for home in the afternoon
Note: The venue for Sunday 28 Julywill be determined on the draw for the players. Families will be informed which venue they are required to be dropped off for Sunday morning.
You would be aware that Education Queensland and The Commission for Children and Young People has introduced new policies and procedures relating to child protection to protect the welfare of students.
The obligation of host families will include:
(1)Collection of billets on Wednesday 24 July
(2)Travel to and from the venue
(3)Evening meals & breakfast - canteen will be operating for students to purchase lunch
(4)Provide a safe and secure environment for the student.
Each visiting team member will have been given a team members Code of Behaviour by which he must abide. Failure to do so will be dealt with by team managers immediately. While a guest in your home, visitors are expected to fit in with the family routine.
If you are able to accept a billet/s, please complete the attached form and return it to the billeting officer at your school BY WEDNESDAY 19 JUNE 2013.
If you have any further enquiries, please contactMr Wayne Beeston - Regional Sports Officer 4617 8392 Mobile 0419 731 493
Yours sincerely,
School Sports Officer – Darling Downs Region