“I took the
scroll from
the angel’s
hand and
ate it.”
Rev. 10:10
The official newsletter published periodically by
412-264-2520 Church office
Church Secretary Email:
Pastor’s Email:
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just give us a call, or send us an email.
“Are You Stuck
in the Shallows?
by Mark E. Heiner, Pastor
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2
Has the Christian Church in America ceased to believe that it is called to proclaim a radical Gospel which is intended to radically alter lives; first those within the church itself, then those within the wider increasingly pagan society. This is to happen here and now in preparation for the full manifestation of the Kingdom of God? M.E.H.
Who hasn’t had days when the drudgery of our normal routine begins to descend over us like a gray cloud before a thunder-storm? We awake at the same time, eat the same breakfast, drive the same route to work, perform the same tasks before our frustration finds expression in word or thought such as “Is this all there is to life?”
Likewise, we can belong to the same church, attend to its services, serve in some select activities and financially support its ministry yet still be unsatisfied. That’s because while “conformity” to the socially acceptable standards of being a good church member may be admirable, it still falls miserably short of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Listen to 2 Peter 1:3-4
”His divine powerhas given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of himwho called usby his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises,so that through them you may participate in the divine nature,having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”
Caution! Christian believers do not become absorbed into deity, nor do they ever become divine (contrary to the ever present and popular “new age” heresy). Rather, believers have received the Holy Spirit and thereby are made children of God (John 1:12, Rom. 8:9-21). As such, they are daily being “conformed” to the likeness of Christ the Son and the image of God the Father who has come to dwell in them and renew us in true righteousness. Faith is more than belief in certain propositions, facts and statements. Ultimately, faith must result in action, growth in Christian character, and the practice of moral discipline, otherwise it will expire (James 2:14-17).
The mere maintenance of our spiritual lives no different than the maintenance of a motorboat is not enough. Ultimately, the boat must be able to transport us from the shore into the middle of the lake and so our faith must move us from the shallows into the deep. “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets down for a catch” (Luke 5:4), Jesus commanded his disciples. A person who claims to be saved while remaining unchallenged, unchanged or unchained has not grasped the significance of what the crucified and risen Christ intends for us. He wants us to catch fish.
What then is the solution to being stuck in the shallows? Consider this prescription:
1. Deeper hunger for God, worship, scripture, prayer and service.
2. Deeper and more transparent relationships with more confession, repentance and pardon.
3. Deeper investment in the personal lives of others for whom Christ died.
4. Deeper hatred of sin and greater fear of offending the Father in heaven.
There’s more to the life of faith than continuing to do what we’ve always done. There’s the pursuit of a goal—transformation. Hallelujah!
Recent & Current Events:
· The Annual Easter Egg Hunt & Puppet Show was held 3/19/16 with approx. 130 persons in attendance of whom half were young children.
· The first FBCC Leadership Conference was held on 5/14/16 with 17 church leaders present. All leaders, (present or absent) were provided a 3 ringed binder with detailed materials about the operation of the local church as well as many tools for their ongoing work in the future. Many expressed their appreciation for this “new” event and some even advised that we do it again.
· The Annual Daily Vacation Bible School was held June 20-24 at 6-8:30 PM with about 25 children and 25 adults on hand. The Kenya Mission Project resulted in $772.76 going to the provide meals for the children attending the Christian Academy. Ashley Campbell served as the director again this year and along with her mother, Michelle did a fantastic job of transforming the Fellowship Hall into a garden. The children learned Bible lessons through the week, completed many crafts, sang, snacked and went home with a personal photo and group photo compliments of the FBCC. Follow-up continues as we try to get some unchurched families involved in a church.
· “LET US RISE AND BUILD” a Capital Improvement Fund Campaign was launched on Sunday morning, June 12th with Trustee Chair, Ryan Copeland making a presentation. The goal is to raise $50,000 over a 3 year period June 12, 2016-June 9, 2019.
The 5 immediate project goals are:
· Sound System upgrade: $15,419.
· Road Sign upgrade $3468.
· SS lower-rooms Renovation $7000.
· Modernize Fell. Hall $15,000.
· Sanctuary facelift $9,113.
Beginning Sunday, September 11, a member of the Board of Trustees will give a report during the morning worship service as to progress on all of the above. If you haven’t received an information packet explaining this with envelopes for giving, please contact the church office and we will happily mail it to you. Thank you!
· First Baptist Church Road-front Sign on Coraopolis Heights Road has recently undergone a facelift by the Atlas Sign Company. The project has taken several months and there is some fine-tuning yet to be done. The letters are larger in size to accommodate easier visibility and currently there are plans for a concrete base and shrubbery around the sign.
“Make a joyful noise….”
Church Hymnal
Restoration Project
The exterior binding on our Hymns of Faith (Tabernacle Publishing Company) hymnals were repaired 2 years ago with tape but once again needed further attention. Cal Schwenk did some research on the cost of new hymnals which would have been $50. each. So as an alternative with Trustees approval, Cal has been rounding up all the hymnals over the past 3 months and taking them to the Silver Line Publishing and Bindery LL in Lititz, PA for new bindings. So far two trips have been made resulting in two-thirds of all our hymnals being rebound and returned. The last quantity is there now and being worked on. The total cost $2145.50 (and then some) was generously given by the congregation in addition to their regular weekly offering after the project was announced. We appreciate Cal’s (and sometimes Ted McGeary’s) trips back and forth to Lititz.
