duPont-Ball Library
Technical Services Department Annual Report 2004-2005
(Acquisitions, Cataloging, Collection Development, Periodicals)
Submitted by
Debbi Dinkins
Head of Technical Services
Table of Contents
Challenges and Issues3
Five-Year Goals4
Progress 2004/2005 and Assessment5
Agenda 2005/20066
Other Accomplishments6
Periodicals Report7
Faculty and Staff Activities9
Appendix A: Library Cataloged Holdings15
Appendix B: Library Expenditures by Format17
Appendix C: Library Resources Expenditures by Fund18
Appendix D: Selected Processing Statistics20
Technical Services Annual Report 2004/2005
(Acquisitions, Cataloging, Collection Development, Serials)
Compiled by Head of Technical Services Debbi Dinkins
Acquisitions: $593,152 was spent on library resources (including binding, shipping, etc.) for all libraries. $53,769 of the total spent came from gift funds, including the income generated from the Daphne Brownell endowment. Journal subscriptions took 39% of the budget, books took 29%, and web databases took24%. See Appendix B and C for details.
Cataloging: 3,550 new titles (excluding Government Documents and retrospective conversion) were added to the collections.
Celebration:$12,558.97 was spent on materials for the Celebration Library, which is slightly lower than last year. 153 items were cataloged for that library. Total holdings for the Celebration Library are 689 titles.
Retrospective Conversion: Retrospective conversion of the Treasure Collection was completed. Retrospective conversion of the Government Documents collection has begun.
Budget Stabilization: The University Budget Stabilization Program continued as we operated with a materials budget reduced by $100,000.
Book Sales: We continued the online book store through ABE. During 2004/05, we deposited $2600.55 from ABE sales. This extra income allowed us to buy much-needed staff computers and a barcode scanner for the Circulation Desk.
I. Challenges and Issues
A.Budget Stabilization Program
We continued to operate with a reduced acquisitions budget. The endowed gift fund from Daphne Brownell increased our ability to buy monographs. We spent $28,130.57 from that fund on monographs, and $25,638.03 from other gift funds on monographs and journal subscriptions. With the restoration of $50,000 to the acquisitions budget next fiscal year, reliance on general gift funds will hopefully be eased. The period of budget stabilization has depleted our general gift fund reserves somewhat, although we continue to receive gifts. We would not have been able to support the monographic needs of faculty and students if we had not had the special Brownell fund during the past three years.
B. Physical Space in Periodicals
Space limitations for paper and boundjournalswill soon become an issue. Resolution of this issue is one of the five-year goals of the department. This year, Dinkins and Grooms started working on a periodicals retention project that will address this issue.
C. Cataloging Workload
We added a part-time copy cataloger this fiscal year by training Ann Molohon, Continuations Specialist, for the task. While copy cataloging is being done in a timely manner, full cataloging still has a small backlog since we have only one full time cataloger. Since retrospective conversion of most major collections, except for Government Documents, is complete, Dinkins will go back to doing some regular cataloging to help with the workload. Processing has also been a problem this fiscal year as we have had trouble keeping reliable students to do the work. Ann Molohon and Geri Littler have helped with processing, and we hope to get a new group of eager and capable students next year that will stay with us through the academic year.
D. Retrospective Conversion
Government Documents Specialist Karen Winkle began retrospective conversion of the Government Documents collection this year. She began in January, and has added 434 titles to the collection so far. At the beginning of the project, Winkle is concentrating on one section (Y 4.F 76/). Government Documents Librarian Barbara Costello is closely monitoring the use of titles in that section, hoping to notice a correlation between increased access through the catalog and use.
II. Five-Year Goals
A.Retrospective Conversion
Retrospective conversion of the Government Documents collection will continue in 2005/06. A few small collections still need attention, such as the audiocassette and ultrafiche collections. Work on these collections will begin, and hopefully be completed, this year.
B. Periodicals Space
Dinkins and Grooms will continue work on the periodicals retention project. This project is labor-intensive because each title must be considered independently. Aspects for each title are considered, such as use of paper and bound issues, online availability, and the needs of the interested academic departments. We have great hopes that when the first phase of the project is completed, we will have freed a great deal of shelf space in the periodicals area. Periodicals shelf space should become a less critical issue as we rely more and more on online access to journals.
