Report an Incident Form
Drilling, Completions, Well Testing and Lease Construction
Incident Type
Select one of the following (If Incident is selected, you must also check a box below)Unsafe Condition/Hazard Near Miss First Aid
Incident Type (May be more than one)
Injury/Illness Environmental Property Damage Vehicle Public Contact
Who, What, Where, When
Well siteForeman: / Ron Zutz / Superintendent: / ______Richard BeanMark CrawfordMaurice BujoldBill RockneyRichard CorvariPaul CurleyPat BatemanLeah DaviesDarcy KritzerSonya KingGerry StasiukDon PetersDale Hein
Foreman Phone: / (403) 350-1081 / Incident Date/Time: / March 16, 2008
Worker Type: Employee Contractor /
/______DrillingCompletionsProductionLease ConstructionWell Testing
Contractor Company: / MJB P-tank / Rig Name / #: / Nabor 88HSE&SD
Advisor: /
Larry Kuhn
Ph: (403) 233-3167 /Location:
Description of Incident
Service rig had been swabbing to P-tank all day. On last swab tester shut in P-tank to build pressure to ship fluid to 400 and blow shipping line clear. All went well. Tester requested rig crew to blow line from well to P-tank with compressed air. Rig crew was about to comply with request.When I heard rig motors revving it occurred to me what the boys were up to. Called immediate stop to all activity. Had extra special safety meeting to review fire triangle and what would likely have occurred had they proceeded.
These States: Complacency Fatigue Frustration Rushing
Contributed to: Balance/Traction/Grip Eyes not on task Line-of-fire Mind not on taskIncident Potential Index (IPI) Classification
Immediate Actions Taken
Crew was about to introduce pressurized air into an 18 m3 P-tank, filled with gas and oil with the pilot on the flare stack lit. Explained to testers and rig crew in no uncertain terms what the consequences of their actions would have been. At least 2 fatalities on the test crew with rig crew likely burned and P-tank destroyed.Reminded all of Directive 33 and the reason why the fire triangle is reviewed every morning and why they are required to sign off that they understand it.
Had crew tie flowline into casing and use casing gas to blow line clear. Alternatively suggested breaking line and draining into drip trays.
First Aid Injury Details (Complete only if this is a First Aid incident type ) Serious Injury use Three Page Form
Name of injured: / Occupation: / Supervisor:
Specify the nature of the injury and the treatment delivered: