the, based in, Part. IVA , Fiscal Code, referred to in the following asContractor and represented by, as, which is domiciled there for what regards his representative duty (authorised to that bywith the deliberation n. of)
the Università degli Studi di L'Aquila- Centro Internazionale di Ricerca per la “Matematica & Meccanica dei Sistemi Complessi” -based in L'Aquila - Località Monticchio, Part. IVA 01021630668, henceforth referred to as University, represented by Prof. Ferdinando di Orio pro-tempore Rector, which is domiciled there for what regards his representative duty.
Premised that
with Decreto Rettorale (Rectoral Decree) n. 1778 dated October27, 2010 the Università degli Studi dell’L'Aquilahas approved the foundation of the Centro Internazionale di Ricerca per la “Matematica & Meccanica dei Sistemi Complessi”;
the Contractor declares his interest in pursuing the institutional objectives of the Center;
The Regulation of the Centerapproved by theChief Executives Board and by theAcademic Senate of the Università degli studi dell’Aquila in the datesOctober 13 and 6, 2010, respectively;
the following is agreed and stipulated:
Article 1 –Object
To the extent of art. 4 of the above mentioned Regulationthe Contractor intends to affiliate to theCentro Internazionale di Ricerca per la “Matematica & Meccanica dei Sistemi Complessi”of the Università degli Studi dell'Aquila.
Article 2 – List of affiliating teachers and researchers
The Contractor which is affiliating to the Center proposes the following list of affiliating teachers and researchers:
and he commits himself to keep updated this list.
Article 3 –Contact person
The contact person for the Contractor is Prof./Dr. ______
Article 4 –Lasting period
The affiliation to the Center is intended to be valid until a resignation undersigned by the legal representative of the institution is presented.
Article5 – Transfer of the contracts which are not yet expired**
At the same time of the establishment of this agreement the Contractor transfers to the University the ownership of the following contracts:
The University declares to accept the transfer and the subsequent duties.
The transferred contracts are attached to the present agreement which they constitute part of.
Art. 6 – Scientific and counting reporting
To the extent of art. 13 of the Regulation of the Center, with the goal of allowing to the Contractor the scientific and counting reporting of his researches conducted within the Center, the University is committing to deliberate, for all the reportable initiatives of the Center, the share of interest of the Contractor. An analogous deliberation will be assumed for all the financial means which the Center can be disposed of and recalled at the points 2 and 3 of art. 12 of the above mentioned Regulation.
L'Aquila, li
The ContractorThe Legal Representative
The Legal Representative of
Centro Internazionale di Ricerca per la “Matematica & Meccanica dei Sistemi Complessi” or his delegate
**Tale articolo va omesso nei casi più comuni, e riguarda solo quegli Enti che afferiscono al Centro apportando risorse finanziarie,beni mobili o immobili, contratti di locazione o usufrutto, etc.