Napa County Office of Education

Barbara Nemko, Ph.D., Superintendent

Napa County board of Education

September 1, 2015
A Regular Meeting of the Napa County Board of Education was called to order at 3:02 p.m. on Tuesday, September 1, 2015, at Valley Oak High School, 1600 Myrtle Avenue, Napa, California, with Board Trustee Steve Orndorf presiding. Members Present: Don Huffman, Jennifer Kresge, Lisa Lindsey, and Janna Waldinger. Members absent: Ann Cash and Ken Slavens.
The salute to the Flag was led by Don Huffman.
Visitors were welcomed to the meeting.
At the request of Steve Orndorf, Item 2.A. (Presentations to the 2016 Napa County Teacher of the Year and Teacher of the Year nominees) was moved to follow Item 2.B. (Presentation by Darlene Howell on Program Self Evaluation Annual Report for California State Preschool Programs). Ayes – Mr. Orndorf, Mr. Huffman, Mrs. Kresge, Mrs. Lindsey, and Mrs. Waldinger. Noes – None.
The Minutes from August 11, 2015 were approved with one amendment. At the request of Don Huffman, the amendment to include modifying the “Second Reading and Approval of the Revisions to the Board – Option 2” vote to include Ayes from Mrs. Lindsey and Mrs. Waldinger. The minutes were then approved as follows: Ayes – Mrs. Kresge, Mrs. Waldinger, Mr. Orndorf, Mrs. Lindsey, and Mr. Huffman. Noes – None.
There were no comments from the public.
Darlene Howell, California State Preschool Programs Coordinator, reviewed what the age requirements and eligibility are for part-day and full-day preschools. Ms. Howell also reviewed the goals and accomplishments of the 2014/15 program year and identified the educational goals and action steps as identified for program year 2015/16. A presentation of this information to a governing board is a required component of the Self-Evaluation process.
Dr. Nemko welcomed guests to the presentation of the 2016 Napa County Teacher of the Year and recognized school administrators, elected officials and their representatives. Dr. Nemko gave a brief history of the event and explained the selection process. This year there were 133 Napa County teachers nominated for the honor of being named Napa County Teacher of the Year. The two finalists were Kari Hefley (Phillips Elementary), and Jennifer LaMonte (Vintage High School). Teacher of the Year is Julie Lovie, science teacher at Valley Oak High School. A video highlighting each of the teachers was shown.
Napa County Board of Education
September 1, 2015 – continued
Ms. Lovie was presented a proclamation from Senator Lois Wolk and Assemblymember Bill Dodd, and a Congressional proclamation from Congressman Mike Thompson. Dr. Nemko presented a plaque from the Napa County Office of Education.
After a reception honoring the teachers, the regular agenda was resumed at 5:20 p.m.
1.  Dr. Nemko presented the new Napa County Office of Education bookmarks that the General Services Department created for Back-to-School on September 9th. The bookmarks have our Mission Statement and a list of the programs we offer.
2.  Dr. Nemko thanked Brian Dake, IT Director, for spending many hours after work and on the weekend to keep our server operating at full capacity.
3.  Dr. Nemko reported on Rebecka Anderson’s instructional technology, Agent of Influence, recently held at Embassy Suites. The turnout was excellent and the teachers enjoyed the event. The event introduced teachers who participated in the online professional development game “missions” which included games designed to help the teachers learn a new technology skill and how to get badges and win prizes for their accomplishments. Dr. Nemko thanked Mrs. Waldinger for taking pictures at the event.
4.  Mrs. Waldinger reported that the Agent of Influence event was a very impressive, creative event with a wonderful keynote speaker.
5.  Dr. Nemko reported that Starbucks, in an effort to increase national sales, now offers beer and wine at approximately 70 Starbucks locations across the country. The Catalyst Coalition is circulating a petition protesting alcohol being served at the downtown Napa Starbucks primarily because students rely on Starbucks as a safe haven for study group sessions, homework, and free WiFi.
6.  Dr. Nemko reported that Digital Early Literacy is one of the finalists for the Golden Bell award and will be honored in San Diego in December at the CSBA Golden Bell awards luncheon.
7.  Dr. Nemko reported that we are the grand prize winner of the Collaboration Nation award for our 90 second video demonstrating exemplary educational technology collaboration and how it has an impact on learning.