C. Cataloging Workload
Dinkins, with the help of the Cataloging Team, will continue to monitor and streamline the cataloging workload.
D.Technical Services Positions and Personnel
Since Government Documents Specialist Karen Winkle will finish her Library degree in late 2005, I expect that she will take a professional Librarian position within the next year. I plan to work with Library Director Betty Johnson and Associate Director Susan Ryan to evaluate the position and to determine if changes need to be made to meet the needs of the Government Documents collection.
E.Sirsi Changes
Changes are in store for our Sirsi integrated system. We will upgrade to a new staff Workflows interface in late 2005 and 2006. We will change our public catalog interface in the next five years, which will require additional funding.
F.All-Journals Database
Since maintenance of this database takes most of Periodicals Supervisor Linda Grooms’ time, we will start to look at alternatives. We are scheduled for a trial of Ebsco’s A to Z List in August 2005. I expect to migrate to some sort of remotely-maintained product, such as A to Z List, in the next two years.
F.Celebration Library Support
Technical Services will continue to support the library at Stetson’s CelebrationCenter through acquisitions and cataloging.
III/IV.Progress 2004/2005 and Assessment
Agenda items for 2004/2005, as stated in the department’s last annual report, as well as assessment of those items are listed below.
- Budget Stabilization Program: Library materials budgets were fully spent and enhanced by gift funds, spending over $53,000 of gift funds on library materials.
- Retrospective Conversion: Retrospective conversion of the Treasure collection was completed. Retrospective conversion of the Government Documents collection began in January.
- Book Sales and Other Revenue: The Library held a special book sale event in April 2005. Revenue from the ABE online book store is steady and supplements our regular in-house book sale revenue. We deposited $2600.55 this fiscal year from the online book store.
- All-Journals Database: Periodicals Supervisor Linda Grooms continued to maintain this database by downloading updates from the major aggregators. Time spent maintaining this database continues to grow. As stated in the 5-year goals, we will start to look at alternatives, such as Ebsco’s A to Z List.
- Authority Control: Continue to maintain authority control with current cataloging and make progress in correction of batch loaded headings. Catalog Librarian Laura Kirkland corrected over 5300 headings last year. Two copy catalogers, Geri Littler and Annie Mars, are now downloading authority records for their own cataloging.
- Government Documents: Correction of batch loaded records for microfiche records nears completion. The result of this cleanup effort is obvious in Appendix A, under Federal Documents Titles Cataloged. The number of paper titles decreased and the number of microfiche titles increased, reflecting the conversion of the titles in Sirsi to the correct item type.
- Cataloging Workflow: Dinkins continues to monitor the workflow for cataloging. Continuations Specialist Ann Molohon was trained for copy cataloging this year. Elimination of the 590 field in new cataloging was implemented, which saves time for catalogers as well as acquisitions staff. Dinkins will be cataloging more in 2005/06 to help ease the workload of full cataloging.
- Periodicals Space: Dinkins and Grooms began a periodicals retention project to address space issues in the periodicals shelves.
V.Agenda 2005/2006
- Sirsi Workflows Upgrade and Migration: Migrate Workflows users in Technical Services to the new Java Workflows client. Upgrade the Sirsi software to Unicorn 2003.1.4 in order to move to the Java client.
- Retrospective Conversion: Complete retrospective conversion of various small collections, such as the audiocassette and ultrafiche collections. Continue retrospective conversion of the Government Documents collection.
- Book Sales and Other Revenue: Hold at least one book sale event in fall or spring semesters. Continue online book sale efforts.
- All-Journals Database: Continue to maintain and enhance the All-Journals Database, a vital reference source for librarians, faculty and students. Look toward migrating to a remotely-maintained version of the database, such as Ebsco’s A to Z List.
- Authority Control: Continue to maintain authority control with current cataloging and make progress in correction of batch loaded headings.
- Government Documents: Complete correction of batch-loaded government documents microfiche records.
