Ice Breakers
When in your growing up years did you ever get into big trouble with your parents?
The person to whom I am proud to be related is ______.
Where do you consider home?
Complete: "When the going gets tough, I______."
Who always helps you laugh?
What possession would be the hardest for you to give up?
What size family did you grow up in and where are you in the order?
How many times have you moved in your lifetime?
What is your favorite place to relax?
Have you ever purchased anything at an auction?
What do you collect?
Have you ever made a New Year's resolution that you have kept? What was it?
Fill in the blanks, "I was born in ______. My favorite childhood game was ______.
If you had the power to go back in time and visit anyone you wanted to, who would it be?
As a teen, what was your favorite music group? What type of music do you listen to now?
What would be the first thing you would buy if you suddenly had a million dollars?
What would you like to accomplish in the next 15 years?
What is your favorite sport to watch? To play?
What chore would you prefer: mowing the lawn, putting on a new roof, cleaning house?
What type of movies do you prefer? Action, Horror, Comedy, Drama, Love Stories, Science Fiction, Musicals
If you like swimming, do you prefer an ocean, swimming pool, or lake?
Regarding money matters, would you consider yourself a saver or a spender?
Were you ever bullied as a kid? By whom?
How do you stay informed on current events?
When home alone, do you like silence or do you have to have some noise going on?
Source: derived from Serendipity Bible for Groups.