Project Budgeting and Cost Control
Abdel-Khalik, Rashad A. The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Accounting. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Business, 1998.
Badiru, Adedeji. "Economic Aspects of Project Management." [Chapter 5] Project Management Tools for Engineering and Management Professionals. Norcross, GA: Institute of Industrial Engineers, 1991.
Bent, James and Kenneth K. Humphreys. Effective Project Management Through Applied Cost and Schedule Control. New York: M. Dekker, 1996.
Cooper, Robin. When Lean Enterprises Collide . Boston, Mass.: HarvardBusinessSchool Press, 1995.
Contract Pricing Reference Guides v.3-Cost Analysis, 2000.
Cost Realism Handbook for Assuring More Realistic Contractor Cost Proposals. Washington, D.C.: Navy Office for Acquisition Research, 1985.
de Neufville, Richard. "Cost Estimation." [Chapter 14] Applied Systems Analysis: Engineering Planning and Technology Management. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990.
Fleming, Quentin W. Cost/Schedule Control Systems Criteria: The Management Guide to C/SCSC. Chicago: Probus Publishing, 1988.
Fleming, Quentin. Subcontract Planning and Organization. Chicago: Probus Publishing, 1993.
Full Cost Management. Washington, DC: NASA, 1998.
Greenberg, Joel S., ed. Space Economics. Washington, D.C.: AIAA, 1992. [includes many essays on project cost control]
Hickel, James K. The Cost Effective Organization: How to Create It, How to Maintain It. Lakewood, Colorado: Glenbridge Publishing, 1993.
Hoban, Frank and William Lawbaugh. Readings in Systems Engineering. Washington, D.C.: NASA, 1993.
Indirect Cost Rate Determination Guide: Cost Principles and Procedures for Non-Profit Organizations. Dept. of Labor, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management.
International Society of Parametric Analysts (ISPA). Joint Industry/Government Parametric Estimating Handbook. 2ndEd. 1999.
International Society of Parametric Analysts (ISPA)/ Society of Cost Estimating and Analysis (SCEA). Joint International Conference Papers, 1999.
International Society of Parametric Analysts (ISPA) Society of Cost Estimating and Analysis (SCEA). Joint International Conference Papers, 1998.
Kehoe, Joseph. "Introduction to Activity Costing and Management." [Part I] Activity-based Management in Government. Washington, D.C.: Coopers & Lybrand, 1995.
Kerzner, Harold. "Cost Control." [Chapter 15] Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling. 6thEd. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1998.
Knutson, Joan Ryan. "Developing and Monitoring the Cost Baseline." [Chapter 8] How to Be a Successful Project Manager. New York: American Management Association, 1988.
Love, Sydney F. "Budgeting and Controlling the Cost: How to Avoid Overruns." [Chapter 5] Achieving Problem Free Project Management. New York: Wiley, 1989.
Meredith, Jack R. and Samuel J. Mantel. "Budgeting." [Chapter 7] Project Management: A Managerial Approach. New York: Wiley, 1989.
Michaels, Jack V. and William P. Wood. Design to Cost. New York: Wiley, 1989.
Morse, Wayne J. "Activity Cost Analysis and Planning." [Chapter 2] "Designing Product Cost Systems." [Chapter 7] Management Accounting: A Strategic Approach. 2nded. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-WesternCollege Publishing, 2000.
NASA Cost-Estimating Guidelines. 1999.
Ostrenga, Michael. The Ernst and Young Guide to Total Cost Management.New York:Wiley, 1992.
Parametric Cost Estimating Handbook. First Edition.
Peles, Charles J. "Managing Costs with Precision." [pp.551-560] Project Management: AReference for Professionals. Robert L. Kimmons and James H. Loweree, Eds. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1989.
Project and Cost Engineers' Handbook. New York: Dekker, 1993.
Ritz, George J. "The Project Money Plan." [Chapter 5] Total Engineering Project Management. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990.
Ross, David. "Cost Estimating" and "Cost Control." [Pp. 188-237] Project Management Handbook. Dennis Lock, ed. Cambridge, Eng.: Gower Technical Press, 1987.
Rowings, James E. Organizing for Capital Projects: A Rational Approach. Austin, TX: The Institute, University of Texas at Austin, 1993.
Shaheen, Salem K. "Cost Control." [Chapter 7] Practical Project Management. New York: Wiley, 1987.
Shim, Jae K. Budgeting Basics & Beyond: A Complete Step-by-Step guide for Nonfinancial Managers. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall, 1994.
Shim, Jae K. Complete Budgeting Workbook and Guide. New York: New York Institute of Finance, 1994.
Shim, Jae K. and Joel G. Siegel. Modern Cost Management and Analysis. New York: Barron's, 1991.
