Northeastern Section of the ACS

Monthly Board Meeting

Written Reports

Marriott CourtYard Cambridge, MA

Mar 12th, 2009

Members in Attendance: J. Billo, M. Burgess, M. Chen, M. Filosa, E. A. Hopkins, C. Jaworek-Lopes, L. Johnson, D. Lewis, R. Lichter, M. Mahaney, J. McKew, J. Neumeyer, J. Piper, D. Rickter, M. Schwartz, M. Simon, M. Singer, A. Viola and V. Walworth.

The meeting was called to order at 4:35pm with J. Billo as the Chair

The minutes from February 2009 were approved as presented

Chair: J. Billo

Ø  Motion: To renew the NESACS agreement to sponsor the James Flack Award in Physical Organic Chemistry for 2011 – 2015. The approximate cost is $9000. This represents $5000 for the award, plus related expenses.

o  Second by J. Piper.

o  Discussion – Trustees reported to the Treasurer that there are sufficient funds to cover this commitment.

o  Motion passes by a voice vote

Ø  The list of 50- and 60-year ACS members within the NESACS section has been received. There are 33 fifty-year members (including Dr. J. Piper and Dr. M. Strem) and 10 sixty-year members (including Dr. E.A. Hopkins). All will be invited to the October 2009 section meeting.

Ø  A member of the section contacted me. R.J. Wolcik, who was interested in getting involved in the section. I outlined some possibilities, and he expressed interest in working in, or even chairing the Speakers Bureau. He later outlined a plan to begin by giving a safety talk to local area fire departments on hazardous and non-hazardous chemicals. He has contacted several departments, who he says have expressed an interest.

o  According to E. Hopkins, there can be no liability issue involving the section for these talks

Ø  A scholarship to the Northeastern University Student Affiliates chapter of $75 was awarded from the Chair’s budget to support attendance at an ACS leadership program.

Ø  Marietta Schwartz was acknowledged and recognized by the Board for her contributions to NESACS as the 2008 Chair. She was given a plaque and the past-chairs pin along with the thanks of the Board.

Chair Elect: J. McKew

Ø  The February speaker was Professor Wilton Virgo of Wellesley College. Although attendance at this meeting was only 23 paying attendees

o  I think that Wilton entertained the audience with a nice physical chemistry story.

Ø  Arrangements for the April Esselen award meeting are finalized, April 16, th at the Harvard club.

Ø  Arrangements for the May meeting are almost together which will be held at the Curry center at Northeaster University on May 14th and will feature John Wozney as the speaker.

Ø  Thanks to Rebecca Carrier for helping out with the arrangements for the May meeting and Karen Piper and the rest of the Esselen award committee for the April meeting

Ø  Working on developing an opt-in e-mail system / list-serve system.

Ø  Requested to include innovative project grants (IPG) deadlines on the NESACS calendar.

Secretary: M. Singer

Ø  No written report

Treasurer: J. Piper

Ø  The February 2009 treasurer’s report was presented and discussed. The report was accepted by voice vote.

Ø  .

Archivist: M. Simon

Ø  Regis College is planning to rebuild the library area where the archives are stored. The section will need to relocate the archives.

o  Need space for 6 filing cabinets and a desk.

Trustees: M. Strem

Ø  See Trustee’s report appended at the end of this report.


M. Hoffman

Ø  At the Salt Lake City meeting, Council will select two of the following four nominees as candidates for ACS President-elect in the election to be held this Fall: Berkeley (Buzz) W. Cue, Jr. (Connecticut Valley Section), Nancy B. Jackson (Central New Mexico Section), Cheryl A. Martin (Philadelphia Section), Dorothy J. Phillips (Northeastern Section). Qualified petition candidates will also appear on the ballot in the Fall.

Ø  At the Salt Lake City meeting, Council will consider an increase in the base rate of ACS dues from $140 in 2009 to $145 in 2010. It will also consider changes to the ACS Bylaws that will shorten the timeline for nominations and elections to national offices. The following will be a special item for discussion: What can ACS do to attract new members while better serving our membership during these challenging economic times?

Ø  Councilors had until March 11 to return their ballots to select two of the following four nominees as candidates for ACS Director, District I, to serve for the three-year term 2010-12: D. Richard Cobb (Rochester Section), Neil D. Jespersen (New York Section), Wayne E. Jones, Jr. (Binghamton Section), James L. Kallmerten (Syracuse Section).

Ø  Councilors had until March 11 to return their ballots to select one of the following two nominees to fill a two-year vacancy (2009-10) on the Committee on Committees: Roland F. Hirsch (North Jersey Section), Carol B. Libby (Lehigh Valley Section).

Ø  Councilors had until March 11 to return their ballots to select one of the following two nominees to fill a three-year vacancy (2009-11) on the Committee on Nominations and Elections: Roger F. Bartholomew (Corning Section), Robert A. Pribush (Indiana Section).

Standing Committees

Local Arrangements: M. Burgess

Ø  The February meeting was held on February 12, 2009 at Simmons College.

o  A buffet dinner was served in the conference room, after which Professor Wilton Vergo from Wellesley College spoke to the group.

