Personal Budget Uses Forum (Haringey)

Minutes of Forum Meeting held on

Tuesday 19 June 2012; Time: 1pm

Venue: Winkfield Resource Centre, 33 Winkfield Road, N22


Graham Day (Chair)

Joan Kellman – LBH (Minutes)

A total of 28 members were in attendance at the meeting.

Apologies were received from:

Joyce Oyeyi-Effiong

Mennasi Yeman

Welcome: Graham Day welcomed everyone to the meeting which included

-Wayne Haywood – LBH (Agenda item 1)

-Toby Kent & Joe Gannon – LBH (Agenda item 7)

Item 1: Presentation by Wayne Haywood on Haricare Online Services

1.1 Wayne Haywood, Interim Head of Service (Change Management) and part of a team whose remit is to improve access to these electronic systems and is both accessible and as easy to read as possible, attended, and gave an online presentation and took questions of the following.

1.2 Haricare, the Council’s electronic directory of services for Adults in Haringey and Haringey’s adult services web pages. Forum members were invited to visit the sites and to advise Wayne of any improvements, errors or missing information.

1.3 A Personal Assistants registration database is to be launched in a few weeks time. Once up and running, we would be inviting both those looking for a personal assistant and those offering personal assistance services, to register on the site.This will enable residents to locate PA’s; it will list their qualification, charges, CRBs and there will be assistance for residents to upload their information.

1.4An e-learning module on Personalisation (40 mins duration) is also available but registration to access is required. This will hopefully be uploaded to the webpage as a shortcut in the near future.

1.6 An Accreditation process for providers has also been undertaken.

1.7 Below are a number of useful links.

HAricare, the electronic directory of services for Adults

the Adults Home Page within the Council website

to the page within Learning Poll’s website where you’ll find the module entitled personal budgets for service users. You would need to create an account to view the content.

Item 2: Minutes & Matters arising from Forum meeting held on 27 March 2012

Minutes were reviewed and AGREED with no matters arising.

Item 3: General Business – (Graham Day)

Members of the Forum Committee have held two meetings since the last Forum Meeting. Discussions have taken place around the Constitution (Agenda item4) and Funding. Committee will report back to July meeting on funding.

Item 4: Adopt new Constitution – (Graham Day)

4.1 GD gave a presentation on a draft Constitution document for discussion and agreement to clauses 5 (Membership) & 6.1 (Forum Committee). After discussion, the Constitution was AGREEDand confirmed by Pam Moffatt with the proviso listed in 4.2 & 4.3 below. Constitution was therefore adopted formally by the majority forum members with one abstention.

4.2Summary of discussion: Membership to the Forum is open to anyone who has a personal budget including those who have been agreed but not yet confirmed.

4.3Forum Committee – the additional 8 members required would be nominated at AGM, (October 2012) and if there are too many, an election will take place.

4.4It was also suggested that a local councillor could be co-opted to the Committee.

Item 5: Presentation from Time Bank – (Vickie from Groundwork);

5.1 Timebank is a charitable organisation originally started in the USA. They are based at the Winkfield Resource Centre and their objective is to enable people to share skills/knowledge instead of money. A person earns credits which could be exchanged with an individual or organisation for a service; it is not a reciprocal arrangement. Individuals can track their credits via the database.

5.2 Training: Wednesday 27 June 2012 @ 2.00 – 4.00pm. This is an opportunity for members to be trained on how to interview people about their experiences/perceptions of Timebank.

5.3 Current requirements:

-Minute taker for the Forum meetings

5.4 Accountability – Timebank undertake checks and reports are made to sponsors, charity.

Information packs, flyers were made available and members can contact Vickie if they feel it was something that would be useful to them, or they can join online.

Item 6: Personal Budget Support Team – Q&A Session led by Toby Kent & Joe Gannon

TobyKent introduced Joe Gannon who will be the Personal Budget Support Team’s representative at future Forum meetings. He will attend to answer any questions/queries that Forum members may have, but there is also a ‘duty line’ system in place. The team’s contact details are below;

  • Personal Budget Support Team
  • Tele no: 020 8489 8456
  • Email :

-TK confirmed that everyone is entitled to an assessment.

-Taxsome employment issues are handled by (9) accredited independent payroll providers.

-The team are unable to give any advice regarding tax codes.

-Users should be aware that holiday pay, entitlements and deductions do not stop because carers are on holiday and this should be considered when employing an additional person for holiday cover.

6.1Personal Health Budgets, what is the process? This is a new approach with a social worker making the referral to GP. A pilot is currently underway in Haringey but relate to the continuing health care group only.

Item 7: Equals Voice Haringey– Barbara

7.1 Barbara provided a verbal and written update on Equals Voice, a not for profit disabled-led social firm with a campaigning arm, including advocacy and supporting people. It is completely independent and not council funded.

7.2 Next steps: 98% of those who responded to the survey was in favour and Barbara was asking for people to volunteer to form a Steering Committee. Those members who are interested can complete the contact details and pass to Barbara who will collate the information. Training sessions will be notified in due course.

Item 8: Any Other Business – None discussed.

Item 9: Date of next meeting:

-October 2012 – AGM - Venue to be confirmed.

Meeting closed at 3.25pm

Graham Day

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