Our overall aims for this Topic are:
To raise awareness of the inter dependence that we all have on each other, locally and globally.
To raise awareness of the importance of caring for the planet.
To examine ways which we can live fairly and let others live fairly.
Action / Who's in charge? / When will it be done by? (if ongoing, when did it start?) / How can we monitor it? / How will we know when we're successful? / How much will it cost? / Evidence / Did it work?
Any ideas for the future?

Audit school using ‘Sustaining our World’ section of whole school environmental review

/ Eco Committee / September 2012 /
  • Completed audit shared with committee at next meeting.
  • Formulate action points to incorporate into action plan
  • Class reps meet up at Eco Committee meeting to discuss results and Miss Russell will share with P4-7 assembly.

Photocopying costs and printing costs of downloading review from Eco SchoolsScotland website.

/ Paper copy of completed audit.
Introduce and develop Fair-trade across the school while ensuring Fair-trade Status accreditation from Fairtrade Foundation. /

Mr Devlin and P7/6 to lead.


November 2012


Fairtrade Action Plan monitoring will be done at Eco Meetings.

Mr Devlin will monitor class developments in Fair-trade.


Pupils will recognise the Fairtrade logo.

  • Pupils will be able to describe the benefits of fair-trade.
  • APPS will gain Fairtrade accreditation.
  • We will establish a community link with the COOP

Printing costs

  • Purchasing costs(see fair-trade action plan)


School will have Fairtrade accreditation.
Pupils will recognise the fair-trade logo and will be able to describe the benefits of Fairtrade.
Continue and develop links with NGOMA basic school in Ghana. / Mrs Findlay and P3 to lead. / Ongoing. /
  • Pupils in P3 conversations.
  • Knowledge shared through the school.
  • Parents’ night input from Mrs Findlay’s class.
  • Fundraising (art sale) money to be donated to Ngoma.
  • Pupil feedback
  • Link between Alexandra Parade and Ngoma is continued and strengthened.
/ Art materials
Fundraising costs. /

Pupils in P3 conversations.

Displays of knowledge.
Fundraising for Ngoma takes place.
Class inputs – as per teacher plans including WOSDEC/ Global Citizenship Topics –
WOSDEC - West of Scotland Education Development Centre / All classes / Ongoing /
  • See individual teacher topic forward plans for detailed success criteria/actions.
  • Teacher end of topic evaluations
  • Pupil feedback
  • Ongoing formative assessment
  • Photographs
/ Nil / Teacher plans.
Pupil work and voice: discussions/attitude/knowledge
Termly upper and lower school assemblies – celebrating religious and cultural festivals and discussing global issues – water/deforestation/food and the environment. / SMT / Ongoing /
  • Pupils learn about traditional customs/ celebrations from around the world
  • Pupils will make links between their lives and lives of others around the world
  • Pupils will recognise the importance of valuing and conserving diversity of cultures which are present in our school/ local community.
  • Participation in assemblies
  • Participation in class lessons.
  • Discussions with pupils and teachers about pupil knowledge reflects understanding of cultures and traditions.
/ Nil / Displays of knowledge.
SMT assembly presentations.
Showcase of knowledge: Diwali / Miss Irving and P6 / November 2012 /
  • Pupils learn about traditional customs/ celebrations from around the world
  • Pupils will make links between their lives and lives of others around the world
  • Pupils will recognise the importance of valuing and conserving diversity of cultures which are present in our school/ local community.
  • Discussions with P6 pupils reflects understanding of cultures and traditions.
/ Nil /
  • Pupils visit all classes.
  • Pupil work.
  • Photographs.

Donations to Global Charities: / WholeSchool / Ongoing /
  • Pupils will recognise the importance of empathy and consideration for other children across the globe.
/ When donations have been received by selection of global charities:
Save the Children
Mary’s Meals
RED NOSE DAY / Nil / Pupil participation ion fundraising events.
Donations are made.
Global dimension explored through modern language: French. / Miss Russell Primary 6 / Term 3-4 /
  • Pupils learn about global issues and compare and contrast life in a developing French speaking African country.
/ Nil
Vegetable Growing
Link with Global/food topics: Growing our own food as comparison. / As part of Community Day: Selection of classes will plant vegetables in the school allotment during the Spring season. / Term 3-4 /
  • Pupils learn how to grow their own vegetables in a sustainable and achievable way.
  • Pupils are responsible for the care of plants.
  • Pupils are introduced to the advantages of sourcing foods locally – food miles.
  • Photographs and pictures from Allotment area
  • Record number and types of vegetables harvested
/ Vegetables/Soil/Tools:
Associated gardening costs.
Eco Schools Summer Picnic with P1 new starts.(nursery pupils)
Locally sourced foods on offer/ soup made from allotment. / Miss Russell&
Eco Committee: invite pupils council/JRSOs / June 2013 /
  • Picnic held in playground with Eco Committee members and members from Pupil Council, JRSOs and nursery (new P1) pupils.
  • Pupils can share experiences and ideas.
  • Raise awareness of food miles and advantages of sourcing foods locally
  • Participation in event.
  • Range of foods on offer
  • Various school committees and nursery children attend.
/ Eco Schools Summer Picnic
Locally sourced foods on offer/ soup made from allotment.
(work with COOP) / Cost of making soup and purchasing food for picnic.
Costs of invites to nursery. / Eco Schools Summer Picnic takes place.
All school committees are invited.
Locally sourced foods on offer/ soup made from allotment is available.