Board Meeting Minutes

May 27, 2009

meeting summary 5-27-09 draft1


Tim Friday(Castle Rock)
Andy Hough (Douglas County)
Lissa Oelkers (PCWA, Castle Pines)
Bob Deeds (City of Littleton)
Paul Grundemann (CWSD)
Ronda Sandquist (Jackson Creek)
David VanDellen (Castle Rock)

Robert Estes (Sedalia)
Steve Boand (Douglas County)
Harold Smethills (Dominion)
Larry Moore (Roxborough)
Travis Beach (Douglas County)
Jeanne Dassel (Bell Mountain)
Bob Brabec (Bell Mountain)

meeting summary 5-27-09 draft1

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meeting summary 5-27-09 draft1

OTHER ATTENDEES:Amy Conklin (CWA Management Team)
Fernando del Monte (CWA Management Team)

Call to Order:

Before the meeting began, there was a discussion about changing the venue for future meetings to better accommodate all participants. The Management Team was directed explore the options of having the meeting at Douglas County or Centennial and suggest an alternative meeting place for the next meeting to the Chairs.

The topic of the amount of TRC meetings was also discussed. The Scope of Work identified only 4 TRC meetings and there have been 3 so far this year. The Management Team was directed to discuss the need for a TRC meeting with the TRC Chairs and try to minimize the number of meetings.

The meeting was called to order at 2:15 p.m. It was determined that there was a quorum.

Approval of April 22, 2009 Meeting Summary- Bob Deeds moved and Harold Smethillsseconded approval of the meeting summary after recommended revisions shown below.The vote to approve was unanimous.

Ronda Sandquist requested change to the bottom part of the first paragraph on page 2 where she is quoted to read “Ronda Sandquist emphasized the importance of having DRCOG’s Clean Water Plan accurately reflect current regulatory conditions.” She also wanted the last part of the last sentence of the first paragraph on Page 2 under Water Storage Facility Zoning Change to read “…that the citizens be referred to the local governments installing water projects.”

Tim Friday commented that “Capitol” needs to be changed to “captial”.

Approval of Invoices and Payments:Fernando del Monte described the Tetra Tech effort reflected in the invoice. Paul Grundemann movedand Harold Smethillsseconded that the invoices be paid as presented. The vote was unanimous. Tim Friday commented that there should be an invoice coming from Jackson Kelly for the extensive legal services they have provided.

New Business:

Update on Rulemaking Hearing –Ronda Sandquist described the progress to date of negotiations regarding Regulation #38 Rulemaking Hearing. She mentioned that an agreement was reached for the reservoir temperature standard at 23.5 °C.

She also mentioned that there is still opposition from the WQCD, DOW and EPA regarding a proposal of setting a temporary modification of the temperature standard to a proposed re-segmentation of a section of the South Platte River in vicinity of the Roxborough WWTP. She mentioned that there is not enough data to set a site specific standard but enough data to show that the existing standard is too low for attainment. She mentioned that this is a transitional section of the stream that shows a mix of cool and cold water fish species. The negotiating team was granted latitude to develop a reasonable compromise on the temporary modification issue, if possible.

Report from the TRC– David Van Dellen, Co-Chair of the TRC, reported on wasteload negotiations and results of discussion of the monitoring issues. The TRC recommended approval of the wasteload allocation of 30 lb/yr to the HRLEFT. Ronda Sandquist seconded approval. The vote was unanimous. The TRC recommended approval of the wasteload allocation lease of 15 lb/yr to Sacred Heart from Dominion. Paul Grundemann seconded approval. The vote was unanimous.

David Van Dellen reported that the TRC discussed monitoring questions with Denver Water regarding monitoring in the watershed and in the reservoir. The TRC recommended that historical sampling practices be followed. There was no need for approval since no change in monitoring practices will be implemented.

Jeanne Dassel, representative of BellMountain, gave the board an overview of their interest of involvement with the CWA. Jeanne explained BellMountain’s history regarding water infrastructure. She explained that the plant was managed by the developer and recently handed over management responsibilities to the residents. It has been a learning experience for the residents since most did not know what wasteload allocations or TMALs were. Jeanne mentioned that she hopes to receive guidance from the CWA.

Working Draft of the 2008 Annual Report - The management team reported that a draft of the annual report has been sent out to the Board in order to receive feedback. The date to present to the WQCC has been set at October 13, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. The WQCC will need the final report by the end of August. As the draft proceeds, the management team will provide edits of the DRCOG Clean Water Plan Chatfield technical appendix to DRCOG. It is important that DRCOG’s Clean Water Plan reflect current regulatory conditions.

Update onDouglasCounty Referrals – DouglasCounty staff reported on 2 referrals of interest to the Authority.

A draft referral response letter is included in the board packet for the zoning request of the Sterling Ranch development. Ronda Sandquist presented minor edits to the letter which were accepted without comment.

