Title I, A Basic / Out of state travel costs / Out-of-state travel costs are allowable. Out-of-state travel costs should be minimal, reasonable and necessary to meet the intent and purpose of the grant program.
Out-of-state travel will require a written justification form. To access the out-of-state travel justification form, refer to the Administering a Grant page.
Title I, A Basic / Travel Costs for Executive Director, Superintendent, or Board Members / Travel costs for officials such as the executive director, superintendent, or board members may not be funded under the grant program until further guidance is available from USDE.
Title I, A Basic / Field Trips / Field trips may be funded under the grant program with the following conditions:
- is identified in the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA);
- is included in the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP);
- is allocable, reasonable, and necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of the grant program;
- includes an instructional activity or activities that cannot be conducted through interactive activities in the classroom or on campus;
- will result in a positive impact on student achievement;
- includes instruction that addresses the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS); and
- includes an evaluation of the field trip that measures the impact on student achievement.
Title I, A Basic / Hosting or Sponsoring a Conference / Conferences may not be hosted or sponsored under the grant program until further guidance is available from USDE.
Title I, A Basic / Cost of Membership in any civic or community organization / The cost of membership in any civic or community organization may not be funded under the grant program
Title I, A Basic / Advisory Council / An advisory council may not be funded under the grant program.
Fund / Specific Item of Cost / Allowable / Not-Allowable
Migrant / Out of state travel costs / Out-of-state travel costs are allowable. Out-of-state travel costs should be minimal, reasonable and necessary to meet the intent and purpose of the grant program.
Out-of-state travel will require a written justification form. To access the out-of-state travel justification form, refer to the Administering a Grant page.
Migrant / Travel Costs for Executive Director, Superintendent, or Board Members / Travel costs for officials such as the executive director, superintendent, or board members may be funded under the grant program only when they are specifically related to carrying out the objectives of the grant project and only with specific TEA approval in the grant application. The grantee’s regular business operations and written travel policy must also be followed. Only the following travel costs are allowable for these positions:
- Attendance/participation in the Texas state migrant education conference
- Attendance/participation in the national migrant education conference
Migrant / Field Trips / Educational field trips may be funded under the grant program. Each field trip must address a documented, unmet migrant-specific need. Costs for the field trip must be reasonable. Any entrance fees and transportation costs must be reasonable in comparison to the intended objectives of the trip. See the Allowable Cost and Budgeting Guidance section of the Administering a Grant page for further clarification of field trips.
Migrant / Hosting or Sponsoring a Conference / Conferences may not be hosted or sponsored under the grant program.
Migrant / Cost of Membership in any civic or community organization / The cost of membership in any civic or community organization may not be funded under the grant program.
Migrant / Advisory Council / An advisory council may be funded under the grant program. Only the following types of advisory councils are allowable:
- Establishment of and participation in a district-wide Migrant Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
- Establishment of and participation in a region-wide Migrant Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
Fund / Specific Item of Cost / Allowable / Not-Allowable
Title II, A / Out of state travel costs / Out-of-state travel costs are allowable. Out-of-state travel costs should be minimal. Travel costs are allowable as long as the expenses for transportation, lodging, subsistence, and related items are only incurred by employees on official business of the grantee and follow the grantee’s regular business operations and written travel policy. Out-of-state travel with Title II, Part A, funds must be due to the absence of in-state opportunities to satisfy the same Title II, Part A, specific needs.
Out-of-state costs are allowable if:
- The purpose matches a need identified in the needs assessment
- No similar opportunity exists in the state
- If for professional development of appraisers, it’s for professional development that will positively impact instruction in subjects with Highly Qualified requirements (math, science, social studies, ELAR, fine arts, and foreign language)
- If for professional development of teachers, it’s only for teachers that have Highly Qualified requirements (math, science, social studies, ELAR, fine arts, and foreign language) or teachers of special populations (ELL, SPED, etc.)
