of the
1:00 P.M. / (3/28)
1. /
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag - (Led by Hon. Van B. Robinson, President of the Syracuse Common Council)
2. /Invocation - (A Moment of Silent Reflection was led by Hon. Van B. Robinson, President of the Syracuse Common Council)
3. /Roll Call - (Present - 8; Councilor Hunter absent)
4. /Minutes - March 14, 2011 - (Adopted 8-0)
5. / Public Hearing - Relative to Agenda Item #27, “Authorize - A Cooperative Marketing Agreement with JetBlue Airways for marketing and advertising assistance associated with the City of Syracuse Air Service Incentive Program at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the addition of a second non-stop flight to Orlando International Airport, for the period of six months, from February 17, 2011-July 16, 2011. Total cost not to exceed $20,000 funded through Aviation Account #04.56100.0.499.” (Public Hearing held on Monday, March 28, 2011 at 1:00 P.M.) (NO APPEARANCES)Public Hearing - Relative to Agenda Item #28, “Amend - Ord. #380 (07/09/01), “Authorize - Master Lease Agreement between the Department of Aviation and the Federal Aviation Administration for the use and lease of premises at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the period of October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2015 and enter into a Supplemental Lease Agreement to extend the term to September 20, 2020, to incorporate the lease covering the ASR-8 Storage Building, Exhibit “A”, to incorporate the lease covering the Instrumental Landing System/Glide Slope/Localizer for Runway 15 Facility, Exhibit “B”, and to provide an updated list of Federal Aviation Administration Navigational Aids located at Syracuse Hancock International Airport, Exhibit “C”. Amend to authorize Supplemental Lease Agreement No. 4 to incorporate new generation RVR system and PAPI system to serve Runway 10-28 as detailed in Exhibits “A” and “B”. (Public Hearing held on Monday, March 28, 2011 at 1:00 P.M.) (NO APPEARANCES)
6. /
Petitions - (NONE)
7. /Committee Reports – (Public Works (D.P.W. & Transportation) Neighborhood Preservation, (Homeless & Housing Vulnerable)
8. /Communications - (From the City Auditor, an audit of the City of Syracuse Cash and Investments policy ending December 31, 2009; From Brian Macrai of Syracuse Synapse, Downtown LLC accepting terms and conditions of Ord. #92 (03/02/11); From Preston Fagan, President of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Syracuse/Onondaga County, a letter requesting a meeting with the Common Council to discuss an open citizen-controlled process for reviewing grievances involving members of the Syracuse Police Department and recent developments with the Citizens Review Board; From David Baines, CRB Chair, and Janice Speights, CRB Vice-Chair, a letter asking for a review of Local Law #11, 1993 which established the Citizen’s Review Board and to address the matter of the authority to hire and fire the Board Administrator.
8-0 / Local Law - Of the City of Syracuse, Water Department, to convey the Seventh North Street 16" cast iron water main to Onondaga County for the total sum of $1.00. The water main runs from Electronics Parkway to Voorhees Lane and Larkin Street, approximately 9,625 linear feet.
/ LL
8-0 / Resolution - Approving the Appointment of Various Persons as Commissioners of Deeds for 2011- 2012. / 8-R
8-0 / Designate - The property located at 309 Van Rensselaer Street as a Protected Site regarding the exterior of the property only. The owner spoke in favor of the proposal and no one spoke in opposition to the proposal. Syracuse Landmark Preservation Board, applicant. Patricia Prince, owner. / Gen.
H / Permission - To 325 South Salina Street, LLC, owner of the property located at 325 South Salina Street, to encroach approximately 6' x 24' into the Bank Alley right-of-way with an existing concrete ramp, railing and concrete pad for wheel chair access. / H
8-0 / Special Permit - To approve a care home on property located at 420 Gifford Street. No one spoke in favor and one person spoke in opposition of this proposal. Vesta Community Housing Development, Inc. applicant. Vesta Community Housing Development, Inc. and St. Lucy’s Church, owners. / Gen.
