Target Goal 1: Increase the financial base of the school
This goal will include:
a. The completion of our new facility (classrooms, stage/lunchroom, space, kitchen) as well as renovation of present facilities (plumbing, electricity, etc.) and which will include the addition of a kindergarten class.
b. Increase the Foundation base
c. Increase salaries to 80% of the Moscow School District
The items we have identified need finances to accomplish them. The school must find ways of enlarging its financial base to effectively meet present as well as future needs.
School-wide Learning Expectations Addressed:
· Physical Development
· Environment and Surroundings
Strategies forImplementation of Target Goal 1 / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Resources Required / Assessment Method
Continued collection of outstanding pledges from Phase I of the Capital Campaign / Principal and Business Manager / Finished to within 1% / Time/ manpower hours / That we are within 1% of obtaining all pledges made
Inviting those who have finished their pledges to extend them as well as inviting new persons to make a pledge to complete the Capital Campaign—total needed one million or less
Target Goal 1 continued… / School Board
Parish Council
Business manager / The expansion committee is changing the format for this and it is ongoing. / Publicizing the information to the parish
Contacting individuals who have not made pledges / Part II of pledge campaign will be finished between 2010-2012.
Strategies for
Implementation of Target Goal 1 / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Resources Required / Assessment Method
Systematically apply for grants from Foundations that meet our goal for expansion needs and increasing of scholarship funds / Pat Clyde
Sister Margaret / Began in February 2009,
Ongoing. Grants have been regularly applied for. A list will be attached. / FoundationSearch.com / Grants are obtained
The Foundation will continuing exploring new and varied ways to increase its financial base by increasing number of givers, persons remembering the Foundation in their will, charitable trusts information, etc. / Tim Baszler, Chair of the Foundation and other members of Foundation Board with needed expertise / Ongoing-
The list as been expanded and expertise from a parent that works in this area has been added to the Foundation board. / Charitable trusts,
Planned giving, etc.
Accurate information received and disseminated / Additional money added to the St. Mary’s School
School Board initiates “The Great Teachers Fund” with present parents in school / School Board members / Began in April 2009.
A new tiered form has been developed for donations. / Time to talk with each family to contribute to the Great Teachers’ Fund, a tax deductible donation / Every family has responded via a pledge card
Expand contributors to “The Great Teachers Fund” beyond school parents / School Board members / Fall 2009 –The expansion of contributors outside the school has not yet happened. The timeline will be changed to 2011 in order to concentrate on finishing our expansion. / Time to talk to new contributors to the Great Teachers’ Fund, a tax deductible donation / Increase the amount in “The Great Teacher’s Fund.”
Income from “The Great Teachers Fund” will be part of the operating budget of the school / School Board and Business Manager / An income line will be added to the operating budget, beginning with 2011-2012 financial budget / Money received from donors / Teachers salaries will increase to align more with Diocese guidelines
Target Goal 2: Increase articulation of curriculum standards
This goal will include:
Teachers and students are aware of what standards are being taught.
School-wide Learning Expectations Addressed:
· Intellectual Development
The Visiting Committee acknowledges the use of State curriculum standards in the computer assessment programs to both assess and guide student learning. Curriculum standards are also included in the textbooks used by the school. There is no question that curriculum standards are being covered. The Visiting Committee recommends an increased articulation of curriculum standards that would make them more explicit in teachers’ lessons and would help focus instruction. In addition, curriculum articulation would provide an opportunity to collaborate more as a staff to ensure that all standards are being met across grade levels. Articulating standards would also help focus student assessment. Additional teacher collaboration on standards articulation will allow for increased connection between the standards and the instruction, assignment or assessment. The school may wish to delay development of this target area until the Diocese begins implementation of the new Curriculum Standards.
Strategies forImplementation of Target Goal 2 / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Resources Required / Assessment Method
Curriculum standards taught per grade level are clearly stated in lesson planning and articulated to students in a format that is student friendly. / Classroom teachers / September 2009
On going / Curriculum standards developed by the Diocese of Boise. Everything except Science has been completed. / TBA*
Assessment will be based on the curriculum standards / Classroom teachers / Ongoing / Curriculum standards developed by the Diocese of Boise / TBA*
Articulation of a system-wide curriculum by the Catholic Diocese of Boise / Dan Makley, Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Boise / Fall 2009 till completed / TBA*
* The Diocese of Boise is currently (2009) developing curriculum standards for Idaho Catholic Schools.
Target Goal 3: Development, articulation, implementation and publicizing of SLE’s for St. Mary’s School
This goal will include:
That all are aware of what can be expected of students as they graduate from St. Mary’s School. This is important for the students themselves in order for them to take responsibility for their own learning.
School-wide Learning Expectations Addressed:
· Intellectual Development
SLEs, along with the mission and philosophy, define the school’s purpose. St. Mary’s SLEs are a translation of their former Goals and Objectives as found in their Handbook and shared with parents at the beginning of the year. They are not, however, well known to the school community (staff, students, parents) as School-wide Learning Expectations. The school is encouraged to make these better known, as SLEs, to begin the process of revising the SLEs into a measurable format including more non-staff shareholders into this process, and to start developing rubrics for measuring the SLEs.
Strategies forImplementation of Target Goal 3 / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Resources Required / Assessment Method
Begin to develop measurable, tangible, identifiable, characteristics for a graduate from St. Mary’s School (SLE’s) / Principal
Faculty / June 2009 teachers will begin to articulate the measurable ways to identify a SMS graduate / Time (staff meetings) and informal meetings)
Pastor, Teachers, Staff, School Board, and parents / Students will be able to articulate the SLE’s (our 3R’s), this has been added to our report card, mentioned on our website and at Mass each month.
Begin to develop increased awareness of the school’s articulated SLE’s / Principal
Faculty / Ongoing / Time
Pastor, Teachers, Staff, School Board, and students / Those who are Stakeholders in SMS will recognize school’s SLE’s
Target Goal 4: Continue to improve socialization skills and respect for God, others and self (this includes social skills on the playground and respect for others by arriving at school on time and ready to learn)
With our high academic expectations, we also expect students to be responsible, respectful of others, and reliable.
School-wide Learning Expectations Addressed:
· Social Development
· Academic Excellence
· Environment and surroundings
Strategies forImplementation of Target Goal 4 / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Resources Required / Assessment Method
Get a bell system working that gives us a starting time that isn’t dependent on a person ringing a bell / St. Mary’s Expansion project manager, principal, and local electricians / TBA / Money and upgrade of the old addition and the completion of the new addition to the school / The bells will be set and rung on time.
Meet with students and parents at Open House to explain the importance of being on time / Principal and the Administrative Team / Fall –2008
/ None / There are fewer tardies each year and parents connect with the school about absencesBy the time a student finishes a year at St. Mary’s, they will be able to recognize their place in a community by their behavior on the playground and in the school.
Fifth and Sixth grade buddies will meet with their first and second grade buddies regularly to teach them how to play team sports and games fairly. / Principal, teachers, aides, students / Fall –2009/Spring 2010
Ongoing / An understanding of the motto Respect, Responsibility, Resourcefulness / In Lines:
Line up quickly and respectfully when the bell rings
Act respectful in lines by:
Keeping hands to self
Standing quietly
Leaving enough room
Facing forward
Use good manners when speaking to adults or students
In Games:
Speak respectfully to teammates and other players,
Be a good sport when not winning, not complain about what team you are on