Amy Conklin mentioned that DouglasCounty has four proposed changes to the GESC Manual that the Authority has no comment on. Many Authority members have been involved in the revisions to the GESC Manual and they will make nonpoint source controls more effective. Steve Boand mentioned that DouglasCounty is about to pass a zoning resolution and will inform the CWA when it is finalized.

Site Improvement Plan for Roxborough Water & San. District–Larry Moore informed the Board that there is a proposal to construct a new permanent chemical storage facility adjacent to the existing Roxborough lift station building. The proposed facilities will store chemical for odor control for the force main discharge located approximately 8 miles away. The facility will house at least 2 chemical storage tanks, each with a capacity of 4,500 gallons of either magnesium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide which are used to adjust the pH of the wastewater.

Amy Conklin mentioned that the CWA should provide input on CDOT’s project on US 85 from Titan Road to Cook Ranch. She mentioned that this referral was not received through the official referral process and needs direction from the Board on how to provide input on this projectbecauseDouglasCounty doesn’t regulate activities in CDOT ROW. The Management Team was directed to contact CDOT and inform them that case law and state statute gives all 208 Planning Agencies, such as the Authority, standing to comment on any projects impacting water quality in the basin. She should also emphasize that the Authority is sensitive to time constraints on project funded with federal stimulus money.

Monitoring Report or Updates of Monitoring Activities -Data summary services have been lost since Commodore Advanced Sciences no longer prepares data reports. The Management Team recommended an additional level of effort to conduct an evaluation of the data, pose questions about anomalous data, and provide graphical presentations and data summaries in a user-friendly format of data collected by Denver Water for distribution to the Board at its monthly meetings. A proposed scope of work was included in the packet. The effort will cost an additional $2,975 through then remainder of 2009.

Professional, data is critical to compliance activities. Tetra Tech will present graphs in response to feed back fromboard members. Paul Grundemann moved and Harold Smethills seconded approval of Tetra Tech’s additional level of effort towards monitoring data evaluation. The vote to approve was unanimous.

Old Business:

Public Outreach Proposal-The Management Team has been negotiating the contract with Hughes and Stuart and will sign it as soon as it’s approved by legal representation. In the mean time, the staff has been communicating with H & S and we will be ready to hit the ground running as soon as the contract is signed. Ronda Sandquist reviewed the contract and added minor edits. The Management Team will sign the contract and begin work as soon as possible.

Updates from Agency Staff - No State agency staff were present at this meeting.

Updates on Massey Draw Sampling – PCWA and Centennial are scheduled to jointly sample in May then PCWA will take over through October. Massey Draw data shows a significant reduction in loading. More data is needed for definitive results but so far, it’s promising.

Management Team – The Management Team reported on their activities. 45.25 hours were spent managing authority. A summary of management tasks was included in the board packet. The team reported that the level of effort on the report should diminish in upcoming months, as the time intensive effort to produce the Annual Report is nearly complete.

19.25 hours was spent on Task 2, almost exclusively Rulemaking for Temperature. 73% of the Rulemaking budget has been used which is on track for the June hearing.

The next board meeting is scheduled for June 24th at a location to be determined at 2:00 p.m.

The next Authority TRC meeting will be held on an as needed basis. In July or August, the budget subcommittee will need to begin its work recommending member dues.

Financial Matters – Larry Moore requested clarification on the Legal Fees incurred by CWA regarding the Rulemaking Hearing of 2008 that carried over to 2009. The Board requested that a footnote be added to the Financial report indicating that $5,000 were spent in 2009 that was really slated for the 2008 budget. The board did not want to update the budget yet. The budget will be updated if legal fees exceed the $55,000 budget set for 2009 legal expenses.

Bank Statement and Financial Report copies were handed out at the meeting.

Executive Session – An Executive Session was not carried in this meeting.


David Van Dellen invited Board members to attend the grand opening of 6 miles of trails along Plum Creek. He mentioned that Castle Rock will have a booth that will provide education to the public about stormwater. He also invited the management team to provide some information of the CWA to this booth.

David Van Dellen gave a summary of the Plum Creek Cleanup event that Castle Rock sponsored. He mentioned that over 200 volunteers participated and that 200 bags of trash were removed from the creek in 1 hour.

Harold Smethills reported that rainwater harvesting bill passed and will be signed by the governor on June 2nd. He explained the this bill consisted in having no more than 3 pilot projects per drainage and that Sterling Ranch may be the host of one of these pilot studies.

Adjournment–A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Harold Smethills and seconded by Paul Grundemann. The vote was unanimous and the meeting was adjourned at4:00 p.m.

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The Chatfield Watershed Authority promotes protection of water quality in the Chatfield Watershed for recreation, fisheries, drinking water supplies, and other beneficial uses