AP Music Theory Syllabus
Kostka, Stephan and Dorothy Payne. Tonal Harmony with an Introduction to Twentieth Century Music. 6th Ed.
Berkowitz, Sol, Fontrier, Gabriel and Kraft, Leo. New Approach to Sight Singing, 4th Ed.
Additional Resources
Spencer, Peter. The Practice of Harmony, 4th ed.
Burkhart, Charles. Anthology for Musical Analysis, 6th ed.
Gauldin, Robert. Harmonic Practice in Tonal Music, 2nd ed.
Roig-Francoli, Miguel. Harmony in Context, 2nd ed.
Course Expectations
o Class starts on time
o Attendance is mandatory Please follow the school handbook rules for tardiness (GHS Building-Wide Tardy definition)
o Music room is a food free area (no gum, no water, nothing!)
o Trips to the bathroom, water fountain, locker, etc. are prohibited. They will only be permitted in emergency situations at the discretion of the director. Try to do this before or after class.
o Each student is expected to make their best effort, daily. This includes homework and in-class assignments.
Course Description
AP Music Theory is a fast-paced class that emulates the first year of theory at the college level. Students will be encouraged to take the AP Music Theory Test in May. They will be required to do written and aural based homework daily as well as unit tests. The class will follow this course outline with chapter numbers referring to the Tonal Harmony textbook. It will closely follow but will not be limited to the following:
Part I- Music Fundamentals leading into Diatonic Triads- Chapter 1-10
o Scales including modal, pentatonic and whole tone, Key Signatures, Intervals, Triads, Diatonic Chords, Seventh Chords
o Rhythm and Meters, phrase structure, small forms (rounded binary, simple ternary, theme and variation, strophic)
o Create an example of a melodic dictation for the class (Project 1)
o Create an example of a rhythmic dictation for the class (Project 1)
o Ear training- simple step-wise melodic and rhythmic dictations in 3-10 note patterns
o Sight singing- solfege then diatonic melodies and interval drills
Chapter 5
o Melodic line notating chords through listening, voicing a single chord parallel motion
o Ear training- simple melodic dictation and introduction of harmonic dictation
o Sight singing- diatonic melodies and intervals
Chapter 6
o Root position part writing by 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, listening for root movement
o Instrument ranges and transposition
o Ear training-melodic and harmonic dictation
o Sight singing- diatonic melodies and intervals
Chapter 7
o Sequences, circle of fifths and I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII Chords, common exceptions and differences in the minor mode, harmonizing a simple melody in four parts
o Ear training- melodic and harmonic dictation in minor
o Sight singing- melodies, intervals
Chapter 8
o First inversions, part-writing four-part textures from figured bass and soprano-bass counterpoint using Bach chorales, Realization of Roman numeral progression
o Ear training- expanded melodic and harmonic dictation with sequences and triads in first inversion
o Sight singing- melodies, duets and intervals
Chapter 9
o Bass arpeggiation and melodic bass line, six-four chords, harmonize step-wise melody with triads in second inversion, use first and second inversions chords in figured bass line
o Composition of bass line for given melody (Project 2)
o Ear training- four measure melodies including leaps of thirds, fifths, triads. Also, harmonic dictation with six four chords and first inversions.
o Sight singing- melodies, duets, intervals, old AP examples
Chapter 10
o Cadence types and harmonic rhythm, motives, phrases
o Harmonic Analysis, listening examples
o Ear training- melodic dictation like the first on the exam and harmonic dictation with cadence formulas
o Sight singing- melodies, duets, intervals
Part II- Other Techniques- Chapters 11-14, 16, 18
Chapter 11
o Non-Chord tones, using NCT in figured bass, adding NCT to 4-pt compositions, analysis of NCT in literature
o Ear training- melodic dictation in compound duple time, sixteenth notes in simple time
o Sight singing- melodies over an octave, duets, intervals
Chapter 12
o More NCT, problems analyzing non-chord tones
o Ear training- continuation of compound meter
o Sight singing- compound meter with melodies over an octave
Chapter 13
o Voice leading V7 in root position, resolutions and inversions of V7 (6/5, 4/3 and 4/2)
o Harmonic Analysis
o Ear training- melodic and harmonic dictation with V7 chord
o Sight singing- singing V7 chord and melodies using it
Chapter 14
o The ii7, vii7 in major and minor; also 9th, 11th, 13th additions to 7th chords
o Ear training- melodic and harmonic dictation adding ii7 and vii7
o Sight singing- more using V7 chord
Chapter 16
o Chromaticism and altered chords, secondary functions, secondary dominant chords, explanation of tonal relationships and modulations to closely related keys
o Compose 4-pt. chorale with two different secondary dominants (Proj. 3)
o Ear training- melodic and harmonic dictation with secondary dominants
o Sight singing- melodies with chromatic alterations in simple and compound time
Chapter 18
o Review of materials and practice AP exam
o Introduction of 20th century scales, chord structures and compositional procedures
Required Materials (please have materials by Monday, August 15, 2011)
1 ½ inch, 3 ring binder loose leaf paper staff paper pencils (never a pen!) access to an after-school computer textbook (provided)
MacGamut music theory software (purchased from Puckett or online)
Homework/MacGamut 25% Midterm/Final 30%
Other Assessments 15% Projects 30% Sight-Singing 10%
Make-Up Work
Assessments that are for a grade may be made up within one week upon the return of the student. The student is expected to schedule this make-up with the teacher.