Community Board Finance Committee
Application for Supplementary Funding
Please submit by email to: attaching the Supplementary Funding Request form (SFR) along with a costs breakdown.
Please provide as much detail as possible to save delays in a decision being made.
Note: Your bid will be considered by Community Board Finance Committee as soon as possible.
Specialist Group/Branch Name: / The name of the Branch or Specialist Group submitting the request.Proposed by (Name and Email Address): / Click or tap here to enter text.
Proposer’s contact telephone number: / Click or tap here to enter text.
Treasurer’s name and email address if different the above: / Click or tap here to enter text.
Date of submission: / Click or tap here to enter text.
SFR No (allocated by CBFC): / This will give to you in the acknowledgment of receipt from the CBFC Secretariat.
Related SFR Nos from other years
(CBFC use only): / Record related SFR(s) which fall in different financial years and which form part of the overall funding request.
Top level outline of purpose: / This is a brief outline of your application.
Example: To sponsor Gaming Conference in 2019
Amount of funding requested: / The total amount of actual funding required (show breakdown separately)
NB: If this is a chargeable event and there is a potential risk of running the event at a loss due to low attendance or similar please note this here and CBFC will records a risk.
Included in original budget submission? / Yes☐No☐- Please be aware that events held on a regular basis should have been included in your submitted budget.
Reason for non-inclusion? / Why not included in your budget submission from your Treasurer?
Current budget balance: / Balance as per last issued accounts from Finance Department.
Indicate if funds are required in the next financial year: / Show any value that will be against the next year’s budget.
Rollover available? / If so funds will be used from rollover before new funds are offered.
Date of Event: / Event Date.
Date decision is required by:
(To enable you to proceed with plans) / Please ensure enough time is available for the CBFC to make a decision. Remember they may have questions regarding the event.
Full scope of application:
(This should include Case for Funding) / Full details of the event. Details should be enough that the CBFC does not require to ask any further questions.
Expenditure Timetable:
(Please specify if payment is required over different financial years.) / If the event location requires payment in one financial year but the event is being held in the next, please state. (Risk funding).
Review Dates: / Please confirm two dates for review ahead of the event. This is mandatory for chargeable events, including those sponsored.
How does this application apply to BCS's Strategic Objectives please give evidence for each objective? / Community:
We’ll galvanise our communities to create real positive impact in IT, and the wider world. In doing so, we’ll make sure they become a powerful resource to make things happen.
Click or tap here to enter text.
We’ll equip IT practitioners for success through qualifications, certifications, CPD tools and more - to drive excellence in the IT sector. Helping people build lifetime career pathways in IT, giving them access to the tools, products and services to enable this, and reflecting real-world needs in all our work.
Click or tap here to enter text.
We’ll lead debate around IT and its impact on society - tackling difficult issues, giving informed points of view, and being a truly independent voice in the field of IT. This means being influential: building opinions, inspiring debate, driving public understanding and audience engagement beyond the profession and helping strengthen the IT sector.
Click or tap here to enter text.
BCS Benefits: / Describe how this event will benefit the BCS e.g.
- How visible will the society’s profile be (logo on website, references in event marketing and promotion material) particularly is the CS is a sponsor of the event?
- Will the event promote membership?
- Will this event draw students and those new to the profession?
- Will the event promote the society to a wide audience if so how wide and to whom?
- Will the event help any other parts of the society like other membership groups?
Success criteria of previous events: / Click or tap here to enter text.
Additional documentation if provided: / Click or tap here to enter text.
Member Groups Only - Notes: / Member groups may wish to use this section to keep track of decisions, suggestions or arrangements.
Issue date: 25 October 2017