Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church

Minutes of the November 18, 2015, Vestry Meeting

Vestry members present: The Rev. Carri Patterson Grindon, Senior Warden: Diane Carey-Schmitz ’17, Junior Warden: Tom Horner ’16,Traci Cecconello ’18, Paul McKinney ’18,John Green ’18, Nathan Schroeder ’16, Kara Ramirez ’18,and Joanna Scott ’16. Clerk: Jannette Allen

School Board Representative: Jane Sobota

Treasurer: Joanna Scott.

Head of School: Jennifer Foley Tolbert (absent)

Chancellor: Reynolds Cafferata (absent)

Vestry members absent:Robert Ross ’17, Bill Owen ’16, Karen Sessions ’17, Bruce Linsenmayer ’17.

6:30 p.m. Dinnerhosted by Nathan Schroeder.

7:10 p.m. Opening Prayer and Reflection - Pastor Carri read from the Prayers of the People for the upcoming service.

Head of School Report – Jennifer Foley Tolbert (absent)


Review of Minutes from October 21, 2015, Vestry Meeting – Jannette Allen

Corrections:Wardens’ Report: Xmas Tree Fundraiser – The website was moved to Square (our credit card merchant) for ease of use.Paul McKinney is on the committee not Anne Browne. Worship: Move to Formation “Kara reported…All Saint’s Sunday.” Formation: Bill Owen is the co-chair. Diane Carey-Schmitz is on Schoolboard. There is a meeting planned for December 6 to plan Lent.Service: Stephanie McKinney…Haiti co-chair. We are sending $4,000…. The team is discerning how funds will be allocated going forward.Rector’s Report:C. Season of Gratitude – Move to D. Organist Update – “Sae Wan has accepted….” The committee will review the previous list.Jane made a motion to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Diane. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report – Joanna Scott

Joanna read from the executive summary dated October 31, 2015. This is the first month we are reporting a deficit. However, it is better than projected. While we have been over by $2,500 the last two months, we may stay at this new level. Jane asked about pledges that have not been fulfilled – none. Diane asked about the CDSP donation – budgeted to donate at the end of the year.Jane made a motion to accept the report, seconded by Diane. The motion passed unanimously.

Diocesan Report – Bruce Linsenmayer (absent) Pastor Carri reported

  1. The diocesan convention is fast approaching. Pastor Carri and Mother Betsy are attending with others from our church. There is a pre-convention this Sunday. Some complex issues and canon proposals will be discussed.
  2. Bishop Glasspool is moving to New York.
  3. The bishop profile is on the website based on surveys held this summer. One of the delegates will report at each service.
  4. Our chancellorReynolds Cafferata will run for corporation of the diocese. Previously elected to vacant spot.

Parent Association Report – Traci Cecconello

Traci distributed copies of her report.She noted that overall Saint Marks is an “academically strong school”. Jane reported that $18,000 – 20,000 was generated at the Fall Fest.

Wardens’ Reports: Diane Carey-Schmitzand Tom Horner

  • Xmas tree – Tom dressed as a Xmas tree and held a sign reading “Last Day”. The committee sold 147 trees, 15 more than our previous high. The plan is that the trees will arrive at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, December 4, then move to the parking lot at 3:30 p.m. Sheriff department will help deliver donated trees. Emails were sent to former patrons. The new payment system went well. Possibly $47,000 to 48,000 was generated.
  • Pastor Carri sat in on the risk management process looking at hiring/firing, kids attending family camp without their family, and crisis planning.
  • Phone – Diane reported that we no longer have a fax machine. The line in the music room has been transferred to the school’s budget saving $75 from the dropped DSL (fax) line with additional savings from bundling. We will get a new AT&T system next year (January) costing a total of $2,500 getting phones for Parker, Joanne, and Lisa, but losing the phones for the work room, and library. We can do conference calls from mobile phones for meetings.
  • VPOD (Vestry Person of the Day) – seems to be kicking along. John is great getting people signed up. Pastor Carri asked that if you get something salient, email Pastor Carri, bring it to the vestry meetings, and to the appropriate vestry chairperson. This is a good tool to make the vestry visible.
  • Housing Allowance –Diane read the letters submitted by Pastor Carri and Mother Betsy requesting $50,000 each for housing allowances. Diane made a motion, seconded by Tom, to approve the request. The motion passed with one abstention. A review of the documents provided by Mother Betsy proved that her insurance coverage under her husband saves the church $22,092 allowing just a $3,000 coverage payout.
  • Sabbatical – Pastor Carri is eligible to take a sabbatical in the next year or two. We need to consider the cost and coverage. A sabbatical leave earned after eight years usually equates to three months (12 weeks). Pastor Carri plans to take her sabbatical in 2017. The diocese will help in finding an interim pastor. We will also have a say in the choice. Jane offered to help with obtaining a grant that will help cover the cost of the sabbatical coverage as she will no longer be on the vestry or schoolboard. Pastor Carri will also help. The supply person will not lead board meetings or handle pastoral care. While Mother Betsy handles a majority of the requests, she has a several lay persons trained to help. Pastor Carri explained the purpose of a sabbatical and shared some ideas of her possible plans.


