Process Plan for Pride of Workmanship
- Select tentative date in April for Presentation Evening (caution beware of State of Origin, School Holidays, Easter etc date clash).
- Start entering time you dedicate to the project on to the POW Spreadsheet.
- Advise President who will advise other Directors who will be involved.
- Select key note speaker(Presenter) and approach for acceptance – Availability may require change in date.
- Select M.C. for the evening; generallyDirector of Vocational Services.
- Announce to members the date selected for POW awards & ask for assistance in obtaining nominations.
- Send Press Release to Wynnum Herald eightweeks prior event.
- Date Claimer to be placed in Bulletin.
- Start collecting donations for prizes for raffle on POW night.
- When all nominations have been received, send formal acceptance to the employer and to recipient,if required, to be sent. (It is at the participating organisation’s discretion to advise winners).
- Required number of plaques to be orderedfrom:-
Rotary Club of Pennant Hills Inc.
Pride of Workmanship Project
Phone: 61 2 9484 4889 Fax: 61 2 9484 5241
- Produce Certificates locally (this allows for late correction of spelling etc)
- Picture frames obtained from:-
Dollar Tree Wynnum or Kmart Wynnum Plaza.
- Program format to be designed.
See: POW Awards – Presentation
- Plaques to be engraved.
No engraving to be done in Sydney all engraving to be done at East Coast Engraving -Wynnum, to be done two weeks before presentation night.
- Certificates to be signed.
This is done two weeks before Presentation night
- Organise Polio Sponsorship Certificates for presenters.
One for guest presenter.
One for response on behalf of participating organisations. (the organisation that responds to the awards night on behalf of the participating organisations).
This is done two weeks before Presentation night.
- Cross check Plaques and names on Certificate for correctness.
This done 10 days before Presentation night.
- Table allocations to be established
This is to be done 7 days prior to night. A list of Guests and Table numbers for seatingto be generated for the Check-in desk staff.
See POW 2015 Award Winners and Guest Visitors
- Name tags are to be printed
These are to be assembled 5 days before the event.
See POW Awards – Name Tags
On the Award night these are to be left at the Check-in desk for distribution.
- Programs to be designed and printed.
These are to be produced 5 days before the event.
See POW Award – Program for Table
Ensure these are distributed to all visitors on each table on the Award night.
- Send Seating confirmation to participating organizations.
This should be done 3 days prior to the event and include the presentation process for award winners.
See POW Seating confirmation document
- Advise Shangri-la of participating numbers to be added to the regular meeting members attending.
- Distribute “Do it Right” Plaques to each participating organisation at the tables.
See “Do it Right “ plaque distribution Document.
- Follow up Award winner/s who could not attend the award nights Organization and agree with them on a date to present the award to the individual at their workplace.
- Send out thank you letters to all participating organisations.
- Send billing details to treasurer for Invoicing participating organisations.
- Produce Certificates of appreciations to those organisations who donated raffle prizes.
- Deliver Certificates of Appreciation.
- Total the amount of hours spent on the project and advise president so that the hours can be added to your total out of meeting times allocated to other projects.