Transportation and Public Works Committee Minutes
November 3, 2009
Members: / Present:D. Iveson, Chair / D. Iveson
R. Hayter, Vice-Chair / R. Hayter
K. Leibovici / K. Leibovici
L. Sloan
Also in Attendance:
Councillor B. Anderson
Councillor B. Henderson
Councillor K. Krushell
Councillor A. Sohi
A. Sinclair, City Clerk
A.1.Call to Order
Councillor D. Iveson called the meeting to order at 9:41 a.m.
Councillors R. Hayter and L. Sloan were absent.
Pursuant to Section 151(1) of the Procedures and Committees Bylaw 12300, Councillor K. Krushell was named a Member of the Transportation and Public Works Committee in order to maintain quorum.
A.2.Adoption of Agenda
Moved K. Leibovici:
That the November 3, 2009, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting agenda be adopted with the following addition:
E.2.Location and Cost of Public Washroom Facilities - For Inclusion in 2010 Budget Deliberations
For the Motion:D. Iveson, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici.
Absent:R. Hayter, L. Sloan.
A.3.Adoption of Minutes
Moved K. Leibovici:
That theOctober 20, 2009,Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting minutes be adopted.
For the Motion:D. Iveson, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici.
Absent:R. Hayter, L. Sloan.
A.4.Protocol Items
The Avenue Magazine’s Top 40 Under-40 Recipients (K. Krushell)
On behalf of the Transportation and Public Works Committee, Councillor K. Krushell congratulated Councillor D. Iveson for being among the Avenue magazine’s first annual recognition event for the Top 40 Under-40 age group.The event recognizes those under 40who are committed to career success, and to building communities or industries in the city. Recipients were chosen by a panel of judges including staff from the magazine, local businesses and community leaders.
B.1.Items Selected for Debate and Vote on Remaining Items
The Committee selected all items for debate.
C.1.Construction Barricades (K. Krushell)
1.In response to complaints I’ve received regarding roads often being blocked by orange construction cones despite a lack of construction activity, I would like information from Transportation, Asset Management and Public Works and Capital Construction departments on how they coordinate work by construction companies to ensure that the roads blocked off are necessary for construction purposes. If we do not coordinate, are there any options to do so?2.When it comes to construction projects I appreciate that we are trying to get as many roads and construction projects finished as soon as possible, but what are we doing to coordinate the work with different companies so that we are not ripping up the same road time and again. For example, in Ward 2 the intersection at 132 Avenue and 127 Street, right after it was paved by the City, was frequently ripped up for other construction purposes. / Transportation
Due: Jan. 26/10
(C.1. cont.)
C.2.North Saskatchewan River Valley (D. Iveson/L. Sloan)
- Private encroachments onto top of bank parkland – City Bylaw 12308 Unauthorized Use of Parkland
- number of encroachments along the top of bank, by neighbourhood and whether these are pre-existing or newly identified in that specific year
- how much budget was allocated and spent on investigation and enforcement of the bylaw
- a summary of implementation actions and outcomes
- Encroachments Update – Unauthorized Use of Parkland Bylaw
- the name of the creek/river
- name and location of the industrial area
- estimated total remediation costs for soil and water contamination, erosion control/slope stability repair and maintenance, and runoff control
- actual budget expenditures to date on investigation and remediation
- description and summary of any enforcement actions as well as their efficacy
- relationship to the North Saskatchewan River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan, i.e. inclusion or exclusion
- conclusions and any recommendations for further action
- Enforcement of Top of Bank Restrictive Covenants
- the number of properties with these types of restrictive covenants on their property title, broken down by residential and non-residential categories if available
- any estimate of the number of non-complying properties, broken down by residential and non-residential categories if available
- a brief description of who is responsible for enforcement; when it is done and how it is done
- a summary of any enforcement issues – i.e. right of access, window ofenforcement (during development approval, post development), success rate, potential for litigation and so on
- conclusions and any recommendations for improving enforcement
Planning & Dev.
Due: Jan. 26/10
Planning & Dev.
(C.2. cont.)
E.4.North Edge Study Integration with Great Neighbourhoods Initiative
Moved K. Krushell:
That item E.4. be dealt with now.
For the Motion:D. Iveson, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici.
Absent:R. Hayter, L. Sloan.
Moved K. Leibovici:
That the October 20, 2009, Community Services Department report 2009CSW022 be postponed to the November 17, 2009, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting as the first item of business. / Community Svcs.Due: Nov. 17/09
9:30 a.m.
1st item
For the Motion:D. Iveson, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici.