Welcome and Fellowship: Nathan Schroeder, Traci Cecconello

The book club will not continue. Monte Cedro did not get a follow up. Rose is working on outreach with another program,

Worship: Bruce Linsenmayer (absent), Bob Ross (absent)


Formation: Kara Ramirez, Diane Carey-Schmitz

Kara reported things are going well. Pastor Carri announced a new series running four weeks during Advent focusing on stories about Christmas.

Service (Pastoral Care, Outreach): Paul McKinney, John Green

  • Things are alright according to John.
  • Haiti – Alicia Maddox and Stephanie McKinney will co-chair the committee. Our partner priest Pere Reginald has made the first trip to La Tournelle. The committee is planning a trip for a meeting in February with Pastor Carri, Alicia, Stephanie, and Pere. The committee has committed to having the priest, a parishioner, a school staff, and a parent travel each year. The project will be funded by the travelers own funds and fundraising.
  • Outreach – Bad Weather Shelter Night – Pastor Carri suggested having the vestry retreat start that same night, Friday, February 5, with the vestry starting the retreat by serving those who attend. Blanton Bartlett, Mary Eddy, and Jim Morse will help. The vestry will then sleep at the convention center.

Administration and Finance: Tom Horner, Joanna Scott

  • Three signs were made for reserving street parking for the elderly/disabled. The handrail addition was finished months ago. Paul McKinney has the key to the new gate. 35 keys were made for replacements.
  • Nathan estimated the cost for LAXAN (clear sheet of protection for the stained glass windows) will run $275 for four sheets. The cost to cover one side may equal $6-700. The narthex and the transom on the north side will cost $200. This will cost $1,000 to protect against vandalism/storm. A thickness of 1/8th of an inch is recommended. Paul will check on how to install and costs for installation estimating at this time a ball park figure of $1,200-2,500.

School Board: Karen Sessions (absent), Diane Carey-Schmitz

Diane reported on the Trustee retreat noting that the vestry joined in the afternoon session looking at the school’s strategic plan. Jane noted that the speaker a former Head Master at St. Matthews, spoke about not jumping in for a brand new start. Instead, we can approach this as a fallow year to rest and regroup and think about where we want to go. The school is dealing with staff illnesses. The annual fund kicked off Sunday with 100% vestry commitment. At the last school board meeting, Pastor Carri made a pitch for similar support from the school board. Only one member has not committed, yet.

Rector’s Report: The Reverend Carri Patterson Grindon

  1. Pastor Carri and Diane signed the letter to Chris Zarow to thank her for her chair of the Haiti committee. Bob bought AMC gift certificates in consideration of her love for opera.
  2. This year, as in the past, Trinity Institute will put on a conference on race relations. Journalist Nicholas Kristoff will speak with other notables (Nichelle Norris – NPR, Bishop Michael Curry, Anna Devere Smith - actor) involved, starting Thursday, January 31 through Sunday. Host sites will livestream the conference. Pastor Carri asked for support to be a host site to co-host with St. Barnabas. This might be tape-delayed with discussion break-outs. Tom volunteered to check on the technological issues.
  3. Organist update – Mark Robson has stepped in to cover as organist until the end of Lent. School organist Grace Chung will cover from Holy Week through April. Mark will cover again from Mid-April through May. Neither is interested in staying.
  4. Vestry openings – Karen Sessions is leaving a year early. Blanton Bartlett has been appointed to fill the remainder of her term.
  5. Season of Gratitude – We have had great speakers, all sang. Bruce recorded all the sermons which Tom will load to YouTube. Jenn will speak on Stewardship. Many children will be involved in the service.
  6. The mosaic is complete and looks wonderful in the pulpit. 150 reservations for Consecration Sunday and 50 other responses.
  7. Pastoral concerns were named and prayers said.

End of meeting 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Jannette Allen

Vestry Minutes for November 18, 2015Page 1