Space Project Management: Cost and Schedule ManagementECSS Secretariat, ESA-ESTEC, Requirements & Standards Division. Noordwijk,The Netherlands: ESA Publications Division, 1996
Spinner, Pete. "Scheduling and Controlling Project Costs." [Chapter 5]Improving Project Management Skills and Techniques. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989.
Tompkins, Bill G. Project Cost Control for Managers. Houston, TX : Gulf Publishing, 1985.
Tracy, John A. Budgeting ‘la carte: Essential Tools for Harried Business Managers. New York: John Wiley, 1996.
Varholy, Stephen. NASA Full-cost Initiative Agencywide Implementation Guide. Washington, DC: NASA Headquarters, 1998.
Ward, Sol. Cost Engineering for Effective Project Control. New York: J. Wiley, 1992.
Wynant, Edward A. "The Project Budget." [pp.377-389] Project Management: A Reference for Professionals. Robert L. Kimmons and James H. Loweree, eds. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1989.
Periodical Articles
Biggs, John R and Walt Downhower. "Cost Control for Mariner Venus/ Mercury ‘73." Issues in NASA Program and Project Management.NASA SP-6101, 05 (Spring 1992) p. 32+.
Chui-Yu, Chiu. "Capital Budgeting Decisions with Fuzzy Projects." The EngineeringEconomist.v. 43 no2 (Winter 1998) p. 125-50.
Craig, Mark and others. "The Cost Control Process." Issues in NASA Program andProject Management. NASA SP- 6101, 07 (Autumn 1993) p. 13+.
Fabrycky, Wolter J. "A Capital Budgeting Model Based on the Project Portfolio Approach: Avoiding Cash Flows Per Project." The Engineering Economist.v.42 (Winter 1997) p. 111-135.
Fletcher, Charles. "Defeating the Cost Plus Paradigm in Defense Projects." PM Network.v.10 no.5 (May 1996) p. 17-18.
Fleming, Quentin W. and Joel M. Koppelman. "Earned Value Project Management." Crosstalk(July 1998).
Fuezery, Geza. "Managing Small Projects." PM Network. v.12 no.7 (July 1998) p. 33, 35-36.
Gels, Irving M. "Cost Control and Cash-Flow Management: A Simple Approach." Cost Engineering.v.39 no.11 (1997) p.13+.
Hamaker, Joseph W. "But What Will It Cost? The History of NASA Cost Estimating."
Hodge, John D. "Improving Cost Efficiency in Large Programs."
Jehle, Kathryn. "Budgeting as a Competitive Advantage." Strategic Finance. v.81 no.4 (1999) p.54+.
Jurkiewicz, Wieslaw, J. "The Dual-Entry Cost Control Method: Why Cost Engineers Should Switch." Cost Engineering. v.39, no11 (1997) p. 25+.
"Making a Strong Case for Funding." Supervisory Management (December 1995) p. 3.
"Parametric Cost Estimating Process Flow Analogy Approach."
"Parametric Cost Estimating Process Flow CER-based Cost Model Approach."
Osterfelt, Susan. "Got Money?" DM Review. v.10no.1 (January 2000) p. 80.
Owens, John P. "Cost Control and Profitability Strategies in Today’s Market." CommercialLending Review.v.15 no.1 (Winter 1999) p. 29-33.
Robbins, J.L. & J.C.Daneman. "Parametric Estimating & The Stepwise Statistical Technique." National Estimator. (Spring 1999) p.24-34.
Sanchez-Pescador, Ray PMP. "The Biotech R7D Budget: A Process for Project Success." PM Network.v.13 no.5 (March 1999) p. 29-32.
Scotto, Marie. "Project Budgeting: The Key to Bringing Business Projects In On-Time and On-Budget."Project Manager Journal.v.25 no.1 (March 1994) p.35.
Sigurdsden, Arild. "Principle Errors in Capital Cost Estimating Work, Part 1." Project Management Journal. v.27 no.3 (September 1996) p. 27-34.
Sheils, John F. "Cost Control: Don’t Count Employers Out." Health Affairs. v.18 no.1 (1999) p.272.
Smith, Susan. "Where Time is Money: Managing Resources & Costs" A/C/E Systems (Winter 1998).
Sytsma, Sid. "Project Budgeting: Development and Management." FerrisStateUniversity.
West, Robert N. "How to Set Up a Budgeting and Planning System." ManagementAccounting.v.78 (January 1997) p. 20-2.
Zhan, Jim, Gaowu. "A Project Cost Control Model." Cost Engineering. v.40 no.12 (1998) p.31+.
Internet Resources
AACE International: Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering through Cost Management
Cost Estimating Resources
Financial Management in Government: Financenet
International Society of Parametric Analysts
Papers and Presentations
RAND Documents on Cost Analysis
Society of Cost Estimating and Analysis