Also, inside the front cover of all the rebound hymnals is a new copy of our “Church Covenant” which is affixed in label form and will offer greater permanence.
· A New Female Vocal Group has been formed which has ministered music at a couple of our Sunday morning worship services recently. This is a great blessing bringing glory to God. If you have any questions you may contact our lead church musician and organist Gabrielle Martin.
“There’s a wideness in God’s mercy
Like the wideness of the sea;
There’s a kindness in His justice
Which is more than liberty.”
Frederick William Faber
· Dan Schall Ministries (and his wife Linda) were back at FBCC on Sunday, July 17th in the pavilion for another great summer concert. Several visitors from other churches were again present and we had a great time of singing by and with Dan in perfect weather. Afterwards delicious pie and ice cream were served. We continue to pray and support Dan Schall Ministries in our annual mission giving which includes many other ministries including a prison ministry and correspondence course in the Bible as well as monthly newsletters explaining more about this itinerant ministry.
· New Sanctuary Pulpit at FBCC
dedicated Sunday, July 10, during the morning worship service. The new pulpit built out of white oak and trimmed in white with a finish of ebony was constructed by Pastor Mark Heiner in the parsonage garage along with a specially designed base to accommodate the architecture at the front of the sanctuary.
· Ongoing Renovations to the lower level children’s Sunday School Rooms have resulted in the creation of a one-stop storage room for all children’s SS supplies and more. A number of floor-space-occupying metal cabinets have been replaced by a one-stop storage room and all materials have been neatly organized. . New shelving has been installed by Chip DeChellis with a new large bulletin board in the hallway outside the room and two older BB’s recycled. Painting of the storage room was part of the Spring work day. Meanwhile many hours have been spent cleaning out the lower west end room in anticipation of a major overhaul of this church space to create a new junior church room.
Other alterations have and will be made and a painting day will be announced in the near future to actually “git ‘er done.”
· July 31, Dennis Sevick preaching
· Saturday, August 6, Knight Family southern Gospel Concert, 7:00 PM
· August 28th
· September 11, w/ Fall Festival to follow.
The Newly Formed Young Singles and Couples Care Group is gaining momentum and hammering out an identity and mission. The group has been in the formative stages this summer and invites all young married couples and singles to join them. The study material is being selected and the meeting times will be announced. Please speak with Tim Rankin, or Deacon Dennis Sevick for details, or simply call the church office: 412-264-2520.
Mission Speakers
· Sept. 18, Jeff Ramsey, Campus Crusade for Christ
· Oct. 9, Operation Christmas Christmas Child Shoe Box Launch Sunday
· Oct. 16, Brian Smith, BIM missionary to Haiti
· Nov. 27, Pastor Jeff Kipp, Chosen People Ministries
Psalm 68:19
“Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.”
“Tis enough that he should care;
Why should we the burden bear!”
Words of
The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people.
G.K. Chesterton
Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried.
G.K. Chesterton
I believe in getting into hot water; it keeps you clean.
G.K. Chesterton
It is more difficult, and calls for higher energies of soul, to live a martyr than to die one.
Horace Mann
Billy Sunday (1832-1935) the rootin’ tootin’ sawdust-trail evangelist was once interrupted in his sermon by a heckler who shouted the familiar question of atheists and agnostics,
“Who was Cain’s wife?”
(or “Where did Cain get his wife?).
Billy Sunday shot back his reply,
“I respect any seeker of knowledge, but I want to warn you young man, don’t risk being lost to salvation by too much inquiring after other
men’s wives.”
Christ constantly uses the expression “follower;” he never says anything about wanting admirers, admiring worshipers, adherents; and when he uses the expression “disciples,” he always explains it so that we can perceive the followers he meant, that they are not adherents of a doctrine but followers of a life.”
Soren Kierkegaard
OCT. 27-29
Registration materials
in church office, or online
Bailey’s Mistake is the name of a little village on the coast of Maine. Many years ago a certain Captain Bailey sailed between his home port of Calais, ME and the ports of the world. He was well-known for his navigating ability, but one foggy night he made a fatal mistake. Thinking that he was approaching the bay of Calais, he headed his vessel for land and crashed upon a rocky point jutting out in the ocean.
Captain Bailey was immortalized by the good folk of the area. They named their village for him.
We feel a certain sense of kinship with Captain Bailey. We, too, make mistakes. Sometimes we accumulate them to the point where we wonder if life is in danger of being shipwrecked. Many people have a burning desire to be saved from mistakes—which are an insurmountable propensity resulting from our fallen nature in Adam. The greater question is how to be saved from our sin which has far greater consequences for both body and soul (Matthew 10:28).
The Psalmist spoke of those who go down to the sea in ships. “Some went out on the seain ships; they were merchants on the mighty waters.They saw the works of theLord, his wonderful deeds in the deep. For he spokeand stirred up a tempest
that lifted high the waves ” Psalm (107:23-25). Then, in the hour of danger they called upon the Lord “Then they criedout to theLordin their trouble,and he brought them out of their distress.” The cry of the great sinner is heard by the Great Savior who also comes to take over the ship and navigate us into the true haven of rest. Have you asked Jesus Christ to do that for you?