EnglishYear 3 will be designing posters about geography of Ancient Greece, reading Greek Myths- writing description of mythical monsters, designing a Greek hero, dramatising Greek myths, plan and writing Greek myths. Discussing the Battle of Marathon- hot seating the different soldiers involved from each side, write a newspaper article about the battle. / MathsThe children will follow the Mathematics programme of study from the National Curriculum and the Mathematics mastery scheme. Year 3 will cover multiplication and division, word problems, using 10s, 100s to multiply and divide large numbers, understanding time, analogue and digital and word problems involving time and fractions.
Topic- What have the Greeks ever done for us? (Ancient Greece) We will look at a timeline spanning BC and AD, order and sequence events, study Greek gods, goddesses and temples, what the Greeks have left us, Greek homes, the Ancient Olympic games, comparing life in Athens and Sparta, farming and trade in Ancient Greece, everyday life including schools and education, life for children, clothes and food, Greek pottery styles, Greek theatre and Ancient Greek medicine and illness. Our Art lessons will also be based on the Ancient Greeks. We will be using collage techniques, clay, paint and sculpture skills to create different artifacts inspired by our topic work. / R.E. This term will follow the new Diocese of Oxford scheme of work through two key questions. Term 3 asks Is a Jewish child free to choose how to live? Exploring the impact Jewish beliefs have on the life of a child. Term 4 asks Does Easter make sense without Passover? Exploring the connections between Easter and Passover, particularly the Last Supper.
ScienceTerm 3 Our Science topics this term are 'Movement and Feeding' and 'Magnets and Forces'.
In our first topic we will be looking at healthy diets for a range of animals (including humans)and learning the names of somehuman bones! The second topic will include investigations using magnets and seeing the different forces needed to move objects across the surface ofa range of materials. / ComputingWe will look generally at e-safety, saving and retrieving work, keyboard and function keys with basic typing and editing skills. We will learn simple programming skills as our core work. We will also search the internet as needed for topic work and improve maths skills via various games. In specific computing lessons we will be ‘Presenters’focusing onusing PowerPoint to create and share presentations.
Art We will be creating art inspired by our topic of Ancient Greece. We will be using collage techniques to create Athenian coins, Greek armour pictures, Medusa masks, laurel wreath headdresses, Greek myth pictures, Greek pots, theatre masks, clay Greek dolls, painted Greek landscapes in the style of Klee and creating Greek patterns using wax crayons and acrylic paint. / Design and TechnologyYear 3 Spring topic will be ‘Sandwich Snacks’ We will be designing and making sandwiches, making different types of bread, thinking about different fillings, healthy and unhealthy fillings, food hygiene and evaluating designs and finished products.
MusicMusic lessons will be following Music Express for Year 3. During the year, the children will have the opportunity to perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions. They will also explore the different dimensions of music: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations through listening, performing and composing. / PE Topics this term include continuing working on gymnastics to create controlled shapes and sequences and basic games skills. Children will also learn about warming up safely and recognize changes in the body during exercise. We will be working on team work and playing small sided games in athletics.
PE kits should be in school for Mondays (indoor) and Thursdays (outdoor).
French we will learn some common nursery rhymes and stories in French, continuing work on numbers, playground games in French, describing and discussing preferences and opinions in French as well as revising the vocabulary we learnt in the Autumn term. / PSHE The SEAL scheme will be used alongside Circle Time to discuss topical and class issues as appropriate. We will specifically be looking at Going for goals- children recognising their worth as individuals, by identifying positive things about themselves and their achievements. Good to be me- talking and writing about their opinions, and explain their views, on issues that affect themselves and society recognising their worth as individuals.
Later in the year we plan to coverthe topic of India.