7:30………………….First Bell – Breakfast students

7:55………………….Class begins


11:00 – 11:30…………..Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten

11:30 – 12:00…………..First and Second

12:00 – 12:30…………..Third and Fourth


3:05………………..Car line, Day care, High School Bus

3:10………………..Other Buses

3:15………………..Walkers, Bike riders


Announcements regarding school closing and delayed opening

Times due to bad weather will be made on local radio and

Television stations.


There will be no school supervision before 7:30 A.M.

Breakfast will begin at 7:30 A.M. for those students that choose

To participate in the breakfast program.

After school dismissal at 3:05 or 3:15 P.M., students are to go

Directly home. Children are not to leave school premises for any

Reason during the school day without the permission of the

Homeroom teacher and the principal’s office. Parents that wish

To pick up a child before school is dismissed for the day should

Report to the office and sign the child out. Only persons

Designated by the child’s parent/guardian may pick up the child.


A certified birth certificate, record of health immunizations, and

A copy of the social security card is required for pre-kindergarten,

Kindergarten and new students to enroll. The minimum chronological

Age for children enrolling in pre-kindergarten is four (4) years of

Age on or before September 1 of that year. The minimum

Chronological age for children enrolling in kindergarten is five (5)

Years of age on or before September 1 of that year. The age for

Children enrolling in first grade shall be six (6) years of age on

Or before September 1 of that year. Students should be potty-trained

Before coming to school, unless there is a documented medical reason

Signed by the doctor


A student may have a total of eight(8) absences (excused or

Unexcused) each semester. A student who misses more than one (1)

Hour is counted absent or a minimum of half a day. A student who

Has more than eight (8) absences may not receive credit for the class.

EXCUSED ABSENCES: Excused absences count toward the eight (8)

Days allowable per semester. Assignments missed may be made up.

One day per excused absence will be allowed for makeup work only

If the work could not be done before the absence, or as determined by

The principal.

Excused absences will be granted for the following reasons:

  1. Personal illness or injury;
  2. Death or serious illness in the family;
  3. Medical or dental appointments;
  4. Legal matters, not involving any wrongdoing by the student;
  5. Observance of holidays required by student’s religious affiliation.

UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: This absence counts toward the eight (8)

Days allowable. Any absence that does not fall in the above categories

Is unexcused. The student may not receive credit or a grade for

Assignments missed.

TARDINESS: Tardiness is discouraged. Students must report to the

Office if they are tardy. Students who are persistently tardy will be

Referred to the principal’s office for disciplinary action.


It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to call the

School between 8:00 A.M. and 8:30 A.M. the morning of their

Child’s absence or send a note with the child the next daystating

Why the student was absent.The school may contact those

Student’s parents who do not call. The note should be given to

The office and an admit slip will be issued to give to the teacher.

Students will have one day for each day missed to

Complete assignments. Parents may request their child’s

Homework by calling the school. Please call as early in the day

As possible to allow the teacher time to have the homework

Ready. Absences other than illness should be avoided as

Absences tend to lower grades and possibly result in retention.

(OK 70-10-106) If a child is absent without valid excuse four (4) or more

Days or parts of days within a four-week period or is absent without

Valid excuse for ten (10) or more days or parts of days within a semester,

The adminastration shall notify the parent, guardian, or custodian of the

Child and immediately report such absences to the district attorney in the

County wherein the school is located for juvenile proceedings pursuant to Tittle

10 of the Oklahoma Statutes.


Students move from one address to another sometimes during

The school year. This information must be reported to the office

To enable the school to get in touch with you in case of an emergency.

It is important for the school to have a working telephone number

For each student enrolled in school.


Homework is an important part of school. Sometimes a student

May not finish his/her work at school and is given the opportunity

To take it home to finish. Parents should make sure the homework

Is finished. A student must turn in their homework the following

School day. Failure to turn in work may result in a zero. One day

Per excused absence will be allowed for makeup work.

Disciplinary action may be taken for students who fail to complete

Homework assignments.


All books, purses, clothing, gloves, and equipment should

Be plainly marked with name tags or ink. Each year a

Considerable quantity of unclaimed clothing and other articles

Accumulates in the lost and found. Parents are urged to check

With the office for lost items.


Students are encouraged to participate in the school lunch

Program. Parents should pay for their child’s lunches in advance.

Students shall not be allowed to charge the cost of meals for

More than a two week period. At this time, the student will not

Be served until the account is paid in full.

Students may bring their lunches. No canned or bottled

Carbonated beverages should be brought with their lunches.

