What's New in Version 9.15

IRIS: What's New in Version 9.15



SN Number / Function / Description
300048754 / 0511-Soft deleting of codes / An enhancement has been made to allow a code to be flagged as deleted. The use of the code would therefore be restricted for new policies but, however, would still be valid for historical policies.
300062178 / 707-Policy Number Generation / The current generation of policy numbers uses the next sequential value available, irrespective of whether previously unused values exist within the sequence. This enhancement replaces this with an optional new method that will allow the system to store these unused values on file and later attempt to retrieve them when subsequently generating a policy number.
The enhancement also allows client-control over the manner in which policy numbers are generated, as it may be required to either manually specify numbers, leave it entirely to system-automation or a mixture of the two, new settings are in place within System Administration to allow improved control of this functionality.
300062867 / 628-Business Customisation of Closings Input / An enhancement has been implemented to enable Closings Input to be customised via Business Customisation. It is now possible to specify which fields appear on the screen by the use of field groups, and to create rules which can differ by closing type and action i.e. policy, claim, first & final claim, new, edit and copy. All of this can be specified by product.
300062870 / 629-Policy Unlocking / IRIS now contains a fully supported Lock Administration utility with appropriate security features. The new Lock Administration screen is accessible from the IRIS Main File Menu. Access to the locking function is controlled from System Administration General IRIS Settings.
The parameters 'Permission to View Locks' and 'Permission to Release Locks' each have three possible settings - no access, access to own locks and access to all locks.
The Lock Administration screen will show full details of the type of lock, when it was locked and who holds the lock. Locks may be both refreshed and removed from this screen.
A lock may be in one of three states.
‘Active' indicates the lock is held within the current IRIS session. 'Locked' shows objects open in other IRIS sessions.
'Unlocked' indicates that a lock has been removed on that object through Lock Administration.
The IRIS server has also been enhanced so if user performs an action that requires a connection to the database and the connection is lost (e.g. network has gone down) then IRIS will attempt to re-establish the connection. If it cannot then it will prompt the user to re-establish the connection which they can respond to once the network or the reason for the loss of connection has been fixed – thereby avoiding the loss of ounsaved data as a result of a network issue.
300066359 / 522-BxClms Enquiry should exclude Incomplete Messages / An enhancement has been made to the Bureau Claims Enquiry to exclude incomplete CLASS messages. Bureau claims enquiry has been modified (for selecting SCM/CLASS messages for processing) so that it includes an option for CLASS transactions to be excluded if they can't be processed at this time (e.g. ones still waiting for a manual response or have been through a partial update and are awaiting the settlement message to complete the update)
300066901 / 463 - Closings Reversal / A number of changes have been made to the Closings Reversal process:
1. A Reverse button has been added to the Closings Reversal enquiry screen.
2. Transactions that have been reversed already are flagged as such and “greyed” out in the enquiry.
3. When a transaction has been reversed, the system prevents it from being reversed again.
4. There is a new facility to Re-Enter a transaction. This causes the original to be reversed and enables the user to create a replacement based on the original.
5. Closings Reversal has been moved to the new architecture.
300067243 / 0543-IPT (Insurance Premium Tax) / With the introduction of new fields that indicate a foreign taxation amount on both the DSIGN and ILUCSM messages, the IRIS bureau processing programs, and the Manual Closings application, have been amended to extract this new data and to capture it on the various IRIS bureau and statistical files.
The existing “green screen” IPT report has been rewritten and renamed Cash Taxation Report to cater for the additional information and is available via the GUI Reporting function. A new report, EPI Tax Report is also available.
Two new enquiries are available within the Transaction enquiries, these being Taxation Log and EPI Taxation.
300068510 / 602-Enquiries Designer / The Enquiry Designer is an application for the System Administrators of IRIS. It will allow them to design Enquiries, according to their own specific requirements, in addition to the predefined standard enquiries that are currently available in IRIS.
This functionality will allow the administrators to customise the entire Enquiries Selection process. The administrator will:
a)Have the facility to specify files /tables from where the data will be fetched and create joins (inner/outer etc.) in the included files, tables, to get the desired enquiry results.
b)Specify which fields can be included in the enquiry results and can define if there are any calculated expression fields.
c)Define the content of the wizard steps, which will be displayed when a user runs an enquiry.
300068513 / 0624-IRIS Install & Upgrades / The automatic installation of IRIS on client machines can be controlled by a new process that is activated each time a client runs an IRIS application that requires a server connection. This process will perform a check to determine if a different version of IRIS has been installed on the network and if so will perform an upgrade (or downgrade in the case of a new version being backed out).
The parameters that control the process will be maintained from within System Administration.
This will only be available for version 9.15 upgrades upwards
300068515 / 521-Link to LPC CLASS System / A new facility has been introduced to enable IRIS users to link to the LPC CLASS System via the Internet. The facility allows external URLs to be defined, and these appear in IRIS Frontend via a new toolbar button. They can be made available system wide or by product and function.
Parameters can be used to vary the URL based on input into IRIS data fields e.g. a URL can execute a Google search based on whatever value is entered in the Assured Name field in Policy Input.
300068520 / 512-Add Extra Policy Info to Further Detail / Changes have been made to Business Customisation for Bureau Closings: This now allows the ability to customise the Bureau Closings processing screen by adding fields so it is a completely configurable screen like Policy Input.
300068590 / 581-Trigger Enquiries from Fields / This enhancement allows the user to run the Policy related enquiries from Policy Input screen, and to run Claim related enquiries from Claims Input screen by right clicking on any field on the respective screens. The user will be able to trigger the respective enquiry based on the value(s) of any of the field(s) on the screen.
300069170 / 0660-GUI Trial Balance Report / The “green screen” Trial Balance report has been rewritten and is available via the GUI IRIS Reporting application
300070043 / 0365-Stored Bureau Signed % / In order to better maintain a history of the information that the bureau is sending through, the closings records and claim transaction records now record the signed order and signed line from the message that they were generated from.
300074092 / 606-100% Figs in Claim Summary Enquiry / The Claim Summary, Claim Summary by Event and Claim Summary by Loss Date enquiries have been enhanced to include a combo box which allows the selection of 100% or Our Share Figures.
Calculations will be based on either policy or claim syndicate percentages depending on the setting of the System Administration option 'Use Claim Syndicates Share for Claim Calculations'.
Figures will be calculated, as appropriate, as written, estimated or signed and may be displayed as Syndicate Share, 100% of the Broker Share or 100% of the Risk.


