Provider Support Call
Questions and Answers / 9-25-17


·Public Forum for Waiver Amendment

·  Provider and Case Manager Cost and Wage Surveys

·  New Rules

·  Upcoming Tax Season and Address Changes

·  New Provider Application and Provider Application Guide

·  Plan of Care Update

·  Team Meeting Notification Change

·  Case Manager Reminder


Public Forum for Waiver Amendment

The Wyoming Department of Health (Department) will be submitting an amendment to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for the Wyoming Medicaid Home and Community Based Services Comprehensive Waiver and Supports Waiver. Additionally, the Department will submit an amendment to CMS to close the Acquired Brain Injury Waiver. The complete waiver applications, as well as a summary of proposed changes, is available online at To obtain a copy of the summary of proposed changes or the draft waiver amendments, contact:

Shirley Pratt

Wyoming Department of Health

Behavioral Health Division

6101 Yellowstone Road Suite 220

Cheyenne, WY 82009

(307) 777-2525

A public forum to accept public comment will be conducted via phone conference on Monday, September 25, 2017 from 3:00pm – 4:00pm. Callers should call in to1-877-573-3596, access code #33644.

Provider and Case Manager Cost and Wage Surveys

The Wyoming Department of Health (WDH), Behavioral Health Division (BHD) is requesting DD Service providers and case managers to complete provider cost and wage surveys in order to assist the Division and Navigant Consulting in rebasing provider rates.Completion of this survey is your opportunity to provide important information to BHD and the State Legislature regarding provider costs and wages. A strong provider response is critical to the development of rebased rates and to assess funding for these important services.

We would like to note that providers that do not designate wage rates do not need to complete a survey. These are providers that do not have a business tax identification number, or use their social security number as a business tax identification number.However, if you are one of these providers, please email Shirley Pratt from BHD o inform her that you will not be completing the wage survey.

Navigant will be conducting the final webinar trainings on how to complete the survey on Tuesday,September 26th. Recorded trainings are also available on the survey website at

The deadline for submission of the completed survey isTuesday, October 10th.

New Rules!

On June 21, 2017, Governor Mead approved revised Medicaid rules Chapters 44 and 45 and new Medicaid rules Chapter 46, which went into effect immediately. These rules are available on the Secretary of State Website at To locate the rules, follow the steps outlined below:

1.Click on Current Rules

2.Scroll down to Health, Department of (048) and click

3.Scroll down to Medicaid (0037) and click

4.Click on the chapter title to view the rule, or click the Download button on the right of each rule for a PDF version of the rule.

Just a quick note, case manager rules are now incorporated into the new Chapter 45! We encourage all providers and case managers to start reviewing the new rules. The Division is working on a training for Chapter 45 that will be released in the month of November. We do expect a final roll out and enforcement of the new rules by January 1, 2018.

Upcoming Tax Season and Provider Documents

Just a reminder that if you have change your mailing address in the past year, please update the new mailing address with the State Auditor’s Office ASAP. Last year, many 1099 forms were sent back to the State Auditor’s Office due to incorrect addresses. When this happens, the State Auditor’s Office will suspend all payments to that provider until the provider changes their address with SAO. Please start the address change process immediately or call SAO to see if they have the right address on file for you.

New Provider Application and New Provider Application Guide

The Provider Support Unit has issued a new provider application and application guide on our Division website. For any potential providers, this is the application to use! Please visit the Division website for the update application information or contact Mark Sparks at 307-777-3322 or .

Plan of Care Update

As of September 1, 2017 the DD Section went live with a process to automate review of 25% of waiver plans of care. This project focuses on approving plans of care based on specified data points through the Electronic Medicaid Waiver System (EMWS) and adding validation for documentation. This project will replicate the current manual approval process. The goal with the enhancements toEMWSis to reduce the number of plans rolled back to Case Managers for changes while also decreasing the number of plans requiring manual intervention. In conjunction with this project,BHDhas established the Outcomes and Evaluation Unit that will be reviewing a representative sample of plans that have gone through the automated review for quality control.

Please contact your PSS with any questions.

Team Meeting Notification Change

In an effort to simplify the team meeting notification process, case managers may now add team-meeting notifications to the participant's case in the Document Library. There is a "Team Meeting Notifications" option on the drop down menu in that section of the plan now.

Please upload the team meeting notifications into the case through this process now rather than emailing the Participant Support Specialist.

Case Manager Reminder

Please remember that when an individual is being funded from the wait list or aging up on the wait list, the Medicaid LTC office will need a new financial renewal if it has been more than a year since the last renewal was processed.


Next call is on October 30th, 2017