WEA 2008
7th International Workshop on Experimental Algorithms
May 29 – June 2, 2008
Provincetown, MA USA
Registrant’s Information
First Name: ______Family Name: ______
Affiliation: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______Country: ______
Email: ______
Phone: ______Fax: ______
Registration (Check one) Early Registration Deadline is April 20, 2008.
_____ Student Early ($260) _____ Student Late ($360)
_____ Regular Early ($360) _____ Regular Late ($460)
Number of Social Event Tickets
(for students and unregistered companions): ______tickets at $80 each total: ______
Total Registration Fee $______
Workshop Dinner
If you wish to request an alternative to lobster at the workshop dinner, please do so here (steak, chicken, vegetarian): ______
Payment Method
How did you pay for the workshop? (Check one)
_____ I wrote a check for the registration amount, which is enclosed.
_____ I used Paypal (confirmation email is sent to the workshop account)
_____ I made a Bank Transfer from this Bank/Account Number ______
Please send this form to: Anne Torrey
Math and Computer Science Department
Seeley Mudd Building
Amherst College Box 2239
Amherst, MA 01002-5000
OR fax to +1-413-542-2550 OR email to