8-0 / Special Permit - To approve the modification of a restaurant to remove the indoor amusement and recreation on property located at 204 Butternut Street No one spoke either in favor of or in opposition to the proposal. The City Planning Commission granted a waiver of parking regulations from 21 to 0. Nhan Dang Thanh, applicant. Robert L. Tisdell, owner. / Gen.
8-0 / Special Permit - To approve a restaurant on property located at 521 and 523 Marcellus Street. 30 people spoke in favor of and 13 people spoke in opposition to the proposal. The applicant also presented a petition of support signed by 590 people. The City Planning Commission granted waivers from the sign regulations and parking regulations from 31 to 0. Jan Maloff, applicant, owner. / Gen.
8-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 130 Berger Avenue, a wood house, to Lotan Mitchell for the total sum of $10,375. / 113
8-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 225 Elliott Street, a wood house and unfinished garage, to Jaime A. Martinez for the total sum of $5,425. / 114
H / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1716 E. Fayette Street and Westcott Street, a vacant lot, to Syracuse Quality Living, Inc. for the total sum of $1,925. / H
H / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 104 Westcott Street, a vacant lot, to Syracuse Quality Living, Inc. for the total sum of $2,825. / H
H / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 108 Westcott Street Rear, a vacant lot, to Syracuse Quality Living, Inc. for the total sum of $1,175. / H
8-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 214-218 S. Warren Street & E. Fayette Street, a masonry building, to Merchants Bank Commons LLC for the total sum of $101,050. / 115
8-0 / Amend - Ord. #362 (07/13/09), “Contract - With C&S Companies to provide design and engineering services for the milling and paving of various City streets, on behalf of the Department of Public Works. Total cost not to exceed $500,000 as authorized by Ord. Nos. 179 & 180 and Bond Ord. No. 178 (05-11-09). Total project cost not to exceed $5,150,000 with 80% Federal TIP (PIN #375507) funding.” Amend to include construction inspection services. Total cost not to exceed $205,000 with 80% Federal TIP reimbursement. / 116
Kessner / Bond Ordinance - Authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of Syracuse to be used to defray the cost and expense of the 2010/2011 Assessable Sidewalk Program. Total amount not to exceed $1,000,000. / 117
Kessner / Authorize - The 2010/2011 Assessable Sidewalk Program, on behalf of the Department of Public Works. Total cost not to exceed $1,000,000. Costs will be assessed against the abutting property owners and the proceeds are to be used to offset the debt service. / 118
8-0 / Application & Agreement - To and with the US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs for a Comprehensive Anti-Gang Strategies/Programs grant for funds in an amount not to exceed $750,000. The City will work with implementing partners: the Salvation Army, the Boys and Girls Club, New Justice Conflict Resolution Services, Inc., the Finn Institute and the Syracuse Police Department. The City’s portion will be used to hire an Anti-Gang Strategy Director to coordinate the initiative throughout the City. No local match is required. / 119
Joy, Hogan, Seals, Maroun,
Robinson -
yes / Authorize - Intermunicipal Agreement with Onondaga County to repair and/or replace elevators located within the Public Safety Building. The apportionment is City 61% and Onondaga County 39%. The County will pay the costs of replacing the elevators and the City agrees to pay the County an amount equal to 61% and include these costs in the 2012 City Abstract. The term of the agreement shall be from the date of execution until the County receives payment from the City for its share. Estimated cost $426,000. / 120
8-0 / Authorize - A Cooperative Marketing Agreement with JetBlue Airways for marketing and advertising assistance associated with the City of Syracuse Air Service Incentive Program at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the addition of a second non-stop flight to Orlando International Airport, for the period of six months, from February 17, 2011-July 16, 2011. Total cost not to exceed $20,000 funded through Aviation Account #04.56100.0.499. (Public Hearing held on Monday, March 28, 2011at 1:00 P.M.) / 121
