27th February 2017

In Nursery this week we are thinking about:


In Nursery we will: / This will help your child to:
Join in songs and rhymes about food, e.g. Oats & Beans & Barley Grow, 10 Fat Sausages, Hot Cross Buns / Build a repertoire of songs and rhymes
Use ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rdetc) / Use number names accurately
Explore letter sound f / Hear and say initial sounds in words
Make and eat a range of different foods, e.g. oat bars, hot cross muffins, pancakes / Follow directions. Eat a range of healthy foodstuffs. Use one-handed tools and equipment. Express their own preferences.
Learn about healthy foods / Understand why we need to eat a variety of foods to keep us healthy
Plant broad bean seeds in compost ready for planting in the nursery garden later. / Develop an understanding of growth, decay and changes over time
Play dominoes in small groups / Share and take turns. Compare groups of objects, knowing if they have the same number.

At home you could…

Sing songs / say rhymes about food. See the sheets on the noticeboard for suggestions.
  • Take your child shopping in the supermarket. Notice how the food is stored in different sections:
-fruit and vegetables; fresh meat and fish; dairy; bakery; sweets and confectionery etc.
  • Look at the variety of food on your plate at different mealtimes over the day.
  • Help your child to understand the importance of eating healthy food, and keeping unhealthy choices for occasional treats.

Look for objects beginning with letter soundf(food, fan, fish, football, etc.)Can you spot fin different places (e.g. in books, on posters etc.)
Look at the different fruit and vegetables you eat at home. Talk about how they grow, e.g. apples – on trees, potatoes – under the ground, peas & beans – on climbing stems etc.
  • Find today’s date on a calendar – talk about the number. Change it to an ordinal number – e.g. 8 becomes 8th.What was yesterday’s date? What will tomorrow be?
  • Do some baking or carry out a simple set of tasks with your child. Use ordinal numbers to talk about what you are doing, e.g. first: we need to measure somebutter; second: we need to measure the sugar etc.
  • Notice queues, or lines of objects, and talk about them, e.g. Look, the red car is second in the line. Can you find the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th object?