State Agency Being Nominated:Prison Industry Authority

Title of Nomination:Prison Industry Authority's 2002 Game Plan

Contact Person: Delilah Andreatta


Date Submitted:June 24, 2002



The Prison Industry Authority (PIA) plans to continue its efforts to increase the percentage of dollars awarded to Certified Small Businesses and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBEs). The PIA’s 2002 Game Plan incorporates the “2000 Gold Award Winning” plan, as well as implementes additional actions in Year 2002:

  1. Integrate Small Business Certification and DVBE action steps into routine, everyday practice.
  2. Maximize existing resources and take proactive steps to increase participation in Small Business and DVBE programs.


For PIA’s service contracts, the Small Business participation percentage increased from 30% to 31% ($2,271,951) for first 10 months of FY 2001/02. (Actual dollars will not be available until the end of the fiscal year.)


  1. Communicate Top Management's Support for Small Business and DVBE Participation to All Staff and Business Partners.
  1. Educate, Train, and Provide "Tools" to Contracting and Purchasing Officials To Motivate Businesses To Take Action and Minimize Resistance to Completing the Certification Application.
  1. Structure Contracts and Policies and Procedures to Facilitate Small Business and DVBE Participation.
  1. Ensure All Contract Dollars Are Reported.
  1. Conduct Outreach To Certified Small Businesses and DVBEs.
  1. Utilize Small Businesses on California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS).


PIA continues to utilize the following strategies from the 2000 (Gold Award Winning) Game Plan:

  1. The PIA has full Executive Management support. Small Business and DVBE opportunities are discussed during scheduled meetings to Executive Managers and at quarterly meetings with Prison Industry Administrators and Managers. Additionally, Executive Management lends its support to the program and allows Business Services Section staff the latitude to implement new ideas and attend trade shows to ensure the success of the Small Business and DVBE Participation Programs.

2.What's In It For Me? To ensure commitment and support of all PIA contracting and purchasing staff, PIA communicates to all staff why it was important to them to increase Small Business and DVBE participation levels. The key is for PIA staff to understand the importance of PIA maintaining a good reputation for providing quality products at reasonable prices and capable of meeting Small Business goals.

3.How To Make People Care. To get all PIA vendors, potential new vendors, and staff to care, PIA highlights the benefits of certification and participation. It is important for PIA to encourage existing vendors to become Small Business certified and to renew existing certifications, in particular for higherdollar contracts. PIA is establishing an automated contract database to document Small Business and DVBE participation levels for service contracts, commodities and public works. Reports generated from this database will assist PIA managers and factory supervisors to monitor their results more effectively.

The PIA is using the following proactive steps:

Maximize Existing Resources. The PIA is working with the DGS Small Business and DVBE Services Branch to educate, inform and motivate vendors. For example:

Small Business – The PIA is sending the DGS Small Business Certification brochure (STD. 813) to over 500 PIA vendors statewide in June 2002. We are encouraging existing vendors to become certified (See Attachment Afor letter to PIA suppliers). The PIA also continues to distribute the "Small Business Tool Kit" which includes a "Quick Fax or Mail Out" and a onepage flyer to provide current and potential vendors with information about Small Business and DVBE programs.

DVBE – The PIA is working with the DGS Small Business and DVBE Services Branch to continue to direct mail, on a regular basis, the list of over 700 certified DVBE vendors to the PIA factories statewide. These factories are located in Department of Correction prison facilities throughout California and, for security reasons, do not have internet access.

Communicate Statewide with Staff and Businesses: It is important to educate staff and businesses near PIA factories at state institutions, especially in rural areas, about contracting opportunities with PIA. PIA factory managers are encouraged to talk to their vendors about becoming certified Small Businesses. Additionally, PIA is providing the trade show list of Small Business and DVBE vendors who are interested in doing business with PIA to our factory managers for follow-up.



Identify and Implement Strategies to Include Small Businesses and DVBEs: The PIA identified and implemented strategies listed below to build participation with Small Businesses and DVBEs.

