NODNA Board Meeting
November 10, 2016
8pm Video Conference
Attendees:Patrick Reed, President
Denise Hancock – Vice President/Programs
Denise Danna-Treasurer
Yolanda Young-Powell, Secretary
PamWright, Outgoing Secretary / Teresa O’Neill - Research
Ayesha CallawayMembership
Lisa Colleti-Membership, Regional Action Coalition
Ahnyek Burkes
Call to Order: / 8 pm
Item / Discussion / Decision/Proposal
New Secretary Announcement /
- Yolanda will be the new secretary. She is from NOLA. Background in Pediatrics, looking forward to active role in NODNA
- Welcome!
Discussion on Preliminary NODNA Survey results /
- Survey to learn what nurses want from NODNA is in progress. So far, 55 respondents have offered feedback.Denise H. has now posted to our Facebook page for more participation
- After another week, Yolanda and Patrick will work on formatting for a report to share.
- Initial results show an interest in more activities to network
- Timing and costs are barriers expressed
- A follow up survey may help to poll better days and times for activities
- Consider Lunch and Learn options
- Discussion of working with vendors to decrease costs for activities
- Venues are important. Consider Rock N Bowl in the Fall with a nurse recognition activity next year or an event including interaction with the Legislators. Also, resume Nursing Student Night at the Chateau country club
- Reduce number of events and add newsletter for communication (Ahnyek will coordinate getting this started)
- Consider inviting participants to bring posters that have been presented
President Elect /
- No nominees yet
- Need to recruit for next year
- Patrick will remain President until next year
- Recruitment efforts need to be planned for succession
Programs Committee /
- Trudy and others will meet soon to visit Chateau Country Club and other nice venues to start planning Nursing Students Night for 2017 in the Spring
- The most recent activity at Ochsner Main Campus was very positive. The speaker spoke on Negotiations and was well received.
- Attendance was low (12 attended), but the event was very interactive and rewarding
Regional Action Coalition /
- Leadership meeting is next week (Wednesday) at UMC at 6pm
- Social Determinants of Health Model discussion
- All are welcome to participate
- The goal is to be more state-wide focused, with more stable funding (currently relying on Grants)
- Barriers were identified during discussion, some related to e-mails not going through. The team will look further into this.
Special Interest Groups- Men in Nursing /
- Patrick attended National Conference for the Assembly of Men in Nursing in Florida
- Presentations were done by Lisa and Patrick this past month at Lutcher High School and St Aug.
- There was strong emphasis on diversity and bring men into the profession.
- Great reception with interest expressed in shadowing nurses
- Surveys done to gather input
Adjournment /
- The meeting adjourned at 9pm.
- Next meeting is December 8: 2016, video conference: time will be announced