
The mission of the Cecil County Health Department Resource Coordination Program is:

To provide leadership to assure the full participation of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in all aspects of community life in the least restrictive environment.

To promote the individual’s and their family’s ability to access quality supports and services necessary to achieve optimal health and safety, social integration, independence and productivity.

The Cecil County Health Department complies with all applicable State and Federal laws, regulations and policies on anti-discrimination with regard to the delivery of service, in employment, or in the purchase of goods and services. It also complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act to ensure that qualified individuals with disabilities are given an opportunity to participate in and benefit from all services and programs

Resource Coordination

The Cecil County Health Department Division of Special Populations is contracted by the Eastern Shore Regional Office of the Developmental Disabilities Administration to assist people with developmental disabilities who have applied for services.

Resource Coordinators (case managers) are the Cecil County Health Department employees who first determine eligibility* and then assist these individuals and their families in the development of plans to meet their needs.

* Eligibility for services means the disability occurred prior to the age of 22 and the applicant is a resident of CecilCounty.

Services Provided

  • Assess the applicant’s eligibility and urgency of need for DDA-funded services.
  • Inform individuals/families about community services and supports
  • Suggest, plan for, locate, and advocate for services to meet the individual’s strengths preferences and needs.
  • Assist individuals in advocating for themselves.
  • Coordinate residential, day, and support services, review the funding information and prepare the necessary paperwork for the Eastern Shore Regional DDA office.
  • Review services periodically to insure they continue to meet the individual’s needs, outcomes are being met and plans are being implemented.
  • Talk to people about their dreams and experiences so that plans are accurate and up to date.
  • Provide community education.

Provider Agencies

The ARC Northern Chesapeake Region

Aberdeen, MD

Phone: 410-836-7177

Fax: 410-893-3909

Bayshore Services, Inc.

Salisbury, MD

Phone: 410-341-0307

Fax: 410-341-0308

Bayside Community Network, Inc.

Elkton, MD

Phone: 410-398-6394

Fax: 410-620-0645

Chesapeake Care Resources, Inc.

North East, MD

Phone: 410-398-9325

Fax: 410-287-5049

Epilepsy Association of the Eastern Shore, Inc.

Salisbury, MD

Phone: 410-543-0665

Fax: 410-543-0432

Shorehaven, Inc.

Elkton, MD

Phone: 410-885-5700

Fax: 410-885-5557