Please report your food usage numbers quarterly or monthly using the
On-Site Report Form. This is necessary to meet requirements of the USDA, which provides much of HHFB’s food, and of Feeding America, the national network that helps food banks succeed.

· If you keep track of number of people served per month, report this in the “Total Number of Individuals Served” column.

If you do not have a way to keep track of the number of individuals, assume that number of meals served per month equals total number of individuals served in the given month.

· Please definitely keep track of number of meals served per month and report it in the column “Number of Meals Served”.

PLEASE NOTE: If your soup kitchen also has a food pantry providing food assistance to your clients, you should keep track of the number of people who received food from the pantry, using a sign-in sheet, and report those numbers separately, using HHFB’s Food Pantry Report Form, according to different guidelines.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Erin:

HHFB Phone number: (812) 334-8374

Erin’s email:

Thank you for your cooperation!