Northeast Six Shooters
Cowboy Mounted Shooting
Dear ,
I am writing you to offer a sponsorship opportunity for the Northeast Six Shooters 2016 season. We greatly appreciate the support of our sponsors and encourage our membership and fans to patronize and promote our sponsors. With the support of our sponsors, we are able to host some of the finest cowboy mounted shooting matches throughout the Northeast, including the Massachusetts State Championships, the New Hampshire State Championships, and the Northeast Regional Match.
The Northeast Six Shooters is a club that promotes our cowboy heritagethrough competition, costume & camaraderie. We focus on safety, friendship and fun. Our club draws members from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Maine, Vermont, and New York, however our members compete at matches throughout the country. Our riders compete in divisions for varying ability levels. In each stage, our competitors engage 10 balloon targets with two single action handguns loaded with black powder blanks, all while riding their horses at top speed; we also have divisions for rifle and shotgun. The Northeast Six Shooters belong to the CMSA (The Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association) which coordinates competitions across the country & tracks points that our members use to qualify for national events and titles. This year we are hosting 13 CMSA affiliated matches at least 2 clinics, and demonstrations at the Eastern States Exhibition (The Big E). We also attract spectators due to the exciting nature of this sport!
Please consider sponsoring our club. We are anxiously looking forward to even greater success at this year’s events. Please see the attached form for sponsorship levels as well as what advertising opportunities we offer in exchange to help promote your business.
Northeast Six Shooter
Northeast Six Shooters
Cowboy Mounted Shooting
Thank you for your interest in becoming a club sponsor.
____ I would like to sponsor the club generally, so that all members may benefit
____ I would like to sponsor the following Club Event:______
Sponsorship Level: (circle one)
Bandit / Ranger / Deputy / Sheriff / MarshallSponsorship amount: ______
Company Name:______Contact Person:______
Street Address:______City, State, Zip Code:______
Business Phone:______Email: ______
Business Website Address:______
Please Mail this form along with your check made out to Northeast Six Shooters:
Northeast Six Shooters, c/o Dina Baratta 12 Kendall Pond Rd, Londonderry, NH 03053
For more information:
Dina Baratta
Northeast Six Shooter
Sponsorship Opportunities
BANDIT - Any donation $50.00-100.00(or product value)
- Name announced as a proud sponsor at all Northeast Six Shooter matches for the 2016 season (13 scheduled for this season tentatively)
RANGER- Any donation $100.00-$200.00 (or product value)
- All benefits of the BANDIT level of sponsorship
- Company logo and link to your website on Northeast Six Shooter website for one calendar year
- Company information shared on our Northeast Six Shooter Facebook Page. At least twice per calendar year
DEPUTY - $200.00-$400.00 Donation (or product value)
- All benefits of the RANGER level of sponsorship
- `May set up vendor booth at 4 Northeast Six Shooter events for the 2016 season at no additional cost (Northeast Regional not included)
- Name/Company Information (in printed format) for Northeast Regional 2016 (included in our sponsor info. packet)
SHERIFF- $400.00-$600.00 Donation (or product value)
- All benefits of the DEPUTY level of sponsorship
- Northeast Six Shooter T- shirt
- May set up vendor booth at 7 Northeast Six Shooter Events at no additional cost. (Northeast Regional not included)
- Name/Company information included (in printed format) at all clinics we host (at least 2 a year)
MARSHALL - $600.00 and up donation (or product value)
- All benefits of SHERIFF level of sponsorship
- Company banner displayed at all competitive matches including Northeast Regional (to be provided by the sponsor)
- May set up booth at no additional cost at the Northeast Regional
- A Northeast Six Shooter Match in the 2016 season will be named after your company!