Board Highlights

June 2, 2014

The Gates County Board of Education met to discuss personnel as outlined in N.C. General Statute 143-318.11(a)(6).

The Gates County Board of Education held its regular monthly meeting in the Conference Room of the Gates County Board of Education Office on June 2, 2014 at 7:10 p.m.

Chairman G. Douglas Lilley welcomed visitors and staff.

Agenda Items

At this time, attention was focused on recognizing three retirees from Gates County Schools. Mr. Doug Lilley presented Mrs. Robin Gatling with a plaque for her twenty-six years of service as a teacher for Gates County Public Schools. Mr. Ray Felton presented Mr. Wallace Johnson with a plaque for his four years of service as a teacher for Gates County Public Schools, thirty years in education as a whole. Mr. Leslie Byrum recognized Mr. Elvie Boone, who was unable to attend, for his twenty-four years of service as a Gates County Schools Maintenance Employee. Following their recognition, attendees were treated to refreshments provided by Dr. Paula Simpson and the Child Nutrition Department.

Michelle Munoz, Student Advisor to the Board, shared the Good News about the Elementary Schools, and Morgan Barnes, Student Advisor to the Board, shared the Good News about the Middle School and the High School.

During the Superintendent’s Report, Dr. Williams presented a PowerPoint highlighting some key items pertinent to the district as well as the state. (see PowerPoint on the district webpage under (“News from the Desk of the Superintendent”):

Mrs. Boone presented principal, Jeremy Wright with a plaque honoring his school, T.S. Cooper Elementary for “High Performance and School Recognition”.

Mrs. Boone acknowledged Gatesville Elementary with a plaque for “High Progress and School Recognition”. The plaque was given to Ms. Yvonne Taylor in principal, Sallie Ryan’s absence.

Mrs. Whitehurst acknowledged Buckland Elementary with a plaque for “High Performance and School Recognition”. The plaque was given to Dr. Williams in principal, Vivian Goldsby’s absence.

Mr. Doug Lilley honored Xavier Roscoe, Student Advisor to the Board, with a plaque for his outstanding achievement and service to the School Board and Gates County Schools. He will be graduating this year and will be greatly missed.

Krystle Williams, teacher at Central Middle and Christy Stevens, teacher at Gatesville Elementary were praised for their proposals that were selected by the Governors Teachers Network.

Susan Brown, teacher at Gates County High was recognized for being chosen to serve on the Committee for the Cohort I Honors Portfolio Review.

During the Report from the Board, Mrs. Glendale Boone spoke about the end of the school year and how it is always a busy time for board members. She mentioned that she helped proctor the end of grade testing at Buckland Elementary and T.S. Cooper Elementary. She also attended the Commissioner’s Meeting where Xavier Roscoe was awarded. She talked about the Letterland Play that she, Doug Lilley and Dr. Williams were in at T.S. Cooper Elementary recently. She was also on the Interview Committee for Teacher of the Year with Mr. Leslie Byrum. She attended the Awards Banquet as well as the Academic Awards Ceremony at Central Middle School and Gates County High School.

Mrs. Claire Whitehurst wanted to mention the Festival at the State Fair Grounds in Raleigh that she went to which focused on agriculture. She really enjoyed it and encouraged everyone to try and attend. She also attended the Gala for Tyler Gordan and said that it was very nicely done. Mrs. Whitehurst helped proctor the end of grade testing at Central Middle School. She brought up the Teacher of the Year Ceremony she attended and expressed how proud she is to see so many deserving people awarded. She acclaimed that Gates County Schools possesses a rich treasure of teachers and staff. She also attended Field Day at Buckland Elementary School.

Mr. Leslie Byrum talked about the School Law Conference he and Dr. Williams attended and stated that the greatest thing he learned was about the Tenure Law and how it was discussed. Judge Dalton deemed the Tenure Law unconstitutional. The greatest thing he and Dr. Williams are bringing back to the Board is the public/private relationship between companies. He learned that we can lease a school for thirty years and receive a large tax credit. It doesn’t require a Bond Referendum nor does it require anything from the County Commissioners. Mr. Byrum indicated that he would present this at a later date, but that he just wanted to inform the Board of this information.

Mr. Ray Felton spoke about Mr. William Hinton coming to speak at the High School Graduation on June 10, 2014 and commended Mr. Hinton as public speaker. He expressed the importance of using sunscreen, wearing a hat, lip balm, covering up, etc. as students are getting out of school and possibly heading to the beach. He brought up tanning beds and how they drastically increase your chances of getting Melanoma. Also, wearing sunglasses reduces your chances of getting Macular Degeneration.

Mr. Doug Lilley expressed that he and Mr. William Hinton are very good friends and how he is also looking forward to Mr. Hinton speaking at Gates County High School’s Graduation.

Rube Blanchard presented the financial report for the end of month eleven.

At this time, Ms. Kendall Owens of Gatesville Elementary presented a book called, The Polar Bear Club that she and her students created and had published by Student Treasures Publishing. She shared a PowerPoint Presentation detailing the effects of Global Warming on polar bears in the Arctic. She shared a YouTube song she and her students enjoy listening to called, “Polar Bear Song/Bjorn’s Song”.

Dr. Williams approved the following Out-of-District Request:

*ElayneEure for her son, Cole Williams, to attend Gates County High School for the upcoming 2014-15 school year.

*Tammy Evans for her son, Michael Evans, to attend Gates County High School for the upcoming2014-15 school year.

