LSHS English Department Syllabus1
Lithia Springs High School
READ-180 Course Syllabus 2016-2017
Course Title & Number: READ-180 Comprehensive Reading Enrichment Program
Room: A106
Teachers: Christopher Moore- English Teacher
Tange English-Special Services Teacher
Teachers’ Contacts:
School Website:
School Phone: (770)651-6700
Course Description:
Focusing on a study of materials and exercises that emphasize the aims of the program and course, the students will develop an initial understanding of the way the form of a work of literature affects the meaning of the work and of the process of interpretation for meaning of a text or texts. The students will read thoughtfully and purposefully, continually checking for understandings of the author’s intents and meanings in order to determine sound interpretations. The students will develop computer skills associated with the program and its materials.
Based on a thematic approach, students will further develop reading, writing, speaking/listening, and critical thinking skills through the study of a variety of genres and writers unique to the literature of the prescribed course. Emphasis on developing control in technical writing, refining personal narratives, building research skills, and integrating grammar and mechanics skillsusage runs throughout the course.
Performance Standards/Objectives:
The students will be expected to accomplish tasks that meet the objectives and performance standards (CCGPS) as outlined by the state and county for the course listed above. An abbreviated list of the basic performance standards and objectives is provided below. Students will. . .
demonstrate comprehension by identifying evidence in a variety of texts representative of different genres and use this evidence as a basis of reading comprehension.
identify and apply a knowledge of theme in literary works from various genres in the literature and informational texts body of work to support understanding.
deepen understanding of literary works and informational text by relating them to contemporary context and historical background.
compose essays, narratives, paragraphs, poems, and technical documents.
understand and acquire new vocabulary to use correctly in reading, speaking, and writing.
read informational, fictional, and creative texts in a variety of genres.
participate in discussions related to the study of class materials.
use research and technology to support learning using required formats.
Anticipated Classroom Format:
Active participation by students requires regular attendance, attention to class assignments and discussions, active participation in the workbook/computer/reading exercises designed for reading enhancement and learning. Each class session will include activities that are specifically related to the unit of study. The overall goal of the course is for students to enjoy reading and how it affords them connections to real world experiences. Students will have opportunities to experience how reading affects everything else in academic study and life experiences.
Assessments/Evaluations/Required Student Products:
The final course grade will be a combination of class workbook exercises, computer tests, reading book quizzes, and short written papers. Throughout the semester, students will be assessed, both formally and informally through the use of formative and summative.
Strategies for Student Learning:
Each student will be expected to work both independently and collaboratively with others in order to complete assignments and enhance learning. A combination of student-centered activities (group teams, individual, & class) will include key strategies for a learning environment.
Academic Honesty:
Plagiarism is not acceptable! Sufficient time will be provided for the completion of assignments such as essays or papers. Plagiarism, which is intellectual theft, will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for the assignment. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to cutting and pasting off the internet without proper referencing, copying electronically or hard-copy from other students’ work, submitting the work of someone else as original, and including work as one’s own without proper citation or giving credit to the originator in a paper, presentation, or assignment.
Required Readings and Writings:
During the course, students will read various literature selections which include short story segments, articles, and informational texts which include essays, articles, advertising, and other media. All students are required to read all assigned readings and participate in all discussions and assignments.
Lost Book Policy:
Books and/or textbooks (workbooks)are assigned.. Books may be checked out to students to make up assignments or to perform other work or projects. The students will be responsible for the replacement cost of a book that is damaged or lost, regardless of the condition of the book at the time it is taken out.
Late Work and Make-Up Assignments:
It is the responsibility of the student to find out what work was missed because of an absence and to complete that work within three days of returning to school.See teachers to set up an appointment to make up tests or quizzes.Late work alsomeans that the student was present and received the assignment but did not do it. In this case, the student has up to three days to turn it in with a teacher assigned point penalty.
English Department Grade Policy: READ-180 subscribes to the Douglas County High School Grading Guidelines
Grade reports are issued each nine weeks. At a minimum, teachers are expected to provide two graded assignments per week. Numerical grades will be given on report cards and posted on all permanent records in grades 9-12 using the scale listed as follows:
A = 90 - 100
B = 80 - 89
C = 71 - 79
D = 70
F = below 70
Grading Plan: The grades will be calculated using a percentage system.
Evaluation (grading):
- All students are expected to be active participants in their learning experiences. Active participation requires regular attendance, attention to class assignments and discussions, and commitment to learning. Each class session will include activities that are specifically related to the unit of study.
- Grading Plan: A numerical grade will be recorded for all student grades in the electronic grade book (Student Information System/Infinite Campus, which will be updated at least every ten school days.
- Letter grades will be given on report cards and posted on all permanent records using the following scale: A=100-90, B=89-80, C=79-71, D=70, F=69-0. Students will receive a minimum of 10 grades per 9 weeks. Rubrics, scoring guides, etc. will be used whenever applicable.
- SummativeGrades: Will comprise 50% of the 36 week average. These categories or grades could include, but not be limited to examinations/tests, projects, assessments, quizzes, and writing assignments.
- Formative Grades: Will comprise 30% of the 36 week average. These categories or grades could include, but not be limited to R Skills Tests, R-Book quizzes, Computer Reading, class work, homework, and other similar assignments.
- Final Exam/Lexile Improvements: The final exam for this class will count 20% of the 36 week average.
Classroom Non-Negotiables
1. Stay in your assigned seat/group until the bell rings. Students will be dismissed by the teacher.
2. No food, candy, or gum allowed.
3. No electronic devices of any kind allowed.
4. Respect your classmates and their property.
5. Be on time and prepared to learn each day.
1. Clean up around your area. Leave things the way you found them.
2. Raise your hand if you have a question and before you get out of your seat.
3. Clean up will take place 5 minutes before the class ends. You may dispose of your trash at that time.
4. Listen carefully and quietly during instruction and presentations.
Consequences for Not Following Rules/Procedures
1st infraction = Departmental Detention + Parent Phone Call
2nd infraction = Departmental Detention + Behavioral Analysis Assignment + Parent Phone Call/Conference
3rd infraction = Departmental Detention + Behavioral Analysis Assignment + Lunch Detention + Parent Phone Call
4th infraction = Office Referral + Parent Phone Call
Hall Passes
Teachers have the discretion to develop their own pass policy for their classes. Students are not to be in the halls or other locations during class time without a hall pass issued by a teacher.Disregard or neglect to the hall pass policy will result in a detention and other possible administrative actions. Hall passes will not be issued during the first ten minutes or the last ten minutes of class.
Parent Portal
All grades taken on assignments will be recorded in the electronic grade book. The best way to check grades and attendance from home is to obtain an activation key, go to the following website: The student's 6 digit lunch number, the same as the student ID number, social security number, and birthdate will be needed for this process.
Please sign and return this portion. “I have read and understand the course syllabus and its expectations”
Student Name: ______Parent Name: ______
Student sign ______Parent sign______date______