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Example of a portfolio

For registrants guidance

(NMC Template)

prioritise people
practice effectively
preserve safety
promote professionalism and trust


1.  Personal Information

2.  Practice Hours Record Log and evidence

3.  Continuing Professional Development Log and evidence

4.  Reflective Accounts X 5

5.  Practice Related Feedback Form (5 pieces)

6.  Reflective discussion Form

7.  Confirmation from Third Party Form

8.  Revalidation Application form

1.  Personal Information

Revalidation period / From: To:
Registrant Name
Address (including postcode)
Revalidation date (end of month) / Apply for revalidation date (1st of month) / Date of confirmation meeting
Name of confirmer / NMC PIN
Name of Reflective Discussion partner / NMC PIN
Revalidation checklist
tick / tick
Evidence of practice hours 450 hr
(900 if a nurse and midwife) / Evidence of CPD activity / 15 hrs self-directed
20 hrs participatory
Reflective account – 1 / Reflective discussion form
Reflective account – 2
Reflective account – 3
Reflective account – 4
Reflective account – 5
Health and character declaration on-line / Police charges/cautions and convictions declared
N.B. motoring offences where you received a fixed penalty do not need declaring unless you have been disqualified
Professional Indemnity declared on-line / Confirmation obtained

Guidance for registrants

It is important that you read the NMC code and are practising according to its statements and standards. As you execute your daily duties in the provision of nursing care, be aware of the evolving situations as they unfold around you and take mental or written notes that you can reflect upon later. This will encourage you to become a reflective practitioner and it will make you more aware of the NMC code in your clinical practice.

You have to provide five reflections in three years so if you do two in year 1, two in year2 and one in year 3, you have met the requirements for revalidation. Perhaps you can put reminders into your diary to prompt you to complete the reflections to prevent you running out of time in the third year. Try to work steadily along and this will prevent a panic at the last minute!

Arrange to have a reflective discussion with another registrant regarding your reflective pieces and make this meaningful, and ensure that you include the NMC code in the discussion. Ensure that the registrant is willing to sign the form and give the required details. This can be with your confirmer as part of the confirmation discussion.

Keep a note of your off duty and this shows your hours of practice.

Keep records of attendance or certificates from study days as evidence that you have attended and completed CPD.

Keep all of these documents in a portfolio and store in a safe place either at work or at home but ensure confidentiality is maintained.

Make this a part of your practice and you will successfully revalidate!

Practice hours

You must have practised a minimum number of 450 hours over the three years since your registration was last renewed or you joined the register.

If you are dual registered and practising as a nurse and a midwife then you must work 900 hours.

You should record these hours on the NMC practice hours log.

Scope of practice

There are several areas where you may be practicing as a nurse or midwife, such as

•  Commissioning

•  Consultancy

•  Education

•  Management

•  Policy

•  Direct clinical care

•  Quality assurance

•  Research

•  Other

Work setting

Choose the setting that best describes your area of practice

•  Ambulance service

•  Care home sector

•  District nursing

•  Education

•  GP practice

•  Primary

•  Health visiting

•  Hospital or secondary care

•  Occupational health

•  Voluntary care

For full list refer to : NMC ‘How to revalidate document’.