1.Communicate Top Management's Support for Small Business and DVBE Participation to All Staff and Business Partners.

2.Educate, Train, and Provide "Tools" to Contracting and Purchasing Officials To Motivate Businesses To Take Action and Minimize Resistance to Completing the Certification Application.

3.Structure Contracts and Policies and Procedures to Facilitate Small Business and DVBE Participation. Instead of having a scope of work with one vendor to do all the work, PIA looks for opportunities to award contracts to multiple smaller businesses, including certified Small Businesses Also, PIA’s internal contracting Policies and Procedures contain Small Business and DVBE information in an easy-to-read and follow format.

4.Ensure All Contract Dollars Are Reported. The PIA is currently working with staff to ensure that they manually report all participation. This is very challenging because PIA's cost accounting system is not able to capture payments to Small Business and DVBE prime contractors, nor to subcontractors. An automated contracting information and database is being developed to automatically capture this information and provide regular reports.

5.Conduct Outreach To Certified Small Businesses and DVBEs. The PIA BSS staff develop and distribute outreach flyers/materials to businesses at prebid conferences, business enterprise conferences and trade shows. Staff actively participates in the DGS Business Expansion Council and the State Contracting Small Business Advocate Steering Committee.

6.Utilize Small Businesses on California Multiple Award Schedule(CMAS). BSSstaff show field staff how to select a contractor based upon the solicitation document, and award contracts based upon “best value” of a fair and competitive price. PIA’s Program Managers are informed that when they select a CMAS Small Business, PIA is not charged the 1.2% administrative fee.


PIA has implemented the following action steps in 2002:

More Involvement in PIA's Bidding Process:

  • The Business Services Section (BSS) is making more prebid presentations at the institutions statewide to discuss Small Business and DVBE opportunities.


  • The BSS educates bidders by providing updated Small Business and DVBE brochures and information. Bidders are informed that when they qualify for certification they:
  1. Can claim the five percent (5%) bidding preference,
  2. Are eligible for benefits under the Prompt Payment Act.
  3. Are listed in the state’s internet Certified Firm Listing.
  • The BSS staff routinely refers bidders to the DGS website to locate certified Small Business and DVBE subcontractors.

Incorporate Small Business and DVBE information into PIA Policies and Procedures – Establish and update P&P to ensure Small Business and DVBE participation is addressed in easy-to-read and follow format.

Communicate with PIA staff statewide – Regularly remind staff through memos and presentations at quarterly meetings to field staff. Share positive results with field staff.

Work with PIA Public Affairs Office - Include articles about PIA’s Small Business and DVBE efforts in PIA’s Industry Insights newsletter and Corrections News. Distribute various PIA factory-made commodities and promotional items at trade shows.

Work with Office of Small Business and DVBE Certification (OSDC) to maximize use of existing resources:

  • BSS staff regularly accesses OSDC’s website to identify certified Small Businesses and DVBEs for field staff who do not have access to the internet for security reasons.
  • Coordinate with OSDC to send monthly list of certified Small Businesses and DVBE’s to field staff.
  • Refer interested vendors to OSDC staff to become certified Small Businesses.

Continue Outreach Efforts – Ensure that PIA staff understand their Small Business and DVBE participation goals are important to local businesses and Legislators. Additionally, help local businesses become certified and continue sending the PIA Small Business Tool Kit that provides a "Quick Fax or Mail Out" and a onepage flyer to include in bidding opportunities. Continue attending Small Business and DVBE trade shows such as California DVBE Alliance on May 20, 2002 and the California Small Business Day on May 29, 2002. Maximize these opportunities by acquiring good publicity (see Attachment B for photo of Sonya Blake, Governor’s Office of Small Business Advocate with PIA staff). Additionally, an article and photo of PIA’s booth was included in the May and June issues of Challenge News.

Ease of Replication by Other Agencies. The BSS staff have shared some of the above-mentioned proactive activities with other State agencies. Additionally, PIA continues to send copies of our “Small Business Tool Kit” as well as updated policies and procedures associated with Small Business to other state agencies upon request.