Ø  The meeting this month will be held at the Courtyard Boston-Cambridge. Our guest speaker will be Dr. John Warner, who will discuss the history and science of Green Chemistry. This subject should interest many of our members. Weather permitting; we should have a number of members who are interested in this area of development.

o  75 people are expected to attend this meeting.

Chemical Education: R. Tanner

Ø  No written report

Board of Publications: M. Mahaney

Ø  The January 2009 NESACS speaker presentation is now on-line.

Ø  There have been 4 new and very energetic volunteers who have joined the Nucleus team since December.

Ø  Putting together an IPG proposal on web-enhanced presentations.

Nucleus Editor: M. Filosa

Ø  The April issue is being proof read by one of the new volunteers.

Ø  A new article on Science Clubs for Girls will be in the April issue.

Ø  Working on ways to utilize the archives for additional Nucleus material

Webmaster: D. Cunningham

Ø  No written report

Constitution & By-laws: C. Costello

Ø  No written report

Membership: M. Chen

Ø  A list of 52 new members (34 new members and 18 transfers) was received on January 29 and a second list of 57 new members (28 new members and 29 transfers) was received on February 17.

Ø  A total of 109 “Welcome New Member” letters were sent on February 21, 2009

Ø  4 new members will attend this monthly dinner meeting on March 12.

Nominations: M. Schwartz

Ø  Please add Ralph Scannell as a candidate for the nominating committee.

o  Secretary’s note – The February 2009 minutes have been appropriately modified.

Professional Relations: M. Chorghade

Ø  No written report

Special Committees

Continuing Education: A. Viola

Ø  No written report

Fundraising: M. Schwartz for D. Phillips

Ø  No written report

Government Relations: D. Lewis

Ø  As announced by Marilou, Rep. Jay Kaufman will be attending our meeting; thanks to Don Rickter for his work following toxics reduction legislation and making the first contact with Rep. Kaufman

Ø  I will be attending the CCPA Committee on Public Affairs meeting in Salt Lake City.

Ø  The next meeting of our committee will be on Friday, April 3 at 12:00, Legal Sea Foods, Kendall Square.

Esselen Award: J. Neumeyer

Ø  Dr. Chad A. Mirkin of Northwestern University is the 2009 Esselen awardee.

Ø  The Award dinner and meeting will be held at Harvard University on April 16th, 2009.

Hill Award: M. Dube

Ø  No written report

Med Chem. Group: R. Rajur

Ø  No written report

NCW: C. Jaworek-Lopes

Ø  NCS will partner with the Malden Chemistry Club to provide activities at the Boston Children’s Museum on April 22nd.

Ø  Will be presenting a talk at the Washington D.C. ACS meeting on NCW partnership.

Norris Award: M. Hoffman

Ø  No written report

NERM: M. Hoffman

Ø  The 36th Northeast Regional ACS Meeting (NERM) will be held at the Hartford (CT) Hilton Hotel on October 7-10, 2009. The following is a preliminary list of confirmed symposia: Advances in Cleaner, Greener Synthesis; Bioanalytical Chemistry; Biodiesel/Biofuels; Chemical Biology; Chemical Education Research; Nanotechnology: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications; Organic Chemistry Research at Undergraduate Institutions; Organic Synthesis to Begin the 21st Century; Polymer Chemistry for Nanocomposites; Porphyrins and Related Macrocycles; Surprises in Spectroscopy; Nanomaterials; Organic Synthesis; Polar Science and the Chemistry of Climate Change.

Ø  The following awards will be presented:

Ø  • The ACS Division of Chemical Education Northeast Region Award for Excellence in High School Teaching

Ø  • The E. Ann Nalley ACS Northeast Region Award for Volunteer Services to the American Chemical Society

Ø  • The ACS Northeast Region Award for Achievements in the Chemical Sciences

Ø  • Stanley C. Israel Regional Award for Advancing Diversity in the Chemical Sciences

Ø  • The ACS Regional Industrial Innovation Awards

Ø  For more details about the program and awards, and information about housing, registration, and the submission of abstracts, see <>.

Project Seed: R. Lichter

Ø  National Project send has received an award from the NSF.

Public Relations: L. Johnson

Ø  The Esselen Award public relations efforts are being coordinated with J. Neumeyer.

Richard’s Award: R. Gordon

Ø  No written report

Speakers’ Bureau: vacant

Ø  No written report

Summerthing: D. Lewis

Ø  One possible Summerthing activity is to attend a concert at Tanglewood.

Women’s Chemist Committee: P. Mabrouk

Ø  No written report

YCC: L. Johnson

Ø  The YCC career fair will be held Friday May 1st at the Holiday Inn in Brookline.

Ø  The NSCRC will be at the Boston University Photonics Center.

o  Travel grants and reduced room rates will be available.

o  Adjoining local sections will also be invited to attend the NSCRC.

YCC / GDCh 2009 exchange: M. Strem

Ø  No written report

Old Business:

Ø  None

New Business:

Ø  R. Lichter reported on two upcoming Massachusetts Academy of Sciences events.

o  May 22nd – First anniversary event – Speaker will be Bill Nye.

o  April 25th – Education in the 21st Century K-graduate school forum

§  Focus on the science / math. And technology areas

§  Attendees from all branches of science are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussion.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 pm

Respectfully Submitted

Michael Singer

Secretary - NESACS

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