Absent:R. Hayter, L. Sloan.
E.1.Urban Parks Management Plan 2006 to 2016 - Three Year Update
B. Priebe, Asset Management and Public Works Department, made a presentation. L. Brenneis and B. Priebe, Asset Management and Public Works Department; K. Barnhart, Community Services Department; and L. Rosen, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department, answered the Committee’s questions.
Moved D. Iveson:
That the October 19, 2009, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2009PW3673 be received for information. / AMPWCarried
For the Motion:D. Iveson, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici.
Absent:R. Hayter, L. Sloan.
Councillor K. Krushell left the meeting.
Pursuant to Section 151(1) of the Procedures and Committees Bylaw 12300, Councillor B. Henderson was named a Member of the Transportation and Public Works Committee in order to maintain quorum.
E.2.Location and Cost of Public Washroom Facilities - For Inclusion in 2010 Budget Deliberations
L. Rosen, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions. J. Sirovyak, Transportation Department; C. Ward, Capital Construction Department; and D. Erickson, Deputy City Manager’s Office,answered the Committee’s questions.
Councillor R. Hayter entered the meeting.
There being a quorum from Members of the Committee, Councillor
B. Henderson’s appointment ceased.
C. Ward, Capital Construction Department; J. Sirovyak, Transportation Department; L. Rosen, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department; and D. Erickson, Deputy City Manager’s Office, answered the Committee’s questions.
Moved D. Iveson:
That the October 30, 2009, Asset Management and Public Work Department report 2009PW0813 be referred back to Administration to provide more information to the November 30, 2009, City Council Budget meeting onpublic washroom facility options for:- Old Strathcona
- Edmonton Transit System (with removal ofthe option to extend the hours of the Churchill Station location to 24 hours)
- A possible pilot project downtown to provide temporary facilities to measure the need and best location to introduce the project to the downtown community
Community Svcs.
Finance & Treas.
Due: Nov. 30/09
For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.
Absent:L. Sloan.
E.3.Argyll School Renovations - Estimated Costs
M. Koziol, General Manager, Capital Construction Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions. C. Ward, Capital Construction Department; L. Cochrane, General Manager, Community Services Department; and R. Daviss, Asset Management and Public Works Department, answered the Committee’s questions.
Moved K. Leibovici:
That the October 19, 2009, Capital Construction Department report 2009CC8819 be referred back to Administration to consult with the Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations and the Edmonton Arts Council (currently involved in the Integrated Action Plan for Space for Non-profit Organizations project) to discuss the possibility of non-profit groups assisting with the renovations of the Argyll School building and other not-for-profit schooling options available. / Community Svcs.AMPW
Due: Jan. 26/10
For the Motion:D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.
Opposed:R. Hayter.
Absent:L. Sloan.
P.1.Business Impact During LRT Construction (L. Sloan)
Moved K. Leibovici:
That the Committee meet in private pursuant to sections 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.
Absent:L. Sloan.
The Committee met in private at 11:40 a.m.
Moved R. Hayter:
That the Committee meet in public.
For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.
Absent:L. Sloan.
The Committee met in public at 12:06 p.m.
Moved R. Hayter:
1.That the October 15, 2009, Transportation Department report 2009TD3569 be received for information.2.That the October 15, 2009, Transportation Department report 2009TD3569 remain private pursuant to sections 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. / Transportation
For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.
Absent:L. Sloan.
Councillor D. Iveson asked if there were any Notice of Motion. There were none.
The meeting adjourned at 12:07 p.m.
ChairCity Clerk
Transportation and Public Works CommitteeMinutes | November 3, 2009, mj1 of 7
NOVEMBER 3, 2009
A.1.Call to Order......
A.2.Adoption of Agenda......
A.3.Adoption of Minutes......
A.4.Protocol Items......
The Avenue Magazine’s Top 40 Under-40 Recipients (K. Krushell)
B.1.Items Selected for Debate and Vote on Remaining Items......
C.1.Construction Barricades (K. Krushell)
C.2.North Saskatchewan River Valley (D. Iveson/L. Sloan)
E.1.Urban Parks Management Plan 2006 to 2016 - Three Year Update.
E.2.Location and Cost of Public Washroom Facilities - For Inclusion in 2010 Budget Deliberations
E.3.Argyll School Renovations - Estimated Costs
E.4.North Edge Study Integration with Great Neighbourhoods Initiative..
P.1.Business Impact During LRT Construction (L. Sloan)
Transportation and Public Works CommitteeMinutes | November 3, 2009, mj1 of 1