Students are to have milk on their tray. Students should drink

Milk unless they are allergic to milk or have a medical excuse.

Students that bring their lunches and those that do not drink

Milk may bring bottles of water into the lunchroom. All other

Students need to take milk on their tray. If for any other reason

A student is not to have milk, the parent/guardian should contact

The principal.

When parents/guardians are eating in the cafeteria with students,

It is MANDANTORY to check in with the office.


State law requires that a signed medication form be on file

For each medication given. The principal or designee may

Administer medicine to a student if the parent/guardian has

Signed a Parental Authorization to Administer Medicine form.

These forms are in the principal’s office and will be given to the

Parent/guardian upon request. A separate form must be signed

For each medication given. No medication will be dispensed

Unlessthis form has been signed by the parent/guardian.

Nonprescription medication must be in the original container.

Prescription medication must be in the original container with a

Pharmacy label. The pharmacy label must have the following:

Recent date; Student’s name; Physician name; Name of

Medication; Dosage; and Directions for administering.


Students will board buses on the west side by the gymnasium.

Car riders in grades PK, KD, and their older siblings will be picked

Up at the front entrance under the awning. First thru fourth grade

Students will be picked up in the east parking lot by the cafeteria.

Day care and car line students will be dismissed at 3:05. Bus students will be dismissed at 3:10,

Bike riders and walkers will be dismissed at 3:15. Do not ask your child

Toexit the building from another exit due to safety concerns. Students

Willnot be allowed to be picked up by car from the gymnasium.

No cars should be in the bus area at any time.


Teachers are available for scheduled conferences anytime a

Parent or teacher feels one is needed. Conferences can be

Scheduled by calling and setting a time with the teacher and/or

Principal. The best time for conferences is during a teacher’s

Preparation period or after school.


Report cards will be sent home with the students at the end of

Each nine week period. All cafeteria bills and any other debt owed

To the school must be paid before report cards will be released.


The safety of our students is important. Parents can help by

Pointing out the danger spots and the best place to cross streets.

Drivers need to be aware of the one way signs during school

Hours. Proper driving will insure safety for students.


Students will be informed by their teacher on days when weather

Conditions prohibit going outside for recess. At other times, students

Must have a dated and signed note by parents to stay inside during

Recess. The note is to state the reason – illness or doctor’s request.


All buildings, equipment, supplies, and books are the property

Of the school district. Students that willfully destroy or damage any

Ofthese must pay for the damage or replacement of the property.


Parents are welcome to visit the school, but must stop in the

Office for a visitor passes before visiting a classroom or a teacher.

School visitation of one’s friends from another school district is


The superintendent or principal of any secondary, middle, or

Elementary school shall have the authority to order any person out

Of the school building and off the school property when it appears

Thatthe presence of such person is a threat to the peaceful

Conduct of school business or school classes.


Students must have a note from their teacher to use the

Telephone. Outgoing calls are to be only in cases of emergency,

(Ex. illness or bad weather). Students will not be allowed to use the

Phone to call for books or assignments left at home, money for

Picturesor activities, permission slips, etc.

Parents should discuss with their children what they are to do

At the end of the school day, (ex. ride the bus home, walk home, goes

To daycare, etc.) So that the child will not have to call someone to

Find out what to do.


A child is truant if he/she is willfully and voluntarily

Absent from school. If a child is absent for eight (8) or

More days or parts of days within a semester, or four (4)

Or more days within a four week period, the parents of

That child will be reported to the appropriate authorities.

Parents/guardian should call the school office at

782-2703 or send a note when your child is ill and will not

Beattending school.


If you are moving, please let the school know as soon as

Possible so your withdrawal form will be ready for you to take

To your new school. All textbooks and library books must be

Returned or paid for. Be sure your child’s cafeteria bills and

Any other money owed to the school has been paid. If the new

School needs information from permanent records, they will

Write to our school and it will be mailed to them promptly.

Authorization to mail special education records will adhere to

Special education state policies and procedures. The parent/

Guardian should come to the school to take care of these matters

Before your child’s last day at school.


Senate Bill 1795 requires vision screenings. Parents or

Guardians with children enrolled in kindergarten, first, and

Third grades at a public school must provide proof that their

Child passed a vision screening within the past 12 months. The

Screening must have been conducted by personnel listed on the

Department of Health's statewide registry. The certification must

Be provided within 30 days of the beginning of the school year,

Though screenings for kindergarten students may be completed

Anytime during the school year. Students who fail a screening

Will be referred for a comprehensive eye examination by an

Ophthalmologist or optometrist.