SN Number / Function / Description
300070250 / Problem with browser viewing reports / At the end of an INCAS (allocations/cash/journal) session, reports are now opened in new browser sessions. They no longer overwrite previous reports/browser sessions. This change also fixes the memory leak which occurred when a report was closed but did not release its associated memory.
300070608 / Enquiry-Copy non Adjacent rows / Non-adjacent rows on an enquiry grid can now be selected using 'Ctrl + Click' and copied. This data selection can then be pasted into an Excel spreadsheet. Previously non-adjacent enquiry rows did not copy.
300073372 / Date Formatting / Changes have been made to Date Formatting so that if the full month is entered in a date field e.g. 1 December this is converted to 1/12/05 (present year being the default). Previously this would only work when 1 Dec entered (i.e. short text for month).
300075423 / Enquiry-Allow TODAY, YESTERDAY in wizard / Changes have been made to wizard steps on Enquiries to make if possible to enter things such as Today, Yesterday, Last Day of Last Month etc within Date fields rather than having to specify the actual date.
300086866 / Change Environment Template in Sys Admin / The default connection string for a new environment in System Administration now includes a parameter to force commitment control and a parameter to ensure queries do not timeout. These parameters could be added to existing environment connection string parameters if required.

1.3The following are client specific enhancements

1.3.1Illium Insurance Group Ltd

SN Number / Function / Description
300082425 / MID Interface / IRIS has been enhanced to allow for commercial motor policy detailsto be transmitted electronicallyon a daily or weekly basis to the Motor Insurance Database managed by Experian. .
There is an IRIS batch process which will check for data transmitted from the MID and a query report available to inspect the log of MID data sent, accepted and rejected
300082430 / Claims Business Extensions / Claim Business Extensions is a new enhancement similar to the old Business Extensions which has been renamed Policy Business Extensions. The new Claim Business Extensions allows additional detail to be attached at claim level. The extensions are set up via Business Customisation using Display Formats and Item Types. Display Formats allow the fields and screen layouts to be defined. Item Types allow business rules to be defined - mandatory fields, default values, which fields to copy, etc. The Items can then be attached to products. Claim Business Extensions can be entered via an icon on the claim input screen and are stored in a new file - UKKIREP. Claim Business Extensions can be configured to be copied when a claim is copied.


SN Number / Function / Description
300067719 / Auto generation of Declaration Number / This enhancement extends the existing declaration auto-numbering facility introduced in 8.14 to allow the System Administrator to determine whether or not a user or role is allowed to manually override the generated declaration number.
A new System Admin setting has been added to control this functionality - 'Prevent Manual Entry of Declaration Number', with two values: 'Yes' or 'No', or the Role Default value.

1.3.3St Paul Specialist Services

SN Number / Function / Description
300063039 / Block Claim Enhancement / Standard Claim Memo functionality has been extended to non-proportional business types, so that claim memos can be created in Claims Input for all underwriting types specifically and then optionally linked to existing Block Claims.
This facility is switched on using the System Administration Manual Claims Input ability 'Allow Claim Memo'.
300083435 / Additional Claims-Search criteria field / The Additional Reference 1 field (KMADR1) has been included as a filter field in the Quick Search Claim enquiry. It has been labelled Original Claim Ref.
300084652 / Bur Claims-Adopt Current Control Date / 1. The usage of data area UTPSRSAH within transaction validation has been changed back to it's original use - i.e. that if set on it will only cause the control date to be updated with the latest supporting date on the claim and will no longer cause the control date to be overwritten with the current processing month.
2. A new data area UTBDRCA1 has been introduced to allow ELASS claims to be created with the current processing month instead of the transmission date. To enable this functionality the data area must be set to '1'.
3. Any users who currently use data area UTPSRSAH and who often move on their current processing month before the actual end of the month may also wish to consider switching on the use of the new data area UTBDRCA1 so that they continue to get the benefit of the control month processing.

1.3.4XL Re (Bermuda) Ltd

SN Number / Function / Description
300025864 / Enquiry / IRIS enquiries are no longer restricted to displaying a maximum of 350,000 grid cells. A practical limit is still in effect imposed, however, by individual PC memory, which is used to store the result set.

2.GUI Documentation

The following GUI on-line guides are available.

Policy Input

Claims Input

Closings Input



Bureau Closings

Bureau Claims


Codes Maintenance

IRIS Server

IRIS Settings

System Administration

Business Customisation




Codes Transfer

Business Customisation Update


All the guides are HTML type files to aid usability.

Note: documentation upgrades will be ongoing and will be included in any subsequent PTF releases

2.1Data Areas On-Line Guide

The Data Areas guide has been updated to include the version 9.15 data areas.

2.2File Layout Document

This document has been updated to include the changes pertinent to version 9.15 and includes schema diagrams, file and field information. An HTML version is also available for easier usability.

2.3Database Changes Document

This document has been updated to include the changes pertinent to version 9.15

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Global Insurance Solutions

Ref Q:\USR\Whats_New files\Whats_New_9.15.doc