*Charlene Walker for her daughter, Harmony Gatling, to attend Buckland Elementary School for the upcoming 2014-15 school year.
*Kelley Harris for her children, Avery and Noah Harris, to attend Buckland Elementary School for the upcoming 2014-15 school year.
*Patrice Taylor-Lassiter for her son, Torryan Lassiter, to attend Central Middle School and pay tuition for the upcoming 2014-15 school year, pending release from Hertford County Schools.
*Tiffany Lewis for her daughter, Mikaela Lewis, to attend Central Middle School and pay tuition for the upcoming 2014-15 school year, pending release from Hertford County Schools.
*Weldon McKnight for his son, Dakota McKnight, to attend Buckland Elementary School for the upcoming 2014-15 school year.
*Carla Odom for her daughter, LayneeBlanford to attend Gatesville Elementary School and pay tuition for the upcoming 2014-15 school year, pending release from Hertford County Schools.
*Susan Parker for her daughter, Olivia Parker to attend Gates County High School for the upcoming 2014-15 school year, pending release from Hertford County Schools.
*April Sheets for her daughter, Emma Sheets to attend Buckland Elementary School for the upcoming 2014-15 school year.
*Miriah Smith for her son, Aiden Smith to attend Gatesville Elementary School for the upcoming 2014-15 school year.
*Jennifer Jones for her daughter, Shala'Jah Stallings to attend Buckland Elementary School for the upcoming 2014-15 school year.
*Bradford and Sandie Vann for their daughter, McKensie Vann to attend Central Middle School, and for their son, Brier Vann to attend Gatesville Elementary School and pay tuition for the upcoming 2014-15 school year, pending release from Hertford County Schools.
*Carol Walker for her daughter, Ni’Asia Walker to attend Gatesville Elementary School for the upcoming 2014-15 school year, pending release from Pasquotank County Schools.

Approval Items

Adrienne Bradley requested the approval for a revision to Policy 5026-7250: Tobacco Products, with a waiver of the thirty-day review.

Rube Blanchard requested the approval of the following budget amendments:

Budget Amendment No. 6 – Federal Funds

Budget Amendment No. 8 – General Expense Fund 2

Budget Amendment No. 10 – General Expense Fund 8

Budget Amendment No. 11 – State Funds

Rube Blanchard requested the approval to move funds to cover an increase to our Property Insurance through NC Public Schools Insurance Fund.

Rube Blanchard requested the approval for the renewal of our Errors & Omissions General Liability Policy.

Rube Blanchard requested the approval to increase Out of County tuition from $1,500.oo per child per year to $1,600.00 per child per year.

Rube Blanchard requested the approval for the renewal of our Vehicle Insurance Premium with NC School Board Trust.

Tammy Boone requested the approval of a three-day overnight camp for Central Viking Cheerleaders, which will be held at the Norfolk Campus of Old Dominion University from August 7th-9th.

Tammy Boone requested the approval for Central Middle School students interested in Environmental Science to attend a Summer STEM Camp July 8th-10th from 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Tammy Boone requested the approval for the Viking Summer Camp which will provide early interventions to rising 6th graders that may need additional support with the transition to middle school. This will be held at Central Middle School August 11th-12th from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Gail Hawkins requested the approval of the Exceptional Children’s Title I Application for 2014-15.

Gail Hawkins requested the approval of the Exceptional Children’s Parent Policy Handbook for 2014-15.

Gail Hawkins requested the approval of the Exceptional Children’s Personnel Policy Handbook for 2014-15.

Tammi Ward requested the approval of the Gates County High School CTE Plan for 2014-15. She shared a PowerPoint Presentation outlining her CTE Plan.

Tammi Ward requested the approval of an overnight trip for twelve students to attend the FFA State Competition being held June 17th-19th in Raleigh, NC.

Tammi Ward requested the approval of an overnight trip for HOSA students to attend the HOSA National Leadership Conference in Orlando, FL from June 24th-29th.

Tammi Ward requested the approval of an overnight trip for the Special Olympics Team to participate in the Special Olympics Summer Games being held at NC State on Friday, May 30th.

John Smith requested the approval to use the company, Powerhouse Recycling in order to dispose of some of our inoperable technology equipment.

Joe Harrell requested the approval for the ratification of the HVAC Replacement Summer Project at T.S. Cooper Elementary.

Dr. Williams requested the approval for the Summer Work Schedule/Operating Hours of the Central Office.


*James Woods – Principal at Central Middle School – Start Date: 7-1-2014


*Jean Sawyer – Health Occupations Teacher – Gates County High School

Start Date: 8-18-2014

*Rachel Badgett – Science Teacher – Gates County High School

Start Date: 8-18-2014

Bus Drivers for Summer School

*Deborah Smith

*Robin Spivey

*Jean Knight

*Melissa Jordan

*Cindy Jefferson


*Kimberly Johnson – Assistant Cheerleading Coach – Central Middle School – remainder of 2013-2014 school year and for the 2014-2015 school year


*Robin Gatling – English Teacher – Gates County High School

effective 8-1-2014


*Lori Harders – Science Teacher at Gates County High School

effective 6-11-2014

*Patricia Dillard – Part-Time Custodian at T.S. Cooper Elementary School

effective: 5-15-2014

*Imani Lightfoot – Part-Time Custodian at Buckland Elementary School

effective: 6-7-2014

*Nicky Silver – Guidance Counselor – Buckland Elementary School

effective: 6-11-2014

Summer Reading Camp Teachers

*Doretha Woods

*Ruby Holder

*Avis Holley

*Eboni Branch

*Kirby Parker

*Elaine Simpson

*Kathryn Eure

*Staley-Marie White

*Anita Winn (Substitute)

*Lori Lolies (Substitute)