- If for recruiting, it has to be for recruiting teachers who are Highly Qualified (so recruiting teachers of the HQ subjects)
Title II, A / Travel Costs for Executive Director, Superintendent, or Board Members / The cost of travel costs for officials such as the executive director, superintendent, or board members may be funded under the grant program. Only the following travel costs are allowable for these positions:
- Reasonable and necessary travel costs for the recruitment of highly qualified teachers
Title II, A / Field Trips / Field trips may not be funded under the grant program.
Title II, A / Hosting or Sponsoring a Conference / Conferences may not be hosted or sponsored under the grant program.
Title II, A / Cost of Membership in any civic or community organization / The cost of membership in any civic or community organization may not be funded under the grant program.
Title II, A / Advisory Council / An advisory council may not be funded under the grant program.
Fund / Specific Item of Cost / Allowable / Not-Allowable
Title III, LEP / Out of state travel costs / Out-of-State travel is allowable. Out-of-state travel costs should be minimal, reasonable, and meet the intent and purpose of the program. Grantees must retain documentation that participation of an individual in the conference is necessary for the program. Travel costs are allowed as long as the expenses for transportation, lodging, subsistence, and related items are only incurred by employees on official business of the grantee and follow the grantee’s regular business operations and written travel policy. See the Allowable Cost Guidance section of the Administering a Grant page, for further clarification of out-of-state travel.
Title III, LEP / Travel Costs for Executive Director, Superintendent, or Board Members / Travel costs for officials such as the executive director, superintendent, or board members may not be funded under the grant program.
Title III, LEP / Field Trips / Field trips may be funded under the grant program. Only the following types of field trips are allowable:
- Benefit only limited English proficient (LEP) students, including immigrant children and youth
- Align with the intent and purpose of the LEA’s Title III language instruction educational program of increasing English proficiency of LEP children and student academic achievement in core academic subjects
- Include a measure of positive impact on student achievement
- Address Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
- Adhere to the Supplement, not Supplant provision. The LEA must be able to demonstrate that the field trip is above and beyond any LEP services provided with other federal, state, or local funds
See the Allowable Cost and Budgeting Guidance section of the Administering a Grant page for general guidance on allowable activities and use of funds.
Title III, LEP / Hosting or Sponsoring a Conference / Conferences may not be hosted or sponsored under the grant program.
Title III, LEP / Cost of Membership in any civic or community organization / The cost of membership in any civic or community organization may not be funded under the grant program.
Title III, LEP / Advisory Council / An advisory council may not be funded under the grant program.
Fund / Specific Item of Cost / Allowable / Not-Allowable
Carl Perkins / Out of state travel costs / Out-of-state travel costs are allowable under this grant program. Out-of-state travel costs should be minimal. Travel costs are allowable as long as the expenses for transportation, lodging, subsistence, and related items are only incurred by employees on official business of the grantee and follow the grantee’s regular business operations and written travel policy.
Out-of-State Travel will require a written justification form. To access the out-of-state travel justification form, refer to the Administering a Grant page.
Carl Perkins / Travel Costs for Executive Director, Superintendent, or Board Members / The cost of travel costs for officials such as the executive director, superintendent, or board members may not be funded under the grant program.
Carl Perkins / Field Trips / Field trips may be funded under this grant program. Only the following types of field trips are allowable:
- Field trips for educational purposes that address specific CTE Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), that are course and/or program related (not CTSO related events). Field trips must be open to all students participating in the CTE course or program.
Carl Perkins / Hosting or Sponsoring a Conference / Conferences may not be hosted or sponsored under the grant program.
Carl Perkins / Cost of Membership in any civic or community organization / The cost of membership in any civic or community organization may not be funded under the grant program.
Carl Perkins / Advisory Council / An advisory council may be funded under the grant program. Only the following type of advisory council is allowable:
- The advisory council includes parents, representatives of business and industry (including small businesses), and to the extent possible, labor organizations, higher education representatives and faculty, administrators, representatives of special populations, CTE and academic teachers, students, and community partners; and
- The role of the advisory council is to participate in the design, implementation and evaluation of CTE programs, including establishing effective programs and procedures to enable informed and effective participation in CTE programs.