The Oklahoma Immunization Law requires that all

Children attending school in Oklahoma must have proof

Of immunization status to enroll in school.

Vaccination against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus,

Measles and polio are required. The State Board of

Health requires that children entering kindergarten through

Ninth grade to have received five (5) doses (unless fourth

DTP/DTaP/Td was received after the fourth birthday), and

Two (2) doses each of measles, mumps, and rubella


Children entering kindergarten through ninth grade

Must have four (4) doses of polio.

Students entering kindergarten through ninth grade

In the fall of 2007 will be required to have had two (2)

Doses of hepatitis A vaccine, with the first dose on or

After the second birthday and the second dose six to

Eighteen months later. Students entering kindergarten

Through ninth grade in the fall of 2007 will be required

To have had three (3) doses of hepatitis B vaccine.

Students entering kindergarten through ninth grade in

The fall of 2007 will be required to have had one (1) dose

Of varicella (chickenpox), or show proof of having had the

Disease chickenpox.

Students entering pre-kindergarten must have received

Four (4) doses of DTP/DTaP/Td, three (3) doses of polio, and

And (1) dose of MMR. Pre-kindergarten students must have

Receivedthree (3) doses of hepatitis B and two (2) doses of

Hepatitis A. Students entering pre-kindergarten must have

Received one (1) dose of varicella (chickenpox) or show

Proof of having had the disease chickenpox.


The bus driver is in full charge of the bus and students,

And students must obey the driver. Violations of bus rules

Will be reported by the bus driver for corrective action. The

Action taken could include temporary or permanent withdrawal

Of riding privileges.


  1. Be on time at the designated school bus stop. Keep the

bus on schedule.

  1. Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus.

3. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before

attempting to enter the bus.

4. Bus riders are not to move toward the bus at the school

loading zone until the bus has been brought to a complete



  1. Stay seated at all times.
  2. Keep hand and head inside the bus at all times after

entering and until leaving the bus.

  1. Refrain from the use of any form of tobacco.
  2. Assist in keeping the bus clean at all times.
  3. Remember that loud talking and laughing or

unnecessary confusion diverts the driver’s attention

and may result in a serious accident.

  1. Damage to seats, etc., must be paid for by the offender.
  2. Bus riders should never tamper with the bus or any of its


  1. Do not leave books, lunches, or other articles on the bus.
  2. Keep books, packages, coats, and all other objects out of

the aisles.

  1. Help look after the safety and comfort of small children
  2. Do not throw anything out of the bus window.
  3. Bus riders are not permitted to leave their seats while

the bus is in motion.

  1. Disruptive behavior is not permitted around or on the bus.
  2. Bus riders are expected to be courteous to fellow students,

the bus driver, and the patrol officers, or driver’s assistants.

  1. When approaching a railroad crossing it is important to

keep quiet.

  1. In case of road emergency, children are to remain in the bus.


  1. When crossing the road, go at least ten feet in front of

the bus, check traffic, watch for the bus driver’s signal,

then cross the road.

  1. Students living on the right side of the road should

immediately leave the bus and stay clear of traffic.

  1. Help look after the safety and comfort of small children.
  2. The driver will not discharge riders at places other than

the regular bus stop, except by proper authorization from

the parent or school official.


  1. The bus rider rules and regulations will apply to any trip

under school sponsorship.

  1. Students shall respect the wishes of a chaperone

appointed by school officials.


The principal shall have authority to suspend any pupil who

is guilty of any of the following acts while in attendance at such

school or in transit by school transportation or under school

supervision to or from school or at any school function

authorized by the school district or when present on any

facility under the control of the school district for:

  1. Immorality, profanity, or obscenity as defined by the

Statutes of Oklahoma;

  1. Violation of written school rules, regulations, or policies;
  2. Possession, threat or use of a dangerous weapon as

defined by the State Statutes;

  1. Assault and battery;
  2. Possession of any narcotic drug, stimulant, barbiturate,

or alcohol;

  1. Conduct which jeopardizes the safety of others;
  2. Conduct calculated to disrupt the operation of the school;
  3. Truancy.

The principal shall conduct a full investigation and hearing

of the matter, hear all persons involved and determine the

guilt or innocence of the pupil.

When the principal has determined that a student is guilty,

the student may be suspended from school for a period

not to exceed ten (10) days if the violation is the student’s

first offense. When any student is determined to have

threatened or attempted to use a dangerous weapon or to have

a dangerous weapon, the principal shall, for the tranquillity of

the school and the safety of others suspend the student for the

balance of the current school year. If such use or possession