Math/Science Teachers and Their Students

Summer Institute 2012

Teaching Mathematics Using the TI-84

Graphing Calculator as a Tool

Instructor: Sister Alice Hess, I.H.M., Ph.D.*

The Janet C. Swift Scholarship Fund** (formerly Gloria Kekukahiko Silvira Memorial Scholarship Fund), partnering with the State of Hawaii Department of Education, sponsors the Summer Institute with the option for Graduate Credits offered by Webster State University.


Kailua High School TC Portable

451 Ulumanu Drive

July 9-13, 2012

8:30 - 3:30 p.m.

The Summer Institute2012 is a professional development program for high school and community college teachers of mathematics/science who would like help incorporating the use of handheld technology into the teaching and learning of mathematics/science. High school teachers are encouraged to bring with them one or two highly motivated sophomore or juniors who have successfully completed Algebra II. Current college students who are mathematics or science majors and working toward a teaching degree will also benefit tremendously. Director Winona Oato is working on the possibility of earning graduate credit &/or Professional Development credit hours.

In line with NCTM’s Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, participants will experience a multitude of TI-83/84 based activities. The focus will be three fold:

1) the correct use of technology in the teaching and learning of Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry,

Pre-Calculus, and Statistics

2) the teaching of mathematics in the context of problem solving

3) the use of the graphing calculator as a tool for higher order thinking

Class size is limited to 20 participants with preference to Pre-service Teachers in Training and high school teachers who commit to bringing and being responsible for one or two qualifying students from their school. A $200 deposit payable to the Janet C. Swift Scholarship Fund is required to reserve a space. Upon active completion of the entire institute, teacher participants will get a refund of half of their registration feeand students will receive a full refund. Brown bag your own lunch/snacks. Register by mailing the provided form and your check to the Janet C. Swift ScholarshipFund, P.O. Box 602, Kailua, Hawaii 96734. For additional information, contact Winona Oato at or Laura Nagata at . Pending funding, tuition may be provided for Pre-service Teachers in Training (first-come-first-served).

**Registered under USC 501C(3) as a tax exempt public charity and as a tax exempt educational nonprofit organization in Hawaii, effective September 25, 1986.

Registration Form

Summer Institute 2012: Teaching Mathematics Using the TI-84 Graphing Calculator

July 9-13, 2012

Kailua High School TC Portable

One form per person. This applies to students as well. Form may be photocopied.

Intent to Register with Webster University for Graduate Credit – Encircle: Yes No

(Note: 2 semester credits are available for this course - please make inquiries regarding transferability of credits before registering). Do not send tuition. It will be collected after the first day of the course. Checks will be made out to Webster University.

A check for $200 should be made payable to the Janet C. Swift Scholarship Fund. Half the registration fee will be refunded upon completion of the institute. (Students may receive a full refund)

I am a math teacher science teacher student pre-service teacher in training

Name:______e-mail address: Address:______


City:______State: Zip:

Day Phone:______Evening Phone:______

Courses you teach:______


Circle the number that best describes your TI-83/84 calculator experience.

New User 1234 Experienced User


Mail this registration form and your deposit check of $200 to:

The Janet C. Swift Scholarship Fund

attn.: Winona Oato

P.O. Box 602

Kailua, Hawaii 96734

I understand that in order to qualify for half or complete refund of my registration fee I must attend and actively participate in every single session of this week-long institute.

Signature: Print Name:

*Instructor: Sister Alice Hess, I.H.M., Ph.D. has taught secondary mathematics for 49 years, currently at Archbishop Ryan High School, Philadelphia. A national Presidential Awardee, Tandy Technology Scholar, and two-time Mary Dolciani Scholarship recipient, she has published numerous articles in professional journals and has conducted in-service presentations nationwide on subjects ranging from algebra to calculus. She is a certified National Teachers Teaching with Technology Instructor, AP Statistics Exam Reader and College Board Consultant. Sister Alice was chosen by USA Today in 2003 as one of the top 20 educators in the nation, honored by the National Catholic Educational Association for years of Distinguished Service to Catholic Education, received the Siemens Award for Excellence in Teaching Advanced Placement Mathematics and most recently was selected as one of five teachers in the nation to receive the U.S. Department of Education 2008American Star of Teaching Award as well as 2010 State Teacher of the Year by the Air Force Association.