- Cataloging Workflow: Evaluate workflow for cataloging functions within the department.
- Periodicals Space: Continue periodicals retention project.
VI.Other Accomplishments
- Cataloging and Processing Activity: Appendix D shows cataloging and processing statistics for 2004/2005. Number of cataloged items decreased, but other activities in the department increased, such as mending and gift evaluation.
- Gifts in Kind Evaluation: Technical Services Specialist Geri Littler initially evaluated 1,340 items for addition to the Library’s collections. Of those items, 713 were added to the circulating collections. See Appendix D.
- Cataloged URLs: Cataloged URLs are now routinely checked with a Sirsi report. The reports run nightly, Monday through Friday, and the collection is divided into a manageable number of titles for each report. With this system of checking, each URL, including the many Government Documents URLs, is checked at least twice a year for validity.
- Sirsi Server Migration and Upgrade: Migration of the Sirsi server to a new Sun server was completed in June 2004. Sirsi reports and searches are considerably faster with the new server. We upgraded the Sirsi software to Unicorn 2003 in August 2004.
- Sirsi X12/EDI Consideration: We considered using the X12/EDI capabilities of Sirsi to implement electronic ordering, invoicing, and claiming with two of our regular vendors, Ingram and Ebsco. We learned that a special module must be purchased from Sirsi to implement these tasks. The cost of the module is very expensive and we could not justify the cost in terms of staff time saved.
- Cooperation with Stetson Law School Library: We entered into a cooperative agreement with the Law School Library for online database sharing. We currently share access to the following databases: WDI Online; Genderwatch; Ethnic Newswatch; College Source. In the future, more databases may be added to this agreement.
VII. Periodicals Report
(reported by Linda Grooms)
The major part of my time this year has been devoted to working on the Library web page alljrls list. Some of the changes and updates were:
- Regular updates using title lists downloaded from vendor websites.
- Added Russian newspaper collection.
- Added Historical newspaper collection.
- Added American Institute of Physics journals online access that comes free with our print subscriptions.
- Removed electronic access for non-periodical materials, including yearbooks, country reports and industry reports, that had been added to our title lists by the aggregator vendors.
Projects completed in the Periodicals department this year:
- Incorporated current issues from the Presser Library into the duPont-Ball collection.
- Relabeled boxes in the Periodicals Ground Level collection with computer-generated labels. This improves the look of the collection, makes it easier to find issues and creates a database of missing issues for that collection.
- “See” flags were created and placed on shelves for situations where the extent of our holdings was not evident on the shelves.
We continue to use Backserv (an electronic exchange list) to fill gaps in our collection and to offer unneeded issues to other libraries. This fiscal year we received 41 loose issues and 7 volumes on microfiche from 15 different libraries and supplied 139 loose issues and 200 pieces of microfiche to 46 different requesting libraries. Fourteen volumes were completed and bound because of this activity. The only payment we make for issues we receive is reimbursement of the donating library’s postage expenses. Likewise, we are reimbursed for the postage to fill requests from other libraries.
We continue to collect reshelving statistics. This year we added collection of data for journals published before 1984, with a note if the recorded use was to satisfy an ILL request.
New Projects
I am submitting input to Debbi Dinkins in a new project reviewing our collection to see which journals previously retained in microform we need to begin binding, and which titles currently bound we can change to a limited retention period. Some of the important considerations in these decisions are shelf space, electronic access, and archival importance of each journal to our collection.
Periodicals Department 2004/05 Statistics
Category / Stats from 2003/04 / Added / Dropped/Withdrawn / 2004/05Bound Volumes Held / 63,418 / 1,324 / 17 / 64,725
Microfiche Total Titles / 694 / 3 / 2 / 695
Microfiche Number Pieces / 154,990 / 607 / 1 / 155,596
Microfilm Total Titles / 283 / 1 / 0 / 284
Microfilm Number Rolls / 8,892 / 33 / 0 / 8,925
Current Titels Subscribed (Paper & Micro) / 1,099 / 18 / 26 / 1,091
Micro Subscriptions in Lieu of Binding / 23 / 0 / 1 / 22
Active & Inactive Journal Titles / 3,183 / 47 / 23 / 3,207
Celebration Journal Subscriptions / 24 / 0 / 0 / 24
Electronic Journals Available in Full Text / 11,833 / 11,581
Technical Services Annual Report 2004/2005
(June 1, 2004 to May 31, 2005)
Debbi Dinkins
Head of Technical Services and Associate Professor
Poster Session at ALA Annual Conference in Orlando “Contents Notes: Are They Worth It?”