Consent Agenda Item 4.A. (Temporary County Certificates) was passed on a motion by Mr. Huffman and a second by Mrs. Lindsey.
No action was taken on Consent Agenda Item 4.B. (Board Member Compensation).
Napa County Board of Education
September 1, 2015 – continued
Backup information on the consent items was included in the Board packets and is on file in the Superintendent’s office.
On a motion by Mrs. Waldinger and a second by Mr. Huffman, the Board approved the nomination of Assemblymember Bill Dodd for the annual 2015 CSBA Legislative Award for Outstanding Freshman Legislator. Ayes – Mr. Huffman, Mrs. Waldinger, Mrs. Kresge, Mrs. Lindsey, and Mr. Orndorf. Noes – None.
At the request of Mr. Huffman, approval of the Revised Board Bylaw 9100 – Organization to include Option 2 was tabled to the next board meeting, October 6, 2015. The following language will be folded into the complete policy 9100 before approval can be made – “At the November Board Meeting annually an Information Item will be included for the current board members to express any interest they may have in holding a position of President, Vice President or Trustee Representative”.
Mr. Orndorf reported that Senate Bill 799 provides that a school district’s budget shall not contain unassigned ending balances in excess of 17% in the school district’s general fund and special reserve fund for other than capital outlay projects. Mr. Orndorf suggested that the Board might consider submitting a revision proposal to Senate Bill 799.
Mr. Orndorf reported that Assembly Bill 706 would provide that the purpose of California AmeriCorps – STEM is to increase STEM education programs to prepare the next generation for jobs in the STEM fields. The bill would authorize California Volunteers to solicit and accept private funding to help supplement the costs of California AmeriCorps – STEM.
Mr. Orndorf reported that Assembly Bill 1099 would require the superintendent of a school district and a county superintendent of schools to make available to the public, and post on its website, specified information relating to the evaluation of teachers and principals. Existing law requires the governing board of each school district to establish standards of expected pupil achievement at each grade level in each area of study and to evaluate and assess certificated employee performance on a continuing basis as it reasonably related to the progress of pupils.
The Board accepted the Personnel Activity Report as presented.
Josh Schultz, Deputy Superintendent, reported that Allen Rossi has accepted the position of Director of General Services and will replace Jill Johnson who is retiring in October.
Josh Schultz reported that new funding is being calculated off of the number of full-time teachers reported in CALPADS. As a result of past practices and limitations, we are not reporting all of our teachers.
Napa County Board of Education
September 1, 2015 – continued
Josh Schultz, Deputy Superintendent, reported that we are still waiting for the Department of General Services approval on the solar project.
Mr. Schultz reported that Napa State Hospital is closing McGrath, so this is not an option for our school. We are still reviewing additional office space options at the Menlo property site for our Rohnert Park employees.
Future agenda items: 1) Approval of the Final reading of revised Board Bylaw 9100, 2) Report on the Unaudited Actual Expenditures and Income for 2015-2016, 3) Discuss Board Retreat, 4) CCBE Annual Conference Report,
and 5) Update on the Facilities Master Plan and Design for a Proposed Community School.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:07 p.m., on a motion by Mr. Huffman and a second by Mr. Orndorf.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Nemko, Secretary
Approved Date /

Call to Order

Flag Salute


Approval of
Approval of Minutes
Comments from the Public
Presentation on the Self-Evaluation Annual Reports for Child Development Center
2016 Napa County Teacher of the Year Presentation
2016 Napa County Teacher of the Year Presentation (continued)
Reception to Honor Teachers
Correspondence, Communications, and Reports
Consent Agenda Item 4.A. (Temporary County Certificates)
Consent Agenda Item 4.B. (Board Member Compensation)
Approval of the Nomination of Assemblymember Bill Dodd for the Outstanding Freshman Legislator Award
Approval of the Revised Board Bylaw 9100 - Organization to include Option 2
Discussion, Review, and Direction Re: Legislative Updates and Positions
Personnel Activity Report
Budget Update
Update on the Facilities Master Plan and Design for a Proposed Community School
Future Agenda Items