TITLE(16 points, bold)

R. Author*, W. Co-author**(12 points)

*Department, University,Town, Country(12 points)

**Company, Town, Country(12 points)

ABSTRACT (14 points, bold, max 15 lines)

Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here.

1. INTRODUCTION (14 points, bold)

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Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here.

2. HEADING FIRST ORDER(14 points, bold)

Please write your text here (Fig. 1).Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here.

Fig. 1: Figure titel(12 points, centred, space before the paragraph, line spacing)

Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here [2]:


2.1HEADING SECONDORDER(12 points, bold)

Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here.

2.1.1 HEADING THIRD ORDER (12 points, italic)

Please write your text here.Please write your text here.Please write your text here.Please write your text here.Please write your text here.Please write your text here.Please write your text here.Please write your text here.Please write your text here.Please write your text here.

3. SUMMARY (14 points, bold)

Please write your text here. Please write your text here.Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here. Please write your text here.

REFERENCES (14 points, bold)

[1]Storf, R.: “Drehen – Grundlagen und Anwendungstechnik”, Hrsg. Plansee Tizit GmbH, VDI Verlag, 1987

[2]Szekely, J.: “Fluid Flow Phenomena in Metals Processing”, Academic Press, 1979

[3]Morris, D. G.: “Rapid Solidifiaction Phenomena”, Metals Science, 16, 1982, p.457

[4]Wright, P.K., Bagchi, A., Horne, J.C.: “Identification of the dominat wear mecahnism

in specific tool work systems”, Proc. Int. Conf. on Cutting Tool Materials, Ft. Mitchell,

Kentucky, American Society for Metals, 1980, p. 7