8-0 / Amend - Ord. #380 (07/09/01), “Authorize - Master Lease Agreement between the Department of Aviation and the Federal Aviation Administration for the use and lease of premises at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the period of October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2015 and enter into a Supplemental Lease Agreement to extend the term to September 20, 2020, to incorporate the lease covering the ASR-8 Storage Building, Exhibit “A”, to incorporate the lease covering the Instrumental Landing System/Glide Slope/Localizer for Runway 15 Facility, Exhibit “B”, and to provide an updated list of Federal Aviation Administration Navigational Aids located at Syracuse Hancock International Airport, Exhibit “C”. Amend to authorize Supplemental Lease Agreement No. 4 to incorporate new generation RVR system and PAPI system to serve Runway 10-28 as detailed in Exhibits “A” and “B”. (Public Hearing held on Monday, March 28, 2011 at 1:00 P.M.) / 122
8-0 / Advertise Public Hearing - Relative to a Supplemental Lease Agreement between the City of Syracuse and the United States of America for space to be leased to the TSA in the Terminal Building, at Syracuse, Hancock International Airport. (Public Hearing to be held on Monday, April 25, at 1:00 P.M.) / 123
H / Amend - Ord. #4 (01/12/09), “Authorize - Lease Agreement with the United States of America for space (1,973 square feet) leased by the Transportation Security Administration in the Terminal Building, at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the period of five years, September 1, 2008-August 31, 2013. Total rent in the amount of $8,936 per month for the first two years and $9,673 per month for the remaining three years. Total rent amount of $562,680.” (Public Hearing held on Monday, January 12, 2009 at 1:00 P.M.) Amend to add a Supplemental Lease Agreement, due to the Improvement Project, to relocate the TSA from the lower level north concourse to the lower level south concourse and increase the space to 2,140 square feet. The City will pay for the relocation and the rent and all conditions will remain the same. / H
8-0 / Amend - Ord #37 (02/08/10), “Authorize - “Professional Services Agreement with InterVISTAS Consulting, LLC on behalf of the Department of Aviation, for services related to Airline Use and Lease Agreement Implementation, Airport Governance, Tax Litigation and Air Service Marketing and Development, for the term of March 1, 2009- February 28, 2011. Total cost not to exceed $1,269,500. The Mayor has waived the RFP Process.” Amend to extend the term of the contract from February 28, 2011 to February 29, 2012, on a month to month basis, at no additional cost. / 124
8-0 / Approve - Settlement of Tax Certiorari Proceedings - Erie Realty Holdings LLC vs. Assessor, City of Syracuse, Board of Assessment Review of the City of Syracuse and the City of Syracuse, County of Onondaga, New York - 3020-3040 and 3060 Erie Boulevard East and Headson Drive, 114-122 Headson Drive - Tax Years 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11. Refund not to exceed $34,397, as detailed in Appendix “A”. / 125
Kessner / Bond Ordinance - Authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of Syracuse to be used to defray the cost and expense of the Compromise Settlement of Claim regarding Sutton Investing Corporation vs. City of Syracuse, Index.: 02-3667. Total amount not to exceed $4,000,000. / 126
Kessner / Approve - Compromise Settlement of Claim - Sutton Investing Corporation vs. City of Syracuse, Index No.: 02-3667, as detailed in Exhibits “A” and “B”. Settlement amount $4,000,000. / 127
8-0 / Authorize - The Department of Assessment to retain appraisers (William Anderson - 419 Pacific Ave. - Ed Pfohl - 1024 Avery Ave.) / 128
8-0 / Appropriate Funds - From 2010/2011 Cash Capital Account #07.01101.0.000 the amount of $100,000 (from the $400,000 for Park Facility Improvements) to an account to be designated by the Commissioner of Finance for the Burnet Park Ice Rink Enclosure. A grant of $285,000 from the US HUD Development Initiative-Special Projects Grant has been secured by Onondaga County and an Intermunicipal Agreement has been authorized. Total project cost not to exceed $385,000. / 129
8-0 / Amend - Ord. #55 (09/25/06), “Contract - With National Elevator Inspection Services, Inc. for services related to elevator/conveyance inspection and plan review for the period of three years with two 1-year options. Total yearly cost of $9,000. Total cost not to exceed $27,000.” Amend to authorize a 90-day extension to the contract for an additional cost not to exceed $5,000 to be charged to Account #01.36210.0.415. Total annual cost not to exceed $14,000. / 130
Syracuse Common Council
Adjourned at 1:30 P.M.