Small grants UP TO £1000

General Information on grants

The grant schemes are funded from the Company’s resources received from its endowments from Scottish and Southern Energy and Falck Renewables.


Anyone based in the Fort Augustus and Glenmoriston Community Council Boundary Area is eligible to apply for a grant – up to a £1,000 for a project that will benefit the community, this is not means tested. Please supply at least two quotes for any items and/or services that your project requires.

Value of award

The normal limit for a grant of this nature will be up to £1000

For an educational travel bursary or equipment grant please use Educational Form. Retrospective awards will not normally be considered.

Form of application

The attached application form should be completed and returned to:

The Administrator

PO Box 2

Fort Augustus

PH32 4WA

Recipients of grants will be asked for a report briefly confirming the expenses incurred. Recipts will be required.

Deadlines and decisions timetable

The Board of Directors will consider applications and the deadlines for receipt are 6 weeks prior to the grant meeting, which are held quarterly in March, June, September & December.

Applicants will normally be informed of the Board’s decision within six weeks of the above deadlines.

Please either type or write clearly in Black ink on this form

1. Details of applicant
Name (including title):
Tel. number: / Email:
2. Details of activity for which funding is sought
Total cost of event:
3. Please specify the amount being requested and the specific contribution it will make to the activity described above (with a breakdown of figures if appropriate)
(Please note that the maximum grant available is £1000) / Amount
Continue on separate sheet if necessary Total
4. If other funding to support the activity is being sought, please give details
Source (please specify if amount is confirmed or pending) / Amount
Continue on separate sheet if necessary Total
5. Please detail how the activity meets the objectives and criteria for the grants (as laid out on guidance notes).

Please provide details of a Referee



Contact Telephone Number:

Signature / Date
If you are under 18years of age then your application will need to be countersigned by a parent /guardian or another suitable person such as a Head teacher:
Name / Position
Signature / Date

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