Manuscript: BMMB-11-677
Title: 3D Computational parametric analysis of eccentric atheroma plaque. Influence of axial residual stresses.
Authors: M. Cilla, E. Peña and M.A. Martinez.
Supplementary data
Several preliminary tests were performed to exclude the lipid core angle as an influential parameter. We include in the supplementary data some figures to support that the lipid core angle is not an influential parameter.
The previous test to exclude the lipid core angle as an influential parameter consisted in a similar 3D parametric analysis where the parameters considered were the fibrous cap thickness (fc), the lumen Radius (R), the lipid core length (l) and the lipid core angle (α). The model used was the same shown in Figure 1.a of the manuscript. In Figure 1, the geometrical parameters studied in that previous test are shown on the central cross section of the atherosclerotic vessel. The lipid core length was measured in the perpendicular direction (such as is shown in Figure 1.b of the manuscript).
Figure 1. - Geometrical parameters shown on the central cross section of the
Idealized atherosclerotic vessel.
Again, five variations or levels for each parameter were considered with a total of 625 idealized eccentric vessel models with atherosclerotic lesions. The values of the geometrical parameters are shown in the Table 1:
Lumen Radius [R] / Fibrous cap thickness [fc] / Lipid core angle [α] / Lipid core length [l]0.7 mm / 0.05 mm / 40º / 1 mm
0.8 mm / 0.1 mm / 55º / 2 mm
0.85 mm / 0.15 mm / 65º / 4 mm
0.9 mm / 0.2 mm / 75º / 6 mm
1 mm / 0.3 mm / 88º / 8 mm
Table 1. - Different values of the geometrical parameters analyzed.
In the following Figures the influence of the lipid core angle is shown. There are three groups of figures (A, B and C). In each Figure, the lipid core width is always chosen as the variable represented by the surfaces and the other chosen parameter as the variable represented by the surfaces changes in each of the three groups of Figures. The other two parameters are constant at the intermediate value studied.
In the left side, the surfaces are shown in the right side, and we have turned the surfaces in order to show better that the MPS value is constant for the different lipid core angle values.
A) Fibrous cap thickness = 0.15 mm and Lipid core length = 4 mm
Figure 2. - Maximum MPS surfaces for a fibrous cap thickness and lipid core length constant
B) Lumen Radius = 0.85 mm and Lipid core length = 4 mm
Figure 3. - Maximum MPS surfaces for a lumen radius and lipid core length constant
C) Lumen Radius = 0.85 mm and fibrous cap thickness = 0.15 mm
Figure 4. - Maximum MPS surfaces for a lumen radius and fibrous cap thickness constant