2018 National Night Out Mini-Grant Application
United Way of Erie County invites your organization to apply for a 2018 National Night Out Mini-Grant to support your National Night Out event on Tuesday, August 7, 2018.
National Night Out is America’s “night out against crime.” United Way of Erie County has been a proud sponsor of National Night Out since 2004.
We are once again asking our National Night Out Partners to join our efforts to make Erie County a better place by bringing neighbors together, sharing information about community resources, and building stronger neighborhoods.
National Night Out events can take many forms including, but not limited to, the following: block parties, cookouts, parades, visits from emergency personnel, rallies and marches, exhibits, youth events, safety demonstrations and seminars.
Activities at your National Night Out event should be fun and engaging, but the overall event must also align with the tenets of National Night Out:
- Crime prevention activities
- Police-community partnerships
- Neighborhood camaraderie
Grant recipients will receive the following:
- Funding up to $500.00 per partner organization
- United Way of Erie County Banner
- A tool kit with resources to distribute to community members
- Elected officials, police and fire departments will be notified in advance of all event locations and encouraged to participate in your event
United Way Priorities
Please note that funding for these events is limited.Preference will be given to groups that make a clear attempt toaddress Unified Erie’s priority risk and protective factors, as well as host an event in collaboration with a community school (where applicable).
National Night Out aligns with the prevention portion of the three-pronged Unified Erie Violence Reduction Initiative. Learn more about the Community Action Plan here.
There are currently five community schools in the City of Erie. They are as follows:
- Edison Elementary School
- McKinley Elementary School
- Pfeiffer-Burleigh Elementary School
- Strong Vincent Middle School
- East Middle School
Please contact Emily Francis () at United Way if you are interested in collaborating with one of the community schools. Please note, mini-grant applications will not be penalized if there is not a community school within close proximity of the event location.
Event Planning Assistance
The Neighborhood Resource Organization is a service agency created to provide resources, support and technical assistance to neighborhood groups throughout Erie County. This organization is committed to the ongoing fight against Community Disorganization. It does not have a yearly fee or membership. It is a service agency that offers regular trainings, assists with funding applications, notifies groups of funding opportunities, researches and communicates best practice information, educates on services available, connects groups with key community partners as well as each other, and serves as a fiscal agent for grant funds to individual neighborhood groups. These services are available to any neighborhood group that is organized or that wishes to organize and desires to utilize the services.
For more information, please contact John Villa, the Neighborhood Resource Organization Outreach Coordinator (814.572.0755)
Grant Requirements
- Neighborhood groups/partners working together to host a collaborative NNO event MUST submit one joint application.Please list each partner organization on the application, if requesting more than $500 for the event.
- Events must benefit individuals and/or families with limited income.
- Grant recipients must have 501c3 status (Neighborhood Watch groups qualify through the Neighborhood Resource Organization).
- Grant recipients mustagree to and sign United Way’s National Night Out Mini-Grant Funding Agreement
- Events must address one or more of the risk factors identified by Erie’s Community Action Plan.
- Show proof of commitment with a ½ match of the requested United Way of Erie County mini-grant amount. For example, an organization requesting $500.00 from United Way must show proof of a $250.00 match. Both monetary and in-kind donations qualify as matching funds. Please note -- volunteer hours do not qualify. Copies of checks or signed letters of commitment must be submitted before grant funds are released.
- Make at least one table available at the National Night Out event to display and distribute community resources and information.Two tables are required for events in partnership with Community Schools.
- Use United Way of Erie County symbols/logos/etc. on all your public relations materials such as flyers, directories, etc.
- Display United Way banners at the event.
- Conduct your event as described in your application during the evening of National Night Out (United Way staff will conduct site visits).
- Submit receipts of purchases made using the grant monies to United Way.
- Submit the Post-Project Report, including a count of individuals in attendance at your event, to United Way.
Important Dates
June 18, 2018 - National Night Out Mini-Grant Applications due
June 29, 2018- National Night Out Mini-Grant recipients announced
July 23, 2018- National Night Out funds and supplies available for pick up at United Way of Erie County (proof of matching funds must be submitted before grant funds are released)
August 7, 2018- National Night Out
August 31, 2018- Receipts and Post-Project Report Form submission deadline
Thank you for everything you do to make our community a better place. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Emily Francis.
Contact Information:
420 West 6th Street, Suite 200
Erie, PA 16507
Or call (814) 456-2937, ext. 235
or email
or fax to (814) 459-5750
2018 National Night Out Mini-Grant Application
Please submit this form or a document that includes all of the following information to Emily Francis by June 18, 2018
Grant request:
Coordinating organization(s):
Requested mini-grant amount:______
Contact Information:
Contact Person:
Make check payable to (must be a 501c3; neighborhood groups can qualify through the NRO):______
Mailing Address: Phone:
E-mail: Fax:
Event Information:
Event Location: ______
Event start and end time:______
Total number of anticipated participants/attendees:______
Number of anticipated youth participants/attendees:______
Will this event benefit individuals and/or families with limited income? YES / NO
Please list any community partners participating in this event (i.e. nonprofit organizations, local businesses, churches, schools, etc.) and detail their involvement:
List the types of festivities, activities, handouts and other offerings you plan for National Night Out and explain how they align with the tenets of National Night Out and the risk factors identified by the Community Action Plan:
United Way Resources:
This year, United Way wants to ensure community members will be connected to important resources during NNO. Please check boxes for each United Way resource you would like to provide at your event. Copies of these resources are available on our website and are included in the attached tool kit for your reference.
/ Amount / ResourceFamilyWize Prescription Discount Cards
Get Connected Brochures (Online database of volunteer opportunities in Erie County)
Imagination Library Brochures
2-1-1 Wallet Cards
Read Aloud Checklists
Event Budget:
Please list projected expenditures and any in-kind donations:
EXPENSES / REVENUEItem / Amount / Grants and/or Donations / Amount
United Way Mini-Grant
In-Kind Donations / Amount
Subtotal (must equal ½ of UW grant request)
Submit to:
Emily Francis, United Way of Erie County
420 West 6th Street, Suite 200
Erie, PA 16507
or email
or fax to (814) 459-5750.
The deadline to apply is June 18, 2018