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Guide to completing practice hours log
To record your hours of practice as a registered nurse and/or midwife, please fill in a page for each of your periods of practice. Please enter your most recent practice first and then any other practice until you reach 450 hours. You do not necessarily need to record individual practice hours. You can describe your practice hours in terms of standard working days or weeks. For example if you work full time, please just make one entry of hours. If you have worked in a range of settings please set these out individually. You may need to print additional pages to add more periods of practice. If you are both a nurse and midwife you will need to provide information to cover 450 hours of practice for each of these registrations. / Work settings
Select appropriate setting:
·  Ambulance service
·  Care home sector
·  Care inspectorate
·  Cosmetic/aesthetic sector
·  District nursing
·  Education
·  Governing body or leadership role
·  GP practice or other primary care
·  Health visiting
·  Hospital or other secondary care
·  Insurance/legal
·  Military
·  Occupational health / ·  Other community services
·  Overseas
·  Policy
·  Prison
·  Private domestic setting
·  Private health care
·  Public health
·  Research
·  School
·  Specialist (tertiary) care
·  Telephone or e-health advice
·  Trade union or professional body
·  Voluntary sector
·  Other / Your scope of practice:
·  Commissioning
·  Consultancy
·  Education
·  Management
·  Policy
·  Direct patient care
·  Quality assurance or inspection
·  Nurse
·  Midwife
·  Nurse/SCPHN
·  Midwife/SCPHN
Dates: / Name and address of organisation: / Your work setting
(choose from list above): / Your scope
of practice
(choose from list above): / Number
of hours: / Your registration
(choose from list above): / Brief description of your work:
1/1/15 to
1/6/15 / NHSCT
ADDRESS / HOSPITAL / DIRECT PATIENT CARE / 450 hours / Nurse / Give direct patient care in a busy surgical ward, patient assessment,

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Continuous professional development (CPD)

You must carry out 35 hours of CPD in a three year period, 20 hours must be participatory where you interact with others in a group setting, the remaining 15 hours may be self-directed study. You can reflect on your CPD and discuss it with another registrant and they will sign a Reflective Discussion Form.

CPD activity / Suggested evidence to retain / Individual/participatory
Study day / Certificate, learning outcomes / Participatory
Conference / Certificate of attendance, programme / Participatory
Workshop / Certificate of attendance, programme / individual/participatory
Peer review / Learning outcomes, notes, observations / individual/participatory
Coaching and mentoring / Learning outcomes, notes, observations / individual/participatory
Taking part in clinical audit / Data and results / individual/participatory
Practice visits / Notes, observations / individual/participatory
Group meetings / Agenda, notes, observations / participatory
On line e learning / Certificate / individual
Clinical supervision / Notes, observations, / Individual
Reading articles, research / Article, research, notes / Individual

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Please provide the following information for each learning activity, until you reach 35 hours of CPD (of which 20 hours must be participatory). For examples of the types of CPD activities you could undertake, and the types of evidence you could retain, please refer to Guidance sheet 3 in How to revalidate with the NMC.
Guide to completing CPD record log
Examples of learning method
·  Online learning
·  Course attendance
·  Independent learning / What was the topic?
Please give a brief outline of the key points of the learning activity, how it is linked to your scope of practice, what you learnt, and how you have applied what you learnt to your practice. / Link to Code
Please identify the part or parts of the Code relevant to the CPD.
·  Prioritise people
·  Practise effectively
·  Preserve safety
·  Promote professionalism and trust
Dates: / Method
Please describe the methods you used for the activity: / Topic(s): / Link to Code: / Number of hours: / Number of participatory hours:
1/3 15 to 1/6/15 / COURSE ATTENDANCE / THEATRE AND RECOVERY EMERGENCY CARE OF THE ANAESTHETISED ADULT PATIENT / Prioritising patients practise effectively preserving safety / 20 / 10
13/2/15 / SELF DIRECTED STUDY / PREVENTION OF INADVERTENT HYPOTHERMIA / Prioritising patients practise effectively preserving safety / 4 / 0
30 / 14

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Reflective accounts x 5

The NMC put forward a model for reflection. You must ensure that your reflections are based on

·  The code

·  Continuing Professional Development

·  Practice Related Feedback

·  An event or situation that you have experienced in clinical practice

The reflections should demonstrate that you know the NMC code and are ‘living’ it in your practice. They should follow a reflective structure and describe your experience, what you learned from it and how this improved your practice as a result. You then must state how this is relevant to the NMC code. You must use the templates that are provided on the NMC website.

Reflection guidance

For NMC revalidation each registrant must record written reflections on the Code, your CPD and practice-related feedback over the three years prior to the renewal of your registration (NMC 2015).

The following is the NMC model which must be used to guide your reflections and then link your reflection to the 4 core principles of the Code (NMC 2015).

NMC Model of Reflection (2015)


You must use this form to record five written reflective accounts on your CPD and/or practice-related feedback and/or an event or experience in your practice and how this relates to the Code. Please fill in a page for each of your reflective accounts, making sure you do not include any information that might identify a specific patient, service user or colleague. Please refer to our guidance on preserving anonymity in Guidance sheet 1 in How to revalidate with the NMC.