Attended Sirsi UUGI Meeting in Nashville in March
Attended FLA Annual Conference and ALA Annual Conference
FloridaLibrary Association
American Library Association
Association of College and Research Libraries
Beta Phi Mu International Library Science Honor Society
Member of Library’s Promotion and Tenure Committee
Member of University’s Admissions Committee
Member of University’s Tenure, Grievance, and Academic Freedom Committee
Member of Executive Board and Secretary of Stetson’s People Helping People
Member of New Smyrna Beach Little Theatre
Volunteer at New SmyrnaBeach Public Library
Professional Activities June 1, 2004 - May 31, 2005
Laura N. Kirkland
Cataloging Librarian
Attended ALA Annual Conference
Attended FloridaLibrary Association Annual Conference
Attended ACRL National Conference
“Resources For Catalogers: An Annotated Bibliography” published online (print forthcoming) in
Cataloging and Classification Quarterly (v.40 no.1)
Edited and compiled the 2003StetsonUniversity Faculty Review
Chaired monthly Cataloging meetings
Served as the Chair for the FLA Tech Services Interest Group
Planned and coordinated Conference Program for FLA Tech Services Interest Group: “Preserving the Past, Looking Toward the Future”
American Library Association
Association of College & Research Libraries
Association for Library Collections and Technical Services
FloridaLibrary Association
Florida Association of College and Research Libraries
CFLC Cataloging Interest Group
Freedom to Read Foundation
Served as Library Representative on StetsonUniversity Faculty Senate
Served on StetsonUniversity Faculty Welfare Committee
Served on Women and Gender Studies Committee
Served as coordinator for WGS June Brooks Award for Activism
Worked with Instruction Librarian to develop and coordinate Library Research Prize
Served as a judge for 2005 duPont-Ball Library Evans C. Johnson Research Prize
Worked at Spring 2005 Library Book Sale
Designed the invitations for the Library Fall Reception
Handed out programs at Dr. Susan Lederer’s presentation
Attended StetsonUniversity faculty meetings
Served as greeter for Father Lawson Reception
Participated in Lee National Denim Day to raise money and awareness for breast cancer research
Filled food basket for Thanksgiving Basket Brigade
Donated blood
Activities of Technical Services Staff as Reported
Linda Grooms
Periodicals Supervisor
Participation in meetings, training and seminars
Attended beginning and advanced Excel classes provided by our IT department. I used the knowledge gained to create a timesheet to track library assistants’ work time.
Attended all university-wide staff meetings and Library staff meetings.
Participated in Ebsco web training session on EJS Basic Service.
Participated in Ebsco web training on the Ebsconet Claim Checker. I will begin using the online Claim Checker later this year when the upgraded version is released.
Attended in-house Bowker training session on using BIP and Ulrich’s.
Assisted at Stuart Curran lecture.
Attended ALA exhibits.
Patricia G. Lopez
Serial/Conservation Specialist (Library Assistant II)
Participation in Meetings, Workshops, and Seminars:
Quality of Service Luncheons
Campus-wide meetings
Assisted with annual Library Book Sale
Participation in annual Library events
Chairman for Student Supervision Team
Attended American Library Association Conference in Orlando 6/04
Attended Fundamentals of Book Repair, a two day workshop at UCF 7/04
Participated in seminar and book signing by Joseph Galloway 10/04
Organized the Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Basket Brigade for the entire University
Volunteer for the Library’s participation in the Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Basket Brigade
Ann Molohon, Continuations Specialist
Participation in Meetings, Workshops and Seminars
Annual Campus-Wide Meetings