25, avenue de Montmirail
02400ETAMPES-SUR-MARNE (France)+33(0)
/ 04/10/1984
Car driving licence
Portuguese nationality
French mother tongue
Freelance Translator
Pairs / Spanish,English, PortugueseFrench
Technical, Communication, Business, Computing, Legal


(1 year)
(2 months)
2009 – 2010
(8 months) / Freelance Translator/Proofreaderfor the translation agency Translate Plus (England), with the umbrella company AS’COM Ingénierie (Limoges)
Pair: English > French
Document: printer user guide chapters, translated and proofread from the translation tool Flipstt
Field: Technical, IT
Freelance Translator for the translation agency Linguaserve (Spain), with the umbrella company AS’COM Ingénierie (Limoges)
Pair: English > French
Document: Microsoft user manual (81720words)
Field: Computing
Freelance Translator/Proofreaderfor the translation agency Linguaserve (Spain), with the umbrella company AS’COM Ingénierie (Limoges)
Pair: Spanish > French
Documents: press releases, political discourses (for the Spanish ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation website
Fields: European Union, Politics, Communication, Press
(7 months) / Freelance Proofreaderfor the translation agency Alancity (Spain), with the umbrella company AS’COM Ingénierie (Limoges)
Pair: Spanish> French
Document: book - biography (900 pages)
Field: Religion
Since May 2008 / Freelance Translator/Proofreaderwith the umbrella company AS’COM Ingénierie (Limoges)
Pairs: Spanish, Portuguese, English > French
Documents: commercial invoices, user manuals, press releases, etc. (1,900 words per day)
Fields: Business, Legal, Communication, Computing
(2 months) / Full-time Translator in the company Gestamp Noury (Tournan-en-Brie)
Pair: Spanish > French
Documents: technical handbooks (1,500 words per day)
Field: Automotive
2006 – 2007
(1 year) / Full-time Translator/Proofreaderin the NGO PlaNet Finance (Saint-Ouen)
Languages: English/Spanish/French/Portuguese
Documents: newsletters, press releases, PowerPoint presentations, reports, resumes (1,500words per day)
Fields: Communication, Human Resources, Finance, Legal
(2 months) / Online Translator for the company Europa, Technologies & Communication (Barcelona)
Pair: SpanishFrench
Documents: press articles (8 per day)
Field: European Commission
(1 month) /
Online Translator for the association Greenpeace (Paris)
Pair: PortugueseFrench
Document: report (20 pages)
Field: Ecology
2004 – 2005
(9 months) / Part-time Translator in the humanitarian association Plan International France (Paris)
Languages: English/Spanish/French/Portuguese
Documents: letters, cultural files, children’s folders
Fields: General, Humanitarian


2007Specialised Translation Master, English/Spanish, at the University Paris VII – Denis Diderot. Translations: technical, IT, scientific, economics, legal; Terminology; Documentation; Localisation. Carrying out of two translation reports SpanishFrench.


Connexion / ADSL Internet Connection
Software / Microsoft Windows Vista, 7(Word, Excel, PowerPoint); Adobe Reader X
Browsers / Google Chrome; Windows Internet Explorer 9
CAT Tools / SDL Trados Studio 2009 Freelance Plus; SDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance


DanseBachata and Cuban Salsa Teacher

OthersCrossword puzzle/Sudoku; Readingbooks/magazine Parents

AssociationMember of the ATCDIL association (former students from the Translation Master)


Anthony EnglishEurotranslations

Charlotte EvansTranslate Plus

Bérengère GayonRosetta Translation