What was the nature of the CPD activity and/or practice-related feedback and/or event or experience in your practice?
4/06/15 on duty this morning Mrs X called me over after she had received a bed-bath and thanked me for keeping her well covered as she had been dreading having a wash in the hospital ward.
What did you learn from the CPD activity and/or feedback and/or event or experience in your practice?
·  It reminded me of the vulnerability that patients feel when they are in hospital and that they can be dreading and fearing a simple thing like having their personal hygiene taken care of in the ward.
·  It also reminded me that it is so important to a patients level of anxiety that their dignity is maintained at all times and how that also impacts upon their overall patient experience which can be positive or negative.
How did you change or improve your practice as a result?
·  It reinforced to me the importance of keeping the patient central and I knew that Mrs X was happy with the care that she had received. So I did not change my practice but it reminded me to always ensure that I keep my patient’s dignity maintained at all times.
I always want my patient to feel that they are the most important person in the room at any time and that their comfort and care is my first and main concern.
How is this relevant to the Code?
Select one or more themes: Prioritise people – Practise effectively – Preserve safety – Promote professionalism and trust
Prioritising people – ensuring that the patients in my care are treated with respect, honesty and that their comfort and dignity is a priority for me
Practising effectively – being an effective and safe

You must use this form to record five written reflective accounts on your CPD and/or practice-related feedback and/or an event or experience in your practice and how this relates to the Code. Please fill in a page for each of your reflective accounts, making sure you do not include any information that might identify a specific patient, service user or colleague. Please refer to our guidance on preserving anonymity in Guidance sheet 1 in How to revalidate with the NMC.

What was the nature of the CPD activity and/or practice-related feedback and/or event or experience in your practice?
8/8/15 on duty this evening I was approached by a relative of a patient who had been waiting to go to x-ray department for a long time (2 hrs). The relative was very angry as they felt that their relative was not receiving the care that they felt they should. I apologised for the delay and said that I would contact x-ray to see what the delay was and would try to find out when the patient would be taken. When I contacted the x-ray department it transpired that there had been a major RTC locally and there were several casualties requiring urgent x-rays. I was reassured that they had not forgotten about MRS D and would hope to call for her in 30 mins.
I asked to speak to the relative that had spoken to me earlier and I explained the situation, she was very understanding and said that all she really wanted was an explanation and to get reassurance that her mother had not been forgotten about. She was relieved that her x-ray would be carried out soon.
What did you learn from the CPD activity and/or feedback and/or event or experience in your practice?
I was taken aback initially at this relatives anger as the situation was out of my control but when I found out the reason and gave her an explanation I could see the relief on her face as she was concerned about her mother. She was acting in her best interests and trying to make sure that her care was of a standard that she felt was acceptable.
It reminded me that when a patient is in hospital there is a family who are affected by their hospitalisation also and that the care the patient receives is also very important to the relatives also.
It reminded me of the importance of effective communication and how giving someone a piece of information can dissolve a potential complaint and ensure good relationships.
How did you change or improve your practice as a result?
It made me aware of the importance of effective communications with patients, relatives, other departments and how important listening is and then taking action to address the issue that has arisen. I will ensure that I listen and act promptly to allay anxieties and ensure that the patients and relatives within my area of care receive the information they need in a timely and efficient way.
How is this relevant to the Code?
Select one or more themes: Prioritise people – Practise effectively – Preserve safety – Promote professionalism and trust
Prioritising people – the situation was addressed swiftly and it was prioritised to ensure that the outcome was positive.
Practising effectively – effective communication is vital when interacting with patients and their relatives.

You must use this form to record five written reflective accounts on your CPD and/or practice-related feedback and/or an event or experience in your practice and how this relates to the Code. Please fill in a page for each of your reflective accounts, making sure you do not include any information that might identify a specific patient, service user or colleague. Please refer to our guidance on preserving anonymity in Guidance sheet 1 in How to revalidate with the NMC.