Supervisory Panels
PhD students in LAEL have two supervisory panels, a pre-confirmation panel and a post-confirmation panel. These panels are formative assessments: their primary purpose is to support you in developing your ideas and successfully completing your PhD.
What are supervisory panels?
There are two supervisory panels, a pre-confirmation panel and a post-confirmation panel. These panels are formative assessments: their primary purpose is to support you in developing your ideas and successfully completing your PhD within the allowed timeframe.
Who are your panel members?
Each panel is comprised of a panel member, your supervisor and you. Generally speaking, your panel member is someone familiar with your research area, but not as familiar as your confirmation panel member.
Who decides who will sit on your panels?
You and your supervisor will discuss who might be your panel member and arrive at a decision together.
When should you start planning for your panels?
Your panels should be discussed in the context of your regularly scheduled supervision meetings. If your supervisor hasn't raised the topic, you can.
When are they held?
Full time students are expected to hold their pre-confirmation panel no later than one year after they begin their studies; part-time students’ panels are held no later than 24 months after beginning. Part-time Thesis and Coursework students generally hold their pre-confirmation panel during their second July residential.
Department policies state that full-time students MUST have their post-confirmation panel no later than 32 months after commencing their studies. For part-time students, these panels must be held no later than 48 months after commencing their studies.
Who makes the arrangements?
Your supervisor makes the arrangements for these panels.
Pre-confirmation panel
The Postgraduate Research Code of Conduct states that by the end of the first year of study (2 years for PT), PhD students should aim to have defined their area of research, have become acquainted with the background knowledge required and the relevant literature, and have a framework for the future progress of their research, including a timeline for completion. The pre-confirmation panel focuses on these areas.
Panel objectives
The pre-confirmation panel aims:
- to provide a critical friend who brings another perspective toyour PhD research project.
- to ensure a reasonable timeline exists for reaching confirmation.
- to assess the current development of an appropriate academic voice.
- to identify potential and/or existing issues with the supervisory relationship for either the supervisor or the student.
You must prepare two documents for your pre-confirmation panel.
- A four page document that briefly describes your research project. This will usually include: a brief summary of the theoretical framework, your research questions, and a rough description of the research design (data collection and analysis). The document may also include a description of any problems that have interfered with progress on your project and/or a list of questions you want to discuss with your panel member.
- A 5,000-word academic paper with comments by your supervisor. If you are a Thesis and Coursework student, you will use a coursework paper. If you have not written a piece of coursework during your PhD studies at Lancaster, then you will write a 5,000 word paper directly relevant to your proposed research (e.g. a literature review).
Your supervisor must also complete the pre-confirmation panel – supervisor form. All three documents should be submitted to your panel member NO LATER THAN one week before the panel. The panel member has the right to postpone the panel if the documents are not sent in time.
The panel
The pre-confirmation panel member leads the panel discussion. The majority of time will be devoted to discussing the research project. After this discussion is brought to a close, your supervisor will be asked to leave the room and your panel member will have a confidential discussion about the extent to which you are satisfied with the quality of your supervision. In the event of serious concerns, the panel member will ask permission to discuss the matter with the appropriate Director of Studies.(Note: If you are supervised by the Director of Studies for your PhD programme, you may also elect to have your issues discussed with the Director of the other PhD programme.) The checklist may be completed at the beginning or end of the panel.
Panel report
After the panel is completed, you write a one-page report summarizing the panel discussion but excluding any confidential comments regarding supervision. The report should be written within 48 hours of the panel.
- After writing the report, send it to your supervisor for comments and discussion.
- After you and your supervisor have agreed on the report’s contents, send the document to your pre-confirmation panel member.
- The pre-confirmation member reviews the document for accuracy and to ensure key points and/or action steps are appropriately prioritized. The panel member may request changes to the document.
- Once the pre-confirmation panel member is satisfied with the report, the supervisor submits it and the supervisory panel – record of completion form to the appropriate coordinator.
Official records
The supervisor is responsible for submitting the report, the pre-confirmation checklist and supervisory panel form to the programme coordinator. The panel is not officially completed until these documents have been received.
Pre-confirmation checklist
In order to comply with university regulations, the following checklist must be completed during the panel. Please confirm the following:
The student has completed an approved induction programme.The student has completed a Developmental Needs Analysis (DNA) and discussed it with their supervisor.
The student has completed and/or is currently completing appropriate training and/or coursework.
Completed a viable research proposal or plan of work approved by the supervisor. (Note: The 4-page document may serve as appropriate evidence.)
The student and supervisor have agreed to an appropriate time frame for confirmation and completion.
Pre-confirmation Panel – Supervisor Form
Student Name:Supervisor Name:
Locates and identifies relevant literature.
Provides clear explanations of relevant concepts.
Supports critique with appropriate evidence.
Understands methodological implications of their theoretical framework and research questions.
Summarizes accurately.
Synthesizes ideas from multiple sources.
Quotes judiciously.
Organizes effectively.
Communicates clearly.
Follows appropriate style conventions.
Organizational Skills
Establishes and adheres to reasonable deadlines.
Schedules and attends regular meetings.
Prepares requested documents before meetings.
Follows up on agreed actions without prompts from supervisor.
Proposes alternatives as well as identifies problems.
Post-confirmation panel
The primary purpose of the post-confirmation panel is to ensure you will complete your thesis according to the timeline proposed at the confirmation panel, and to provide assistance and feedback in cases where this timeline is no longer feasible.
Panel objectives
The post-confirmation panel aims:
- to ensure the organization of the thesis is carefully planned, as evidenced in the abstract and completed table of contents.
- to ensure a reasonable timeline exists for submitting the thesis prior to the maximum date for completion.
- toassess whether potential obstacles to timely completion have been identified and accounted for in the timeline.
- toprovide advice, where appropriate, on managing the final stages of writing and submitting the thesis.
You must prepare four documents for your post-confirmation panel.
- A thesis abstract (300 words).
- A detailed table of contents.
- A timeline for completion.
- A one-page summary of progress since the confirmation panel.
- A list of issues you would like to discuss at the panel.
The documents should be submitted to your panel member NO LATER THAN one week before the panel. The panel member has the right to postpone the panel if the documents are not sent in time.
The panel
The post-confirmation panel member leads the panel discussion. The majority of time will be devoted to discussing how you will manage the remaining work on your thesis.
Panel report and official records
The supervisor submits the supervisory panel – record of completion form along with the abstract, table of contents, timeline and progress summary to the appropriate coordinator, at which time you will have officially completed your post-confirmation panel.
Supervisory Panel
Record of Completion
Student Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Student Number: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Supervisor: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Panel: ……………………………………………..Pre-confirmation panel
………………………………………………..Post-confirmation panel
Panel Date: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Panel Member: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
As per the attached documents, the above-named student has completed a supervisory panel in accordance with university and departmental policy.
